[Adopted 10-27-1993 by Ord. No. 93-30 as Ch. 210, Art. II, of the 1993 Code; amended 10-12-1994 by Ord. No. 94-20]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Shade Tree Ordinance of the Township of Manalapan."
The purpose and intent of this article is to control and regulate indiscriminate and excessive removal, cutting and destruction of trees and to control, regulate and prevent conditions which cause increased surface drainage, sedimentation and soil erosion, cause decreased soil fertility and impair the stability and value of real estate, all of which conditions are and will in the future be a deterrent to public safety, health and welfare. Further, it is the intent of this article, through the preservation and protection of trees to:
Aid in the stabilization of the soil by the prevention of erosion and sedimentation;
Reduce stormwater runoff and the cost associated therewith and replenish the groundwater supply;
Aid in the removal of carbon dioxide and the generation of oxygen in the atmosphere;
Provide a buffer and screen against noise pollution;
Provide protection against severe weather;
Aid in the control of drainage and restoration of denuded soil subsequent to construction or grading;
Provide a haven for birds, which assists in the control of insects;
Provide a haven for wildlife;
Protect and increase property values;
Conserve and enhance the Township's physical and aesthetic environment; and
Generally protect and enhance the quality of life in the general welfare of the Township and its residents.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A land use to derive income from growing plants or trees on land, including but not limited to land used principally for timber production. "Agricultural use" shall not include land used principally for another use and incidentally for growing plants or trees for income.
A plan prepared under the supervision of an engineer, land planner and/or professional forester setting forth the methodology, stages, techniques and areas where trees and vegetation are to be removed for the construction of buildings or other structures, including but not limited to roadways, paving, drainage system, utility excavations, grubbing and any other necessary clearing operations. Said plan shall include all trees to be saved with a tree preservation or nondisturbance area, said trees being all those outside the areas from which trees are to be removed. The tree preservation area shall include a radius of six feet to 10 feet around each tree to be saved as determined by the Township Forester, which shall be marked off to prohibit any damage to tree branches, bark or root system by soil compaction caused by heavy equipment. Said plan shall include the utilization of snow fencing if determined by the Township Forester or Planning Board/Board of Adjustment to be necessary. (See definition of "harvesting or land clearing plan" for additional requirements.)
A plant or tree nursery or farm having trees which are planted and growing for sale or intended sale (or products for sale) to the general public in the ordinary course of business. (Wholesale yards that stock B & B trees are excluded.)
The area in which trees have been designated for cutting, obtained by traversing the outer boundaries of those trees and taking into consideration the delineation of natural boundaries located within the applicant's property.
The diameter in inches of a tree measured at 4 1/2 feet above the existing grade.
An imaginary, perpendicular line that extends downward from the outermost tips of the tree branches to the ground.
A plan (prepared under the supervision of a state forester, an approved forester by the State of New Jersey or other professional forester recognized as such by the Society of American Foresters) which details the management practices proposed to be employed on a site, including but not limited to harvesting or land clearing practices and reforestation, and setting forth the following:
Location and size of the tract.
Type of ownership.
Map of the property showing wetlands, types of vegetation cover, receiving waters, location of stream crossings and alternatives, locations of skid trails, location of access roads and landings, cutting boundaries and size of filter or buffer strips.
Property description, including land use and acreage of open, crop and wood land; general soil types and erodibility; range of percent of slope; timber quality and age (forest type, species, age, dbh, height, volume and reproduction); and understory.
Description of the timber to be harvested.
Description of the regeneration plans.
Description of the intermediate management practices to be applied.
A plan prepared under the supervision of a state forester or other professional forester recognized as such by the Society of American Foresters. Said plan condition, size, species and volume of timber being harvested, conservation methods to be used and a plat map showing the boundary lines of the cutting/harvesting or land clearing area. Where harvesting or land clearing will occur within 200 feet from the boundary line of any adjacent property, the applicant shall list those property owners by name, lot and block number. In addition, the harvesting or land clearing plan shall contain a description of equipment and methods to be used in the actual removal of the timber and further contain a map showing all land areas, skid trails and logging roads. The harvesting or land clearing plan shall contain any other requirements that may be required by the Township Forester upon review of the application.
A tree which has been found by a professional forester, horticulturist or other professional plantsman to be of notable historic interest to the Township because of its age, type, size or historic association and has been so designated and the designation has been officially made and promulgated as part of the official records of the Township, county or state.
