This article shall be known and may be cited
as the "Shade Tree Ordinance of the Township of Manalapan."
The purpose and intent of this article is to
control and regulate indiscriminate and excessive removal, cutting
and destruction of trees and to control, regulate and prevent conditions
which cause increased surface drainage, sedimentation and soil erosion,
cause decreased soil fertility and impair the stability and value
of real estate, all of which conditions are and will in the future
be a deterrent to public safety, health and welfare. Further, it is
the intent of this article, through the preservation and protection
of trees to:
A. Aid in the stabilization of the soil by the prevention
of erosion and sedimentation;
B. Reduce stormwater runoff and the cost associated therewith
and replenish the groundwater supply;
C. Aid in the removal of carbon dioxide and the generation
of oxygen in the atmosphere;
D. Provide a buffer and screen against noise pollution;
E. Provide protection against severe weather;
F. Aid in the control of drainage and restoration of
denuded soil subsequent to construction or grading;
G. Provide a haven for birds, which assists in the control
of insects;
H. Provide a haven for wildlife;
I. Protect and increase property values;
J. Conserve and enhance the Township's physical and aesthetic
environment; and
K. Generally protect and enhance the quality of life
in the general welfare of the Township and its residents.
As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
A land use to derive income from growing plants or trees
on land, including but not limited to land used principally for timber
production. "Agricultural use" shall not include land used principally
for another use and incidentally for growing plants or trees for income.
A plan prepared under the supervision of an engineer, land
planner and/or professional forester setting forth the methodology,
stages, techniques and areas where trees and vegetation are to be
removed for the construction of buildings or other structures, including
but not limited to roadways, paving, drainage system, utility excavations,
grubbing and any other necessary clearing operations. Said plan shall
include all trees to be saved with a tree preservation or nondisturbance
area, said trees being all those outside the areas from which trees
are to be removed. The tree preservation area shall include a radius
of six feet to 10 feet around each tree to be saved as determined
by the Township Forester, which shall be marked off to prohibit any
damage to tree branches, bark or root system by soil compaction caused
by heavy equipment. Said plan shall include the utilization of snow
fencing if determined by the Township Forester or Planning Board/Board
of Adjustment to be necessary. (See definition of "harvesting or land
clearing plan" for additional requirements.)
A plant or tree nursery or farm having trees which are planted
and growing for sale or intended sale (or products for sale) to the
general public in the ordinary course of business. (Wholesale yards
that stock B & B trees are excluded.)
The area in which trees have been designated for cutting,
obtained by traversing the outer boundaries of those trees and taking
into consideration the delineation of natural boundaries located within
the applicant's property.
An imaginary, perpendicular line that extends downward from
the outermost tips of the tree branches to the ground.
A plan (prepared under the supervision of a state forester,
an approved forester by the State of New Jersey or other professional
forester recognized as such by the Society of American Foresters)
which details the management practices proposed to be employed on
a site, including but not limited to harvesting or land clearing practices
and reforestation, and setting forth the following:
Location and size of the tract.
Map of the property showing wetlands, types
of vegetation cover, receiving waters, location of stream crossings
and alternatives, locations of skid trails, location of access roads
and landings, cutting boundaries and size of filter or buffer strips.
Property description, including land use and
acreage of open, crop and wood land; general soil types and erodibility;
range of percent of slope; timber quality and age (forest type, species,
age, dbh, height, volume and reproduction); and understory.
Description of the timber to be harvested.
Description of the regeneration plans.
Description of the intermediate management practices
to be applied.
A plan prepared under the supervision of a state forester
or other professional forester recognized as such by the Society of
American Foresters. Said plan condition, size, species and volume
of timber being harvested, conservation methods to be used and a plat
map showing the boundary lines of the cutting/harvesting or land clearing
area. Where harvesting or land clearing will occur within 200 feet
from the boundary line of any adjacent property, the applicant shall
list those property owners by name, lot and block number. In addition,
the harvesting or land clearing plan shall contain a description of
equipment and methods to be used in the actual removal of the timber
and further contain a map showing all land areas, skid trails and
logging roads. The harvesting or land clearing plan shall contain
any other requirements that may be required by the Township Forester
upon review of the application.
A tree which has been found by a professional forester, horticulturist
or other professional plantsman to be of notable historic interest
to the Township because of its age, type, size or historic association
and has been so designated and the designation has been officially
made and promulgated as part of the official records of the Township,
county or state.
Those operations where trees and vegetation are removed and
which occur previous to the construction of buildings; e.g., road
right-of-way excavation and paving, lake and drainage system excavation,
utility excavation, grubbing and any other necessary clearing operations.
Any parcel of land located within the boundaries of Manalapan
Township, either improved or unimproved, which shall be designated
as a lot on the official Tax Map of the Township of Manalapan and
any amendments thereto. All contiguous properties in the same ownership
shall be considered as one lot for purposes of this article.
A signed, notarized statement by the owner or his/her agent
stating that no trees exist upon the site.
Such lands within the Township which are used for horticultural
purposes under a controlled agricultural plan whereby trees are grown
from seedlings or planted saplings with their roots maintained in
their natural state (root systems not balled or otherwise packaged
for sale).
