[Amended 10-20-1998 by Ord. No. 98-6; 6-1-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-4; 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-04; 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-08; 10-25-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-13]
Accessory structures not attached to a principal structure may be erected in accordance with the following regulations:
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, no accessory structures shall be located in any required front yard.
Except where otherwise specifically permitted by this chapter, accessory structures in multifamily and nonresidential zones shall meet the setback requirements of the principal building.
No portion of any accessory structure shall be used for living quarters for people except in the case of farm tenant houses, gate keepers lodges and the like.
When an accessory structure is attached to the principal building, it shall be considered as a part of the principal building and it shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this chapter applicable to the principal structure.
Accessory structures shall be included in meeting the maximum impervious surface requirements for the district.
Not more than three accessory structures shall be permitted in connection with a residential principal use in any residential or mixed-use zone except that any agricultural or nonresidential use allowed in these zones may have as many accessory structures as necessary.
Accessory structures associated with any agricultural use may be permitted in the front yard of the principal residential use so long as it shall meet a minimum setback of 100 feet from the front lot line.
Drainage pipes, inlets, headwalls, walkways, retaining walls, septic tanks wells, parking lots, driveways, docks, patios and similar accessory structures shall be exempt from the requirements set forth above except for Subsection E.
The following regulations shall apply to permanent and portable swimming pools, as defined by the construction code, tennis courts, outdoor entertainment areas and similar personal recreation facilities:
All accessory structures associated with the personal recreational facility that are contiguous shall be considered one accessory structure.
Said use shall be erected on the same lot as the principal structure and shall require a construction permit.
Said use may be erected in the side and/or rear yard and shall be not less than 15 feet from any lot line.
Adequate screening, so as not to adversely affect adjoining properties, shall be required for said use if located within 20 feet of the property line.
Lighting which extends the hours of operation, other than in-pool lights, shall be in conformance with the standards established at § 185-129.
In the case of swimming pools, all measurements shall be from the pool apron and provision for drainage shall be approved by the Construction Official as part of the construction permit.
Such accessory uses shall be allowed only in accordance with the following requirements:
The minimum lot size shall be two acres.
The professional must reside on the premises.
A maximum of two nonresident nonprofessional employees shall be permitted.
Not more than 35% of the gross floor area of the principal building, excluding cellar areas, shall be permitted to be used for the professional office.
Not more than one nonilluminated sign not to exceed 2 1/2 square feet shall be permitted.
The Planning Board shall approve a site plan of the professional office which shall meet site plan review standards and requirements set forth in Article XVI.
Fences or walls in excess of 18 inches in height shall be considered as an accessory use and installed to the standards set forth below:
Type of fence or wall.
Degree of Openness
(50% or more solid)
(25% up to 50%)
(Up to 25%)
Solid picket Board
1 by 2 wood screen Contemporary picket
Split rail Contemporary rail
Board and batten Louver panel
Cinder or concrete block laid on side
Wire mesh
Staggered board panel 1 by 4 wood screen Brick
Rail and wire mesh
(Note: "Openness" is defined as the total area of solid elements divided by the total area of fence. Translucent, transparent or clear plastic or similar materials shall be considered as solid elements.)
Maximum height and location.
Type of Fence
Maximum Height
Rear building line of principal structure to minimum required side yard or rear yard setback line
Anywhere on lot
General regulations on fences and walls.
No fence or wall shall be so constructed or installed so as to constitute a hazard to traffic or safety.
Open security fences up to eight feet high shall be permitted in any business or industrial zone.
Hedges and other landscaping shall be exempt from the height limitations of this section but shall not be located so as to conflict with Subsection C(1) above.
The face or finished side of a fence or wall shall face the adjacent property.