Those operations where trees and vegetation are removed and which occur previous to the construction of buildings; e.g., road right-of-way excavation and paving, lake and drainage system excavation, utility excavation, grubbing and any other necessary clearing operations.
Any parcel of land located within the boundaries of Manalapan Township, either improved or unimproved, which shall be designated as a lot on the official Tax Map of the Township of Manalapan and any amendments thereto. All contiguous properties in the same ownership shall be considered as one lot for purposes of this article.
A signed, notarized statement by the owner or his/her agent stating that no trees exist upon the site.
Such lands within the Township which are used for horticultural purposes under a controlled agricultural plan whereby trees are grown from seedlings or planted saplings with their roots maintained in their natural state (root systems not balled or otherwise packaged for sale).
A person or entity who or which, alone or jointly with others, has legal or equitable title to premises, with or without accompanying actual possession, including an executor, administrator, trustee or guardian of an estate, mortgagee in possession, or a person under contract.
A permit issued by the Township Forester (or other designated official appointed in the same manner) of the Township of Manalapan authorizing the removal or destruction of trees or shrubs under the provisions herein.
Any individual, partnership, corporation, association or other legal entity, including the plural as well as the singular, and including all tree removal companies and persons removing trees on behalf of others.
A graduate of a university or college accredited or affiliated by the Society of American Foresters with a degree in forestry or forest management who is formally educated to perform forestry and who is also a certified tree expert.
A physical structure limiting access to a protected area, composed of wood or other suitable materials, which assures compliance with the intent of this article. Variations of these methods may be permitted upon written request (to shade tree) if they satisfy the intent of this article.
The actual removal of a tree by digging up, cutting down or the effective removal through damage.
A plan or drawing of a location or site prepared in order to illustrate information required by the terms of this article. The requirements of any other chapter of the Township shall not be applicable to a site plan prepared under the provisions of this article.
Any tree with a diameter breast height of 36 inches or greater, any tree which has been determined by a judgment of a professional forester, horticulturist or other professional plantsman to be of high value because of type, size, age or other professional criteria and has been recorded in the records of the Township, County or State, and any tree determined by the Township Forester/Arborist to be of high value upon examination of the site in connection with the submission of an application for development to the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment of the Township of Manalapan.
[Amended 4-13-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-09]
A person professionally qualified (as an approved forester and a certified tree expert by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Forestry Management) and appointed by the Township Committee to supervise the conservation of trees and soil within the Township, and to administer the provisions of this article, which position is hereby created. The Township Forester shall be appointed annually, and his/her term shall expire December 31 of each year if his/her successor has been appointed. In the event that his/her successor has not been appointed by December 31, he/she shall serve until the appointment and qualification of the successor.
The digging up of a tree by a property owner from one place on his/her property and the planting of the same tree in another place on the same property.
Any self-supporting, perennial, woody plant having a diameter greater than 2 1/2 inches diameter breast height measured at a point 4 1/2 feet above the ground.
A minimum one inch equals 200 feet scale, aerial photograph or drawing to scale which provides the following information:
Location of all forest types protected under the provisions of this article, plotted by accurate techniques.
The common name of all trees.
The average diameter breast height.
Excepted from the provisions of this article shall be:
Any developed residential lot containing 40,000 square feet in area or less. Such a lot shall not be excepted if this lot had previously received approval for a tree removal plan (or involves new construction).
Any trees growing upon any lot or tract of land dedicated by its owner to the growing and harvesting or land clearing of forest crops and certified by the American Tree Farm System through the New Jersey Tree Farm Committee, which certification shall be filed with the Township Tax Assessor, State Bureau of Forestry and approved by the Township Forester.
Any property qualified under farmland assessment for wood lot, and in compliance with a wood lot management plan filed with the Township. (Five-day advanced notice required to Township Forester.)
Any tree growing in a public right-of-way and removed under authority of public agency or utility easement.
Any dead or diseased tree that is likely to endanger property as identified by the Township Forester.
Any tree to be removed in accordance with an approved development plan that includes a land clearing plan approved by the Manalapan Township Shade Tree Committee, Township Planning Board or Board of Adjustment, which plan shall be implemented under the direction and inspection of the Township Forester, provided that such trees are removed within one year from final approval of the development plan, after which time it may be necessary to reapply.
Any tree which is part of a cemetery.
It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any of the following acts to shade or ornamental trees and shrubbery on streets, highways, parkways, easements and parks and other lands owned by the Township:
To remove, cut, break or injure any such tree, shrub or part thereof, unless approved, in writing, by the Shade Tree Committee.
To place any rope, wire, sign, poster or other fixture on a tree or tree guard unless approved by the Shade Tree Committee. A copy of such approval shall be forwarded to the Township Administrator.
To plant, set out, take down or remove any tree or shrub unless approved, in writing, by the Shade Tree Committee.
To excavate within 12 feet of any tree or shrub, or to place any insert or potentially harmful material or temporary soil deposit within 25 feet of any tree unless approved, in writing, by the Shade Tree Committee.
Written approval by the Shade Tree Committee under Subsection A(1) through (4) preceding shall be given only in response to a request, in writing, showing good cause and shall be given on clearly stated terms and conditions satisfying the purposes of this article.
It shall be unlawful, with respect to shade or ornamental trees and shrubbery on streets, highways, parkways, easements, parks and other lands owned by the Township for any person:
To damage, misuse or remove any device placed to protect any such tree or shrubbery.
To permit any animal to injure or destroy any such tree or shrubbery.
To pour any salt water or other chemical near or upon any tree or to permit any fire, road roller, bulldozer or other equipment to stand or operate in. such a manner as to injure a tree.
Application procedures.
Any person seeking to destroy, cut or remove any tree in excess of eight inches dbh shall apply to the Township Forester of the Township of Manalapan for a permit to remove such trees, unless excepted in accordance with § 222-12. The applicant shall identify the lot or lots upon which the trees are located and shall disclose the name and address of the owner, tenant or authorized agent of said owner or tenant and shall identify the location, species, and size of said trees to be cut, removed or destroyed on a site plan or survey. Said plan shall be reviewed upon payment of a fee as set forth in § 222-18.
No cutting of trees for firewood, pulpwood, sawlogs or other commercial wood products shall be conducted unless the owner of the premises in question or his/her agent first obtains a permit for such cutting, unless excepted in accordance with the terms of § 222-12.
All applicants must file four copies of their application with the Shade Tree Office. Copies of the application and supporting documents are to be forwarded by the Shade Tree Office to the Township Forester, the Township Shade Tree Committee, Construction Department and the Township Environmental Commission. All applicants for such permits shall submit a detailed harvesting or land clearing plan in accordance with the definition as set forth in this article. The application shall identify lot or lots upon which trees are located and shall disclose name and address of owner, tenant, or agent and shall identify location, species, and size of said trees to be cut, removed or destroyed. Prior to the submission of the harvesting or land clearing plan, each applicant shall physically mark with blue paint at diameter breast height (dbh) all trees on the site to be cut. In the event that any tree harvesting or land clearing is part of an overall forest management or silviculture plan, then the applicant shall at the same time of submission of the harvesting or land clearing plan submit a copy of the management plan. The applicant shall notify all owners of property adjacent to the boundary lines of the property for which an application is sought if the intended harvesting or land clearing will be carried on within 200 feet of the boundary lines. Said notice shall be sent to owners within 10 days by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the submission of an application to the Township Forester. The application shall obtain the names and addresses of the said owners from the records of the Tax Collector's office of the Township. The Township Forester shall consider in particular the impact of cutting upon fire prevention and protection, conservation and ecological considerations and site rehabilitation. Upon granting any permit, the Township Forester may impose such reasonable requirements deemed necessary to fulfill the conditions and purposes of this article. All permits shall expire one year from the date of issue unless the Township Forester, based upon the harvesting or land clearing plan and management plan, determines that shorter or longer than one year, then the permit shall expire on the date fixed by the Township Forester. No permittee shall act in accordance with a clearing plan or harvesting plan until such time as said permittee has met with the Township Forester not less than 48 hours prior to the commencement of any tree removal in order to review and define tree save areas in accordance with the approved plan.
In cases where site plan approval is required, the Township Forester shall forward the application to the approving agency, and no permit shall be issued until site plan approval has been obtained.