A person or entity who or which, alone or jointly with others,
has legal or equitable title to premises, with or without accompanying
actual possession, including an executor, administrator, trustee or
guardian of an estate, mortgagee in possession, or a person under
A permit issued by the Township Forester (or other designated
official appointed in the same manner) of the Township of Manalapan
authorizing the removal or destruction of trees or shrubs under the
provisions herein.
Any individual, partnership, corporation, association or
other legal entity, including the plural as well as the singular,
and including all tree removal companies and persons removing trees
on behalf of others.
A graduate of a university or college accredited or affiliated
by the Society of American Foresters with a degree in forestry or
forest management who is formally educated to perform forestry and
who is also a certified tree expert.
A physical structure limiting access to a protected area,
composed of wood or other suitable materials, which assures compliance
with the intent of this article. Variations of these methods may be
permitted upon written request (to shade tree) if they satisfy the
intent of this article.
The actual removal of a tree by digging up, cutting down
or the effective removal through damage.
A plan or drawing of a location or site prepared in order
to illustrate information required by the terms of this article. The
requirements of any other chapter of the Township shall not be applicable
to a site plan prepared under the provisions of this article.
Any tree with a diameter breast height of 36 inches or greater,
any tree which has been determined by a judgment of a professional
forester, horticulturist or other professional plantsman to be of
high value because of type, size, age or other professional criteria
and has been recorded in the records of the Township, County or State,
and any tree determined by the Township Forester/Arborist to be of
high value upon examination of the site in connection with the submission
of an application for development to the Planning Board or Board of
Adjustment of the Township of Manalapan.
[Amended 4-13-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-09]
A person professionally qualified (as an approved forester
and a certified tree expert by the State of New Jersey Department
of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Forestry Management) and appointed
by the Township Committee to supervise the conservation of trees and
soil within the Township, and to administer the provisions of this
article, which position is hereby created. The Township Forester shall
be appointed annually, and his/her term shall expire December 31 of
each year if his/her successor has been appointed. In the event that
his/her successor has not been appointed by December 31, he/she shall
serve until the appointment and qualification of the successor.
The digging up of a tree by a property owner from one place
on his/her property and the planting of the same tree in another place
on the same property.
Any self-supporting, perennial, woody plant having a diameter
greater than 2 1/2 inches diameter breast height measured at
a point 4 1/2 feet above the ground.
A minimum one inch equals 200 feet scale, aerial photograph
or drawing to scale which provides the following information:
Location of all forest types protected under
the provisions of this article, plotted by accurate techniques.
The common name of all trees.
The average diameter breast height.
The following restriction shall apply to the
cutting of trees within the boundaries of Manalapan Township:
A. No cutting of trees of any size shall take place within
50 feet of any state, county or municipal improved roadway or street,
except that a property owner may be permitted to thin out trees within
said a fifty-foot border and cut crippled or deceased trees with said
border upon approval by the Township Forester. This restriction shall
not apply to any construction.
B. No cutting of trees of any size shall take place within
25 feet of any permanent or intermittent stream.
C. A culvert, approved by the Township Forester, shall
be required for all road stream crossings. Such culvert shall be installed
before cutting and removed after the job is complete.
D. Trees of less than the minimum diameter prescribed
in this article shall not be cut for any purpose except as required
for site clearing for new construction; clearing of public rights-of-way;
cutting of crop tree in accordance with a plan approved by the Township
Forester, which may include trees of less than the minimum diameter;
or thinning, subject to the approval of the Township Forester.
E. Climb any living tree designated for preservation
with spikes, cut, trim, break, or disturb the roots of any living
The applicant shall have the right to appeal
any decision made pursuant to the provisions herein to the Township
Committee of the Township of Manalapan in the County of Monmouth within
10 days of receipt of the decision. Any appeal shall be written notice,
and the Township Committee shall proceed to hear the appeal upon notice
to the applicant, but within 30 days after the filing of the appeal.
Upon complete review of the application and after hearing the testimony
of relevant municipal officials, the applicant and the applicant's
experts, if any, the Township Committee may affirm, reverse or modify
the aforesaid decision.
No ordinance heretofore or hereafter adopted
by the Township which may authorize any person, municipal board, body
or official to construct, open, pave or repair any sidewalk, curb,
street or highway or to do any similar act shall be construed to permit
or authorize any interference with or injury to any shade or ornamental
tree subject to this article without the written consent of the Shade
Tree Committee. In case of emergency or need for very prompt action,
the Construction Code Official or his designee may grant relief from
the prohibition set forth in this article.
The Shade Tree Committee is hereby empowered
to adopt from time to time such specifications as it may determine
to be necessary to properly carry out the purposes and intent of this
article. All landscaping and plantings required to be installed on
any land located within the Township of Manalapan shall conform to
the planting specifications as established by the Shade Tree Committee
of the Township of Manalapan. Said specifications shall be maintained
on file in the office of the Township Clerk, and a fee of $5 shall
be charged to obtain the Manalapan Township Shade Tree Committee planting