[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Williamsville 1-23-2017 by L.L. No. 2-2017.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 21, Engineering Cost Recovery, adopted 9-27-2004 by L.L. No. 4-2004, as amended.
The title of this chapter shall be "Development Plan Review Fees."
The Village Board hereby finds and determines that in order to protect and safeguard the Village of Williamsville, its residents and their property with respect to certain land developments within the Village, all should be designed and constructed in a competent and workmanlike manner and in conformity with all applicable governmental codes, rules and regulations and dedicated and conveyed to the Village in a legally sufficient manner. In order to assure the foregoing, it is essential that the Village have available to it all necessary professional expertise to assist in the review of plans, designs, applications and related materials in order to make recommendations to the Village Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. The Village of Williamsville takes great pride in the skill and professionalism of its staff. However, from time to time the staff is called upon to review and evaluate matters outside the range of staff training. These situations may require the Village to seek out skills not possessed by the Village employees but which are not required frequently enough to justify the hiring of new staff. At the same time, the cost of retaining such outside expertise should not be borne by the taxpayers of the Village, but rather by those who seek to profit from the decisions of the Village and its boards. Therefore, it is the intent of this chapter to establish a mechanism whereby the Village may hire necessary expertise that is needed infrequently without imposing the cost on its taxpayers.
This chapter is enacted under the authority of Subparagraphs (a)(12) and (d)(3) of the Municipal Home Rule Law § 10(1)(ii) and Municipal Home Rule Law § 22. To the extent that the Village Law of the State of New York does not authorize the Village Board, Village Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals to require the reimbursement to the Village of expenses incurred by the Village in connection with the professional review of applications for development and land use approvals, it is the expressed intent of the Village Board to change and supersede such statutes. More particularly, such statutes do not authorize the deferral or withholding of such approvals in the event such expenses are not paid to the Village. It is the expressed intent of the Village Board to change and supersede Village Law §§ 4-412, 7-712,7-712-A, 7-712-B, 7-718, 7-725-A, 7-725B, 7-728, 7-730 and 7-732 to empower the Village to require such payment as part of the approval process.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, limited liability company or organization of any kind who or which requests the Village Board, the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals, to approve a land use application or take other action to advance a proposed land use development project within the Village.
Any consultant or professional, including, but not limited to, attorneys, engineers, accountants, financial advisors, architects, surveyors, retained by the Village for any purpose authorized pursuant to this chapter.
An application for subdivision approval, site plan approval, area variance, use variance, special use permit, or any similar approval issued pursuant to the Code of the Village of Williamsville, as amended, and any additional review for those as needed to comply with any other applicable state or local law, including, but not limited to, the New York Village Law, General Municipal Law, Highway Law, Municipal Home Rule Law, Local Finance Law and the State Environmental Quality Review Act, Environmental Conservation Law Article 8, and any regulations adopted pursuant to such laws.
The Village of Williamsville.
Any person who applies to the Village or any of its duly constituted boards for the issuance of any permit, recommendation, rezoning, approval and review shall be required to pay a fee in the manner as set forth in this chapter for each improvement proposed.
No approval, permit, recommendation or review shall be processed until the required deposit is paid to the Building Department.
Such fee shall be in addition to all other fees required by law.
Deposit and fee schedule:
Type of Zoning Class
Fee Required
Engineering Reimbursement Fee Deposit
Nonresidential and Mixed Use (MU, NMU and M-1)
All cases
$2,000 per building or structure
Residential (R-1, R-2, R-3, R-3M)
As determined by Building Department
$500 per lot or living unit
For Mixed Use developments incorporating residential units, only the per structure or building fee is required.
In addition to any fee required pursuant to § 21-5 or any other applicable law, in the event the Village determines that is necessary to retain an expert or consultant to evaluate a land use application or proposed development plan, it may retain such expert of consultant and charge the applicant for the cost of such service as set forth herein.
Except as otherwise provided in Chapters 100 and 112 of the Code of the Village of Williamsville with respect to applications for special permits for telecommunications facilities, if, prior to the completion of a review of a land use application or development proposal, the Village discovers the need to retain consultant and/or expert services, the applicant shall deposit with the Village funds in an amount determined by the Village to be sufficient to reimburse the Village for the reasonable costs of consultation and/or evaluation in connection with review of the application. The Village will maintain a separate escrow account for such funds.
Upon receipt of such funds, the Village Clerk shall cause the money to be placed in an account in the name of the Village and shall keep a separate record of all money so deposited and the name of the applicant and the project for which the sums were deposited.
The Village's consultants and experts shall invoice the Village for services rendered in reviewing the application. The Village shall furnish a copy of each invoice received to the applicant upon receipt of the invoice by the Village.
The Village shall review and audit all invoices received and shall approve payment only of such fees as are reasonable in amount and necessarily incurred by the Village in connection with a review of a land use application. For purposes of this chapter, a fee is reasonable in amount if it bears a reasonable relationship to the average charge by such an expert to the Village or others for services performed in connection with the review of a project similar to that involved in the land use application. In this regard, the Village may take into consideration the size and type of project involved in the land use application and any special conditions or considerations as the Village may deem relevant in connection with review of the particular land use application.
Contracts for the retention of experts shall be let pursuant to the purchasing policy of the Village of Williamsville unless the contract is one that must be competitively bid.
After payment of all outstanding invoices, any funds held by the Village upon completion of a review of a land use application shall be returned to the applicant.
The following developments are hereby exempt from the application of § 21-6:
Any development of land of 0.5 acre or less.
Any development of land for the purposes of single- or two-family residential development.
Any proposed development constituting a Type II action pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this chapter, an applicant or developer shall not be required to reimburse the Village for any part of a fee incurred by the Village for services performed in connection with matters, including but not limited to those resulting from complaints by third parties, as to which the Village determines the applicant had no responsibility or were beyond the reasonable control of the applicant.
Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the negotiation of alternative fee agreements with any consultant or expert containing different terms than those contained herein, including without limitation, the timing and amount of payment, whether such different terms are between the consultant or expert and the Village or the consultant or expert and the applicant. In the event that such alternative agreement is entered into, the terms of this chapter shall not apply.
If any section, clause or provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any persons is adjudged invalid, the adjudication shall not affect other sections, clauses or provisions or the application thereof that can be sustained or given effect without the invalid section, clause or provision or application, and to this end the various sections, clauses or provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable.