[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Hardyston 5-25-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-07.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This chapter, adopted as Ch. 56, was renumbered to fit the organization of the Code.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L., whether growing or not, the seeds thereof, and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant or its seeds, except those containing resin extracted from the plant, which are cultivated and, when applicable, manufactured in accordance with P.L. 2021, c. 16,[1] for use in cannabis products as set forth in this act, but shall not include the weight of any other ingredient combined with cannabis to prepare topical or oral administrations, food, drink, or other product. "Cannabis" does not include: medical cannabis dispensed to registered qualifying patients pursuant to the Jake Honig Compassionate Use Medical Cannabis Act, P.L. 2009, c. 307 (N.J.S.A. 24:6I-1 et seq.), and P.L. 2015, c. 158 (N.J.S.A. 18A: 40-12.22 et seq.); marijuana as defined in N.J.S.A. 2C:35-2 and applied to any offense set forth in Chapters 35, 35A, and 36 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, or P.L. 2001, c. 114 (N.J.S.A. 2C:35B-1 et seq.), or marihuana as defined in Section 2 of P.L. 1970, c. 226 (N.J.S.A. 24:21-2), and applied to any offense set forth in the New Jersey Controlled Dangerous Substances Act, P.L. 1970, c. 226 (N.J.S.A. 24:21-1 et seq.); or hemp or a hemp product cultivated, handled, processed, transported, or sold pursuant to the New Jersey Hemp Farming Act, P.L. 2019, c. 238 (N.J.S.A. 9:28-6 et seq.).
Shall mean and refer to a "cannabis consumption area" as defined under P.L. 2021, c. 16, § 3, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-33, of the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act.
Any licensed person or entity that grows, cultivates, or produces cannabis in this state, and sells, and may transport, this cannabis to other cannabis cultivators, or usable cannabis to cannabis manufacturers, cannabis wholesalers, or cannabis retailers, but not to consumers.
Any licensed person or entity that provides courier services for consumer purchases of cannabis items and related supplies fulfilled by a cannabis retailer in order to make deliveries of the cannabis items and related supplies to that consumer, and which services include the ability of a consumer to purchase the cannabis items directly through the cannabis delivery service, which after presenting the purchase order to the cannabis retailer for fulfillment is delivered to that consumer.
Any licensed person or entity that transports cannabis in bulk intrastate from one licensed cannabis cultivator to another licensed cannabis cultivator, or transports cannabis items in bulk intrastate from any one class of licensed cannabis establishment to another class of licensed cannabis establishment, and may engage in the temporary storage of cannabis or cannabis items as necessary to carry out transportation activities.
A cannabis cultivator, a cannabis manufacturer, a cannabis wholesaler, a cannabis retailer or a cannabis distributor.
Any item available for lawful consumption pursuant to the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act, P.L. 2021, c. 16 (N.J.S.A. 24:6I-31 et seq.).
A license issued under relevant state law, including a license that is designated as either a:
Class 1 cannabis cultivator license.
Class 2 cannabis manufacturer license.
Class 3 cannabis wholesaler license.
Class 4 cannabis distributor license.
Class 5 cannabis retailer license.
Class 6 cannabis delivery license.
The term shall also include a conditional license for a designated class, except when the context of the provisions of relevant state law otherwise intend to only apply for a license and not a conditional license.
The term shall also include any activity related to cannabis cultivation, cannabis manufacturing, cannabis wholesale, cannabis distribution cannabis retail and/or cannabis delivery service by a preexisting alternative treatment center deemed to concurrently hold any one or more class(es) of the above-listed cannabis license(s) pursuant to P.L. 2021, c. 16 § 33, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-46, and P.L. 2021, c. 16, § 34 of the Act, amending N.J.S.A. 24:6I-7; but shall not include the preexisting alternative treatment's activities related to medical cannabis cultivation, medical cannabis manufacturing, medical cannabis processing and/or medical cannabis dispensing by a preexisting medical cannabis alternative treatment center pursuant to a license or conditional licensed issued by the State of New Jersey pursuant to the Jake Honing Compassionate Use Medical Cannabis Act, P.L. 2009, c. 307 (N.J.S.A. 24:6I-1 et seq.), and P.L. 2015, c. 158 (N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.22 et seq.).