In addition to the above requirements at the time of filing the application, the applicant shall post with the Township Clerk a performance bond equal to 10% of the value or anticipated value of the sale of the timber to be harvested or $5,000, whichever number shall be greater. In the event there is no sale or anticipated sale, the applicant shall post a bond in the amount of $1,000. The Township Forester shall have the right to reduce the amount of bond required if, in his/her opinion, the harvesting or land clearing operation will not cause any or a minimal adverse impact upon any public or private property. Said bond may be deposited in cash or be posted by a recognized and licensed surety company of the State of New Jersey. If the bond is posted in cash, it shall be deposited with the Township Treasurer. The Township shall not be obligated to account for any interest or pay any interest to the applicant. The proceeds from said bond shall be used to repair any damage done to public or private property as a result of the harvesting or land clearing operation and which is not repaired by the applicant. Upon completion of the harvesting or land clearing operation for which the permit was granted and issuance of written authorization for release of the bond by the Township Forester, said bond or the balance of same shall be released to the applicant. Nothing herein shall restrict the liability of the applicant for any damage caused directly or indirectly as a result of the harvesting or land clearing operation.
Upon the decision of the Township Forester, the Township Forester shall notify the applicant in writing of his/her decision. If the determination of the Township Forester is to deny the application of the applicant, the Township Forester shall include in the written notification reasons for the denial.
In addition to the information required in connection with applications set forth above, an aerial photograph of suitable quality (minimum one equals 660 feet, available through the Monmouth County Planning Board at a nominal charge) to facilitate site plan review or a tree survey as defined herein shall be required for tracts of land of 50 acres or more for which tree removal authorization is being requested.
Alternate site plan information. In the event that there are no trees greater than three inches dbh located on the site which are required to be protected under the provisions of this article, the applicant shall so state in his application for a no tree verification. If such statement is substantiated by an inspection of the site by the Township Forester, the applicant shall be relieved of the necessity of supplying unnecessary or unimportant information such as a tree survey, aerial photographs, etc.
Time of permit. Any and all permits issued by the Township as required by this article shall be declared null and void if commencement of work so permitted is not started within a reasonable time, not to exceed six months. In no case will the permit be valid for more than 12 months. Permits not used within this period will become null and void, and future work will require a new application. For purpose of this section, a permit shall no longer be valid when the work authorized by the permit is completed.
Field check recommendation. In all cases, the tree removal application shall be field checked with an on-site inspection by the Township Forester prior to issuance of a permit.
Pre-application inspection. In connection with applications under the alternate site plan procedure and in connection with applications involving large tracts of property and land clearing, the Township Forester shall make himself/herself or his/her designee available for pre-application inspection of the site involved.
Conditions for issuance of permits. Upon receiving the field inspection report and any requested recommendations concerning the application, the Township Forester shall issue a permit after application is filed with the Township office for the removal or relocation of trees or clearing if one or more of the following criteria is met, and provided that none of the conditions set forth under Subsection L(2) exists:
Criteria for removal.
The tree is located in an area where a structure or improvements will be placed according to an approved plan, it unreasonably restricts the economic enjoyment of the property and the tree cannot be relocated on the site because of age, type or size of the tree.
The tree is dead, diseased, injured, in danger of falling, is too close to existing or proposed structures, interferes with existing utility service, creates unsafe vision clearing or conflicts with other ordinances or regulations.
The tree is to be removed for harvesting as a product useful to man, or for the purpose of making land available for farming or other useful or productive activity, is to be removed in furtherance of a forest management plan or soil conservation plan or to serve some other useful or beneficial purpose.
Trees in private rights-of-way and driveways of the planned paved area. Alignment of the driveway and utility installation should be planned to save as many trees as possible.
Trees in the location of a sewage system and disposal field.
Where more than six inches of fill is required around trees, the trees must be protected by an air well as specified by the forester.
All development shall consider the use of treeless areas, if possible, for building sites. If it is necessary to develop wooded areas, the Shade Tree Committee will specify requirements for planting in the treeless areas.
Trees in the area between the street line and the setback line of the buildings shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible.
Tree removal from any slope or environmentally sensitive area is prohibited if it will contribute, in the opinion of the Planning Board, the Forester, Building Inspector or the Township Engineer, to extra runoff of surface water onto adjoining property and erosion, and silting, unless other means approved by the Monmouth County Soil Conservation District are provided to prevent runoff and erosion.
No tree removal is permitted that will expose vacant land, backs of existing billboards, utility substations, transmission towers, warehouses, junkyards, landfill operations and other similar structures or operations, except where trees are dead or diseased and/or endanger life or property.
