Any member of any board, agency or commission of the Town of Dover,
who was appointed to the same by either the Mayor, the Mayor with concurrence
of the Board of Aldermen, or the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, who shall be
absent for more than 25% of the regularly scheduled meetings of said board,
agency or commission during any calendar year, and whose absence shall not
have been excused by the chairman or president of said board, agency or commission,
shall be deemed to have failed to perform his duties, and his or her membership
on said board, agency or commission shall be deemed terminated and vacant,
and the Mayor or the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, as provided by law, may
appoint a replacement to the unexpired term.
The chairman of any board, agency or commission shall advise the Mayor
and Board of Aldermen of any member who shall miss more than 25% of the regular
scheduled meetings in any year.