Any licensed person or entity that processes cannabis items in this state by purchasing or otherwise obtaining usable cannabis, manufacturing, preparing, and packaging cannabis items, and selling, and optionally transporting, these items to other cannabis manufacturers, cannabis wholesalers, or cannabis retailers, but not to consumers.
Any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains usable cannabis from cannabis cultivators and cannabis items from cannabis manufacturers or cannabis wholesalers, and sells these to consumers from a retail store, and may use a cannabis delivery service or a certified cannabis handler for the off-premises delivery of cannabis items and related supplies to consumers. A cannabis retailer shall also accept consumer purchases to be fulfilled from its retail store that are presented by a cannabis delivery service which will be delivered by the cannabis delivery service to that consumer.
Any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains, stores, sells or otherwise transfers, and may transport, cannabis items for the purpose of resale or other transfer to either another cannabis wholesaler or to a cannabis retailer, but not to consumers.
The act of ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing medical cannabis items and/or cannabis items into the human body.
The transportation of cannabis items and related supplies to a consumer. "Delivery" shall also mean the use by a licensed cannabis retailer of any third-party technology platform to receive, process, and fulfill orders by consumers, which third party shall not be required to be a licensed cannabis establishment, distributor, or delivery service, provided that any physical acts in connection with fulfilling the order and delivery shall be accomplished by a certified cannabis handler performing work for or on behalf of the licensed cannabis retailer, which includes a certified cannabis handler employed or otherwise working on behalf of a cannabis delivery service making off-premises deliveries of consumer purchases fulfilled by that cannabis retailer.
A structurally enclosed place of business, commerce or other service-related activity, whether publicly or privately owned or operated on a for-profit or nonprofit basis, which is generally accessible to the public, including, but not limited to: a commercial or other office building; office or building owned, leased or rented by the state or by a county or municipal government; public and nonpublic elementary or secondary school building; board of education building; theater or concert hall; public library; museum or art gallery; bar; restaurant or other establishment where the principal business is the sale of food for consumption on the premises, including the bar area of the establishment; garage or parking facility; any public conveyance operated on land or water, or in the air, and passenger waiting rooms and platform areas in any stations or terminals thereof; health care facility licensed pursuant to P.L. 1971, c. 136 (N.J.S.A. 26:2H-1 et seq.); patient waiting room of the office of a health care provider licensed pursuant to Title 45 of the Revised Statutes; child-care center licensed pursuant to P.L. 1983, c. 492 (N.J.S.A. 30:5B-1 et seq.); race track facility; facility used for the holding of sporting events; ambulatory recreational facility; shopping mall or retail store; hotel, motel or other lodging establishment; apartment building lobby or other public area in an otherwise private building; or a passenger elevator in a building other than a single-family dwelling.
A person or entity that holds a license issued under P.L. 2021, c. 16 (N.J.S.A. 24:6I-31 et seq.), including a license that is designated as either a Class 1 cannabis cultivator license, a Class 2 cannabis manufacturer license, a Class 3 cannabis wholesaler license, a Class 4 cannabis distributor license, a Class 5 cannabis retailer license, a Class 6 cannabis delivery license, and also includes: a person or entity that holds a conditional license for a designated class; a person or entity holding a preexisting medical cannabis cultivator license, preexisting alternative treatment center permit first issued by the State of New Jersey, Department of Health, Division of Medicinal Marijuana, in accordance with the provisions of the Jake Honing Compassionate Use Medical Cannabis Act (P.L. 2009, c. 307, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-1 et seq., and P.L. 2015, c. 158, N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.22 et seq.) prior to February 22, 2021, and approved by the Township to hold a concurrent municipal license to operate as a Class 1 cannabis cultivator, Class 2 cannabis manufacturer, Class 3 cannabis wholesaler and/or Class 4 cannabis distributor in accordance with the provisions hereinafter and P.L. 2021, c. 16, § 33, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-46, and P.L. 2021, c.16, § 34 (amending N.J.S.A. 24:6I-7), of the Act; and/or any other person or entity holding a local annual cannabis license issued by the Township pursuant to this code.