No healthy tree that is special by virtue of history, unusual size or age or of a rare species shall be removed except as may be required for the protection of health, safety or public welfare.
Trees may be removed to clear for soil removal or landfill provided that the same amount of wooded area or the same number of trees are replaced according to an approved plan. If the finished operation is planned to be used for other development, the replacement of trees shall be at the discretion of the Shade Tree Committee which may include it as part of the subdivision plan or a site plan submitted for approval by the Planning Board.
Unless proven necessary, staging areas shall not be closer than 150 feet to any public road center.
Professional evaluation. The Township Forester may consider significant adverse impact in the following areas on the natural environment in granting a permit and may deny the permit if one or more of the following conditions exist:
Adverse alteration of ground and surface water characteristics;
Substantial negative alteration of water quality or aquifer recharge;
Substantial adverse ecological impact;
Significant increase in noise pollution;
Significant increase in air and dust movement;
Substantial adverse impact on air quality;
Significant reduction in available wildlife habitat; or
Adverse effect on the property values caused by aesthetic degradation.
Basis for denial. The Township Forester, where appropriate, upon a determination that an application is to be denied shall state the basis for such denial specifically and shall notify the applicant of the criteria upon which said denial is predicated.
Any violators of Subsection L(1), Criteria for removal, of this section will be subject to restitution requiring replacement of tree(s) equal to caliper of those illegally removed as determined by the Forester.
In addition to the above requirements, the applicant shall submit a certificate of insurance at the time of the filing of the application, which certificate shall certify that the applicant and any contractors to be hired by him/her have in effect such public liability and property damage as shall protect him/her, the contractor and the Township of Manalapan from any and all claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims of property damage which may arise from the work to be performed under the permit. The amounts of such insurance shall not be less than the following:
Bodily injury: $1,000,000 per occurrence.
Property damage: $500,000 per occurrence.
Data required for tree clearing plan. Every plan submitted for approval shall be in the form of a map and exhibits indicating:
Tax Map; lot and block number.
Area of tract.
Location of trees or wooded area.
Number of trees or percent of stocking (trees per acre).
Species involved.
General slope and topography, taken from a recognized map of such features.
Location of streams and wetlands.
Map of locations and surrounding properties showing wooded areas.
A list of trees to be planted, preferably selected from current acceptable plant varieties.
Tree removal plan and tree planting plan in relation to principal and accessory buildings, septic systems, roads and driveways, parking lots, garden areas, etc., showing also the relation to survey stakes.
Location of buildings.
Location of roads, driveways, parking lots, staging areas, recreation areas and garden areas.
Grading plans.
Schedule for tree removal and planting.
Provision for removal of excess stumps and branches from the property.
Provide a Mylar (or similar transparent material) overlay indicating the exact location of all trees greater than eight inches diameter; must be prepared to scale of other plans.
It shall be unlawful for any person in the construction of any structures or other improvements to place solvents, material, construction machinery or temporary soil deposits within 12 feet of or outside the dripline, as defined herein, whichever is greater, of any tree trunk having a three inch or greater dbh.
Before development, land clearing, filling or any land alterations, a permit will be required to erect suitable protective barriers, and this protection, where required, shall remain until such time as the protection is authorized to be removed by the Township Forester or after issuance of a final certificate of occupancy. Also, during construction, no attachments or wires shall be attached to any of said trees so protected. Wood, metal or other substantial material shall be utilized in the construction of barriers. Barriers will be required for all trees being protected, except in the following cases:
Street right-of-way and utility easements may be fenced by placing stakes a minimum of 50 feet apart and tying fence from stake to stake along the outside perimeters of such areas to be cleared. Attachments of any kind to any tree are not permitted.
Large property areas separate from the construction or land clearing area into which no equipment will venture may also be fenced off as above.
Any tree or trees that have been directly or indirectly damaged by any activity, the responsible party shall make a reasonable restitution at the discretion of the Township Forester.
The following restriction shall apply to the cutting of trees within the boundaries of Manalapan Township:
No cutting of trees of any size shall take place within 50 feet of any state, county or municipal improved roadway or street, except that a property owner may be permitted to thin out trees within said a fifty-foot border and cut crippled or deceased trees with said border upon approval by the Township Forester. This restriction shall not apply to any construction.
