The purpose of this chapter is to require the
clear display of authorized and assigned numbers for every habitable
building, either residential, commercial, business or related, to
which access is gained over any street or road in the Township of
Kingwood in order to assist the general public and emergency services,
public and private, in identifying the property in case of emergency
or otherwise.
Certain words, used in this chapter, shall have
the following meanings:
Any building which is designed for human occupancy, including
but not limited to a house or other residential building, a store,
warehouse, industrial building, school or public building, and similar
uses. A barn or similar structure designed for shelter of animals,
crops or farm equipment may be assigned a number.
Any street, road, lane or drift way which serves as motor
vehicular access to habitable buildings on a Tax Map lot.
A street or road within the Township of Kingwood maintained
by this Township or by the County of Hunterdon or State of New Jersey.
All habitable buildings erected or to be erected within the Township of Kingwood shall display property identification numbers assigned by the Township as provided herein and in conformity with the specifications set forth in §
60-5 herein. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or reoccupancy of any habitable building there shall be compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
The owner of every habitable building for which a property number is required, as stated in §
60-3 above, shall, at his own expense, on or before April 15, 2001 (and each new building constructed or inhabited thereafter), cause the authorized and assigned number of such habitable building to be permanently and conspicuously placed in accordance with the specifications set forth herein, and all other numbers removed.
House numbers shall be assigned as provided
by the 911 plan as maintained by the Township of Kingwood. Every owner
of a habitable building constructed or to be constructed in the Township
of Kingwood shall apply to the Township 911 Coordinator for an authorized
number in accordance with this chapter.
Upon the failure of an owner to ascertain and
affix upon any habitable building to which this chapter applies the
assigned and authorized number and to remove all other numbers after
April 15, 2001, the Code Enforcement Official and/or the 911 Coordinator
of Kingwood Township shall enforce the provisions hereof.
[Amended 11-4-2021 by Ord. No. 21-20-2021]
Any person who violates the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction of the violation, be subject to the penalty provisions of Chapter
1, General Provisions, Article
II, General Penalties, of the Township Code. Each and every day that the violation continues shall be considered a separate and distinct violation of this chapter.
If the provision of any article, section, subsection,
paragraph, subdivision or clause of this chapter shall be judged invalid
by any court of competent jurisdiction, such order or judgment shall
not affect or invalidate the remainder of any such article, section,
subsection, paragraph or clause, and, to this end, the provisions
of this chapter are hereby declared to be severable.
This chapter shall take effect immediately upon
final adoption and publication according to the laws of the State
of New Jersey, and approval by the Commissioner of Transportation
of the State of New Jersey.