Editor's Note: Pursuant to Section 4 of Ordinance No. 475, and Section 18 of the Charter, wherever in the Code of the Township of Hardyston any duties imposed upon or powers granted to the Mayor or Township Council, which under the Charter of the Township is a duty or right exercisable by the Township Manager, such reference shall be deemed and taken as through reference was made to the Township Manager.
The Council shall choose a Manager solely on the basis of his or her executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference to his or her actual experience in, or his or her knowledge of, accepted practice in respect to the duties of his or her office as hereinafter set forth. At the time of his or her appointment, the Manager need not be a resident of the Township or state, but during his or her tenure of office he or she may reside outside of the Township only with the approval of Council. The Manager shall hold office for an indefinite term and may be removed by a majority vote of the Council pursuant to the Charter.
The Manager may designate a qualified administrative officer of the Township to perform his or her duties during his or her temporary absence or disability. In the event of his or her failure to make such a designation, the Council may by resolution appoint an officer of the Township to perform the duties of the Manager during such absence or disability, until he or she shall return or his or her disability shall cease.
The Manager shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the Township. He or she shall see that all ordinances, resolutions and policies of the Council, and all state laws subject to enforcement by municipal action, are faithfully enforced and executed. He or she shall:
Represent the Township and assert its proper interests in relation to the state and other political subdivision, and with respect to municipal contracts and franchises.
Attend all meetings of the Council with the right to take part in the discussions, but without the right to vote.
Keep the Council advised of the financial conditions of the Township, make reports to the Council as requested by it, and at least once a year make an annual report on the administration of the municipal government for the benefit of the Council and the public.
Study the governmental and administrative operations and needs of the government and prepare and recommend to the Council necessary and desirable plans and programs to meet present and foreseeable needs.
Investigate at any time the affairs of any officer or department of the Township.
Perform such other duties as may be required of the Manager by ordinance or resolution of the Council.
The Manager shall:
Appoint and remove all department heads and all other officers, subordinates and assistants other than the Clerk, attorney, Class I and Class III members of the Planning Board, the Board of Adjustment, the Municipal Judge and members of advisory boards established by this Code. The Manager may delegate to the head of a department the power to appoint and remove subordinates in such department.
Pursuant to the Charter, any provisions of general law conferring the appointing power or other power upon the Mayor or other executive head of the Township shall be construed as meaning the Manager, except where otherwise specifically provided by law.
Except where otherwise expressly required by the Charter or general law, department heads and subordinate officers and employees subject to appointment by the Manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term subject to suspension or removal by the Manager. In lieu of appointment, the Manager may serve as the head of any department or division.
Direct and supervise the administration of all departments of the Township government and be responsible for the maintenance of sound personnel policies and administrative practices.
Examine all bills or claims submitted for payment in order to ascertain if proper administrative procedures have been followed as set forth in the Township ordinances.
Maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs and costs of Township services.
Establish working, personnel, vacation and sick leave schedules and appropriate records and reports.
Approve or prescribe the internal organization of each department.
Assign and transfer administrative functions, powers and duties among and within departments, subject to the Charter and Administrative Code.
Delegate to department heads such of his or her powers as he or she may deem necessary for efficient administration.
Serve as head of the department of administration and exercise his or her powers as Manager through such department to the extent he or she deems practicable and desirable.
Perform all other duties authorized by the Township Charter, general law or ordinance.