No cutting of trees of any size shall take place within 25 feet of any permanent or intermittent stream.
A culvert, approved by the Township Forester, shall be required for all road stream crossings. Such culvert shall be installed before cutting and removed after the job is complete.
Trees of less than the minimum diameter prescribed in this article shall not be cut for any purpose except as required for site clearing for new construction; clearing of public rights-of-way; cutting of crop tree in accordance with a plan approved by the Township Forester, which may include trees of less than the minimum diameter; or thinning, subject to the approval of the Township Forester.
Climb any living tree designated for preservation with spikes, cut, trim, break, or disturb the roots of any living tree.
A tree of special value is any certain tree or shrub of a certain species of tree or shrub being of special value based on rarity or historical importance.
If any tree or shrub designated under this section is located on a site being considered for major subdivision approval, the Planning Board may, as a condition of final approval, require the developer to grant a preservation easement to the Township of Manalapan.
If any tree or shrub designated under this section is located on private property not seeking major subdivision approval, the Township may acquire a preservation easement by gift or purchase.
It shall be a violation of this article, punishable under § 222-21B, for any person, firm or corporation to remove a tree or shrub in order to avoid the provisions of the section.
Upon submission of an application for a permit for any subdivision, the applicant shall pay to the Township of Manalapan a fee equal to $35 for the first 40,000 square feet of cutting area or any part thereof and $10 for each subsequent 40,000 feet of cutting area or any part thereof.
No application shall be considered without the payment of the required fees.
For the removal of five trees or less, when the area of disturbance encompasses no greater than two acres: $35.
For the removal of six trees or more, when the area of disturbance encompasses no greater than two acres or less: $100.
For each area of disturbance over and above two acres: $35 per acre.
No more than one permit shall be issued in any one-year period on any particular lot.
No application shall be considered without the payment of the required fee.
The applicant shall have the right to appeal any decision made pursuant to the provisions herein to the Township Committee of the Township of Manalapan in the County of Monmouth within 10 days of receipt of the decision. Any appeal shall be written notice, and the Township Committee shall proceed to hear the appeal upon notice to the applicant, but within 30 days after the filing of the appeal. Upon complete review of the application and after hearing the testimony of relevant municipal officials, the applicant and the applicant's experts, if any, the Township Committee may affirm, reverse or modify the aforesaid decision.
No ordinance heretofore or hereafter adopted by the Township which may authorize any person, municipal board, body or official to construct, open, pave or repair any sidewalk, curb, street or highway or to do any similar act shall be construed to permit or authorize any interference with or injury to any shade or ornamental tree subject to this article without the written consent of the Shade Tree Committee. In case of emergency or need for very prompt action, the Construction Code Official or his designee may grant relief from the prohibition set forth in this article.
This article shall be enforced as hereinafter provided by the Code Enforcement Officer or his designee and/or Township Forester, who is hereby empowered to cause any and all lands subject to this article to be inspected and examined to determine compliance with this article and to order, in writing, the correction of any condition found to exist therein or thereat in violation of any provision of this article. The Code Enforcement Officer or his designee and/or Township Forester is hereby further authorized to cause an appropriate action or proceeding to be instituted in a court of proper jurisdiction to prevent and enjoin any threatened, existing or continuing violation of this article or any provision or section thereof or any standard adopted by the Shade Tree Committee of the Township of Manalapan.
Any person, firm, corporation, or entity found to have violated any provision of this article or any condition imposed in accordance with this article or any specification adopted by the Shade Tree Committee of the Township of Manalapan or any permit granted pursuant to this article shall be subject to revocation of that permit and any certificate of occupancy or building permit issued in reliance thereon and shall be further subject to the order of the Code Enforcement Officer or his designee and/or Township Forester which may direct such person, firm, corporation or entity to cease such violation and to take appropriate corrective action within such time as may be specified by the Code Enforcement Officer or his designee and/or Township Forester, or a stop-work order will be issued. Any person, firm, corporation or entity found to be in violation of any provision of this article or any condition imposed in accordance with this article or any permit granted pursuant thereto or any specification adopted by the Shade Tree Committee of the Township of Manalapan, be subject to a fine not exceeding the sum of $1,000 or imprisonment for 90 days, or both, at the discretion of the Judge of the Municipal Court of the Township of Manalapan. The removal of each individual tree in violation of this article shall be considered a separate offense. In addition, the Court may order restitution (fine and/or appraised value, whichever is greater) and/or replacement of the trees improperly removed. In each violation that does not involve the improper removal of trees, and such violations shall constitute a separate offense.
