It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer of the Township to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Police Department, Fire Department and Code Enforcement Official shall notify the Zoning Officer of any violation that they determine exists.
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer to inspect the structures and land in the Township and order the owner, in writing, to remedy any condition found to exist in violation of the provision(s) of this chapter or any condition in violation of any application for development as duly approved by the Township under the terms of this chapter. For purposes of this inspection, the Zoning Officer shall have the right to enter any premises during reasonable hours, subject to due process of law. The owner shall have such time to respond to the notice of purported violations and indicate the remedies to be taken as shall be set by the Zoning Officer.
Upon notice being served of any land use existing in violation of any provisions(s) of this chapter, the certificate of conformance for such use shall thereupon, without further notice, be null and void, and a new certificate of conformance shall be required for any further use of the structure or land.
The Zoning Officer shall not issue any zoning permit or certificate of conformance for any structure or use which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter.
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer, upon the filing with him of any application for a zoning permit or certificate of conformance, to require the owner or agent of such structure or land to certify in writing the use or intended use of any structure or land to be constructed, altered or required, and he shall thereupon determine if such structure or use is permitted by the provisions of this chapter. In case he shall determine that such structure or use, or both, is nonconforming, he shall notify such owner or agent in writing to that effect, stating in what respect such structure or use is a nonconforming structure or use.
Each day that a violation continues to exist shall be deemed to be a separate violation.
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to limit the right of any interested person to initiate the prosecution of any person or persons believed to be in violation of this chapter.
In addition to all other remedies available to the Township under the Code of the Township of Delran, the Zoning Officer may issue a stop-work order in accordance with the following:
Where any owner, lessee, tenant, contractor or any other person or persons is violating the provisions of this chapter, the Zoning Officer or his designee may issue an immediate stop-work order to cease all activities which are in violation of this chapter.
Any owner, contractor or other person or persons interested as lessee, tenant or otherwise, in any building or premises who refuses to stop work immediately may be subject to the penalty provisions of § 355-105 above.
Each and every day that such violation continues after such notice shall be deemed a separate and specific violation of this chapter.