Applicants for new construction or reconstruction or addition to any existing structure (other than a detached single-family residence) shall, upon introducing a site plan to the Planning Board, submit to the Shade Tree Committee a complete landscaping plan, prepared by a certified landscape architect. The landscaping plan shall be submitted for approval in quadruplicate and shall specify the location of planting material, their minimum sizes, quantity, variety and species. The landscaping plan shall demonstrate the location of all existing shade trees, 10 inches in caliper or greater, five feet above the ground level and all existing ornamental trees four inches in caliper or greater, one foot above the ground level on an overlay which may be placed over the landscaping plan. The character of buffer areas and screen devices, including dimensions and the arrangements of areas devoted to plantings, lawns, trees and shrubs must be shown on the site plans. Existing trees 10 inches in diameter or greater shall be retained within the development unless such retention results in unreasonable burden upon the developer.
A minimum of 15% of the area shown on the site plan shall be reserved for landscaping, which shall be reasonably distributed within the area, and which shall include foundation plantings in suitable planting beds not less than three feet wide on the front, sides and rear of any building structure. Such foundation plantings shall be of suitable size in proportion to the size of the building structure and shall be subject to the approval of the Shade Tree Committee. The requirements of this subsection shall be in addition to the requirements as set forth herein for parking buffer zones and shade trees in the shade tree right-of-way.
Parking areas, 1/10 of the total of such area or 1,000 square feet within each 10,000 square feet of paved area, shall be landscaped with planting material reasonably distributed in the area. Any landscaping counted within this area shall not be considered as fulfilling the percentage of coverage of landscape requirements of this article as set forth in Subsection A(2) above. Landscaping in parking area shall be located in protected areas, such as along walkways, in center islands, at the end of bays, or in diamonds between stalls. Such protected areas shall be constructed so as to prevent damage to plant material from vehicles.
One approved shade or ornamental tree as defined in the planting specification adopted by the Shade Tree Committee[1] shall be planted for every five parking places. These shall be reasonably distributed in parking areas in any landscaped areas combined with shrubbery. The base of each tree shall be left free of pavement for a diameter of not less than seven feet. No paving shall be placed within 12 1/2 feet of any existing tree to be retained which is 10 inches or greater in diameter.
Parking areas must be shaded by deciduous trees (either retained or planted by the developer) that have or will have when fully mature a trunk at least 12 inches in diameter. New trees shall be of a type suitable and adaptable to within a parking lot for shading.
Each tree shall be capable of shading a circular area having a radius of 15 feet with the trunk of the tree as the center. There must be sufficient trees so that, using this standard, 35% of the parking area will be shaded.
Editor's Note: See § 222-23 of this article.
All remaining areas not classified on the site plan as parking, buildings or structures, buffer or foundation planting zones shall be suitably graded and landscaped with grass, ground cover, trees, shrubs and other suitable plants in a manner most compatible to the area and consistent with the aesthetic considerations of this article.
Approved shade trees shall be planted along all roads, drives and parking areas in accordance with the specifications. One tree shall be required for each 50 feet of frontage or designated area. Trees shall be located an average distance of 50 feet apart, not less than 35 feet nor more than 75 feet, and 10 feet from a line that is directly under any utility lines and five feet from utility boxes. Trees shall be planted in the shade tree right-of-way, which is the area eight to 10 feet in from the sidewalk on the interior or dwelling side thereof. Shade trees shall be a minimum of two to 2 1/2 inches caliper, measured at a height of six inches from the ground. They shall be live, healthy, balled and burlapped, tree-farm specimens with straight, uncut leaders. Shade trees referred to above and in Subsection A(3) shall be selected from among the approved species as defined in the planting specification adopted by the Shade Tree Committee.
Buffer zones. Buffer zones shall provide a year-round visual screen in order to minimize adverse impacts from a site on adjacent property or from adjacent areas. Any use required by this article or requested by the Planning Board to provide a buffer zone shall comply with the following regulations regarding a buffer area and buffer screen:
Within a buffer area, a solid and continuous landscape screen shall be planted and maintained. Planned materials in the buffer zone shall be placed within the buffer and shall be sufficiently large and planted in such a fashion that a screen at least eight feet high, occupying 50% of the width of the buffer shall be produced within three growing seasons. The buffer may consist of evergreen and deciduous plants, natural features, berms, fencing, mounds or combinations to achieve objectives. A variety of plant material providing seasonal color and interest should be provided. Possible arrangement of plant material include plantings in parallel, serpentine or broken rows. If planted berms are used, the minimum top width shall be four feet and the maximum side slope shall be 2:1. The intense density of the buffer screen may be reduced by the Planning Board if it is found that the proposed use is visually attractive and not detrimental to the appearance of the neighboring uses.
Within any buffer zone, no use, activity or sign shall be established other than in accordance with Chapter 95, Development Regulations.
Any commercial use, required by this article or requested by the Planning Board to provide a buffer zone to separate such use from another commercial use or from industrial use, shall be required to provide a greenbelt between said uses consisting of an area or strip of land not less than eight feet and no more than 50 feet which shall be landscaped in accordance with the Shade Tree Committee planting specifications for buffer areas with a minimum of a single row of massed evergreen supplemented by deciduous trees and shrubs.
Any industrial, commercial, or school use, which shall be required by this article or requested by the Planning Board to provide a buffer zone to separate such use from a residential use, shall provide a buffer area, consisting of a strip of land 50 feet in width, which shall be landscaped in accordance with the regulations herein set forth and in accordance with the shade tree planting specifications for buffers and with a minimum row of massed evergreens, deciduous trees and shrubs.
In all areas where a buffer zone is required by this article, permanent curbing shall be installed simultaneously with the installation of landscaping and screening for the protection of the buffer zone.
Residential sites. Landscaping, grass and shade tree installation shall be installed in the course of the development of any residential site in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 95, Development Regulations, and in accordance with the planting specifications adopted by the Shade Tree Committee.
The landscaping shall be installed and provided in accordance with the approved plan.
A developer shall not be permitted to excavate land or remove trees, shrubs and other plantings from a proposed building site or tract of land to be subdivided or other undeveloped land on which an application is pending before the Planning Board or Zoning Board, until a landscaping plan has been approved by the Shade Tree Committee, except that 1% of the trees and plantings of any tract may be removed to facilitate preliminary engineering associated with an application by the developer to the Planning Board or Zoning Board.
Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant or developer of any tract of land or building site shall be required to post a performance bond to cover the cost of such landscaping which shall not have been completed prior to such time as the building erected on such tract or site is ready to be occupied. The amount of such performance bond shall be established by the Township Engineer with the advice of the Shade Tree Committee and shall be posted with the Township Committee of the Township of Manalapan. Said bond shall be released only after the expiration of a twelve-month period following certification by the Township Engineer, with the recommendation of the Shade Tree Committee, that the total landscaping plan as previously approved has been completed.
A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued by the Building Inspector until all requirements of this article have been met, unless the applicant or developer shall furnish written notice to the Planning Board, which notice shall be subject to approval by the Shade Tree Committee, that all landscaping shall be completed during the first planting season after initial occupancy.
All buffer zones and other areas subject to the landscaping requirements of this article, including all trees, shrubbery, grass and fences located therein, shall be properly maintained for a period of 12 months following certification by the Township Engineer that the total landscaping plan as previously approved has been completed. At the time of said certification, the applicant or developer shall post with the Township Committee a maintenance bond in an amount equal to 1/2 of the total cost of the installation of all landscaping required by this article. Said maintenance bond shall be in addition to any performance bond required under Subsection F. All plantings which shall fail to survive for a period of 12 consecutive months following certification by the Township Engineer shall be replaced by the applicant or developer at his expense. Such replacement shall be made within 60 days following a written demand for replacement issued by the Shade Tree Committee or within such extended period of time as may be specified. Such replacement plantings shall conform to the standards applicable to original plantings as set forth in this article.
The Shade Tree Committee is hereby empowered to adopt from time to time such specifications as it may determine to be necessary to properly carry out the purposes and intent of this article. All landscaping and plantings required to be installed on any land located within the Township of Manalapan shall conform to the planting specifications as established by the Shade Tree Committee of the Township of Manalapan. Said specifications shall be maintained on file in the office of the Township Clerk, and a fee of $5 shall be charged to obtain the Manalapan Township Shade Tree Committee planting specifications.