The drying, processing, compounding, or conversion of usable cannabis into cannabis products or cannabis resins. "Manufacture" does not include packaging or labeling.
The purchase, sale, possession, and/or consumption of cannabis items by person(s) who are not a registered qualifying patient under the Jake Honing Compassionate Use Medical Cannabis Act, P.L. 2009, c. 307 (N.J.S.A. 24:6I-1 et seq.), and P.L. 2015, c. 158 (N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.22 et seq.).
The following areas of a location licensed under P.L. 2021, c.16 (N.J.S.A. 24:6I-31 et seq.): all public and private enclosed areas at the location that are used in the business operated at the location, including offices, kitchens, rest rooms, and storerooms; all areas outside a building that the Cannabis Regulatory Commission has specifically licensed for the production, manufacturing, wholesaling, distributing, retail sale, or delivery of cannabis items; and, for a location that the commission has specifically licensed for the production of cannabis outside a building, the entire lot or parcel that the licensee owns, leases, or has a right to occupy.
Any place to which the public has access that is not privately owned, including but not limited to any property owned by the Township of Hardyston, the County of Morris, and/or any other government subdivision of the State of New Jersey situated within the geographic boundaries of the Township; or any place to which the public has access where alcohol consumption is not allowed, including, but not limited to, a public street, road, thoroughfare, sidewalk, bridge, alley, plaza, park, playground, swimming pool, shopping area, public transportation facility, vehicle used for public transportation, parking lot, public library, or any other public building, structure, or area.
Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in selling merchandise to other businesses, including retailers, industrial, commercial, institutional, or professional business users, other wholesalers, or acting as agents or brokers and buying merchandise for, or selling merchandise to, such individuals or companies.
Editor’s Note: See N.J.S.A. 24:6I-31 et seq.
This chapter has been adopted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Hardyston to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the Township of Hardyston by prohibiting the issuance by the Township of licenses that permit any recreational cannabis business to operate in the Township.
Applicability. The provisions herein shall apply to all licensees, persons, organizations and businesses operating and/or seeking to operate as any class of licensed cannabis establishment pursuant to the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act, P.L. 2021, c. 16, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-31 et seq.
Pursuant to Section 31 of the Act, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-45b, Class 1 cannabis cultivation, Class 2 cannabis manufacturing, Class 3 cannabis wholesale, and Class 4 cannabis distribution is prohibited within the geographic boundaries of the Township of Hardyston.
Pursuant to Section 31 of the Act, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-45b, the operation of any cannabis retail establishment and/or the retail sale of cannabis, cannabis items and related supplies by any person or business directly to consumers for recreational consumption, including by a licensed Class 5 cannabis retailer and/or preexisting alternative treatment center deemed to concurrently hold a Class 5 cannabis retailer license, is hereby prohibited within the geographic boundaries of the Township of Hardyston.
Pursuant to Section 31 of the Act, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-45b, the operating premises of any cannabis delivery service, including any New Jersey licensed Class 6 cannabis delivery service, is hereby prohibited within the geographic boundaries of the Township of Hardyston. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the delivery of cannabis items and related supplies within the Township of Hardyston by a New Jersey licensed Class 6 cannabis delivery service to a consumer 21 years of age or older for personal use from the licensed premises of a Class 6 cannabis delivery service located outside the geographic boundaries of the Township of Hardyston.
Pursuant to Section 32 of the Act, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-21, cannabis consumption areas are hereby prohibited from being located or otherwise operated within the geographic boundaries of the Township of Hardyston.
No local annual cannabis license shall be authorized to be available for issuance by the Township pursuant to the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act, P.L. 2021, c. 16 (N.J.S.A. 24:6I-31 et seq.), first commencing August 22, 2021.
Any person, organization and/or business found to engage in the cultivation, manufacturing, wholesaling, distribution and/or retail sale of cannabis items shall be subject to a civil fine and penalty as set forth hereinbelow.
Any person, organization and/or business found to operate a delivery service from any premises within the geographic boundaries of the Township shall be subject to a civil fine and penalty as set forth hereinbelow.
The actual delivery of cannabis and cannabis items by any Class 6 cannabis delivery service to a consumer occurring within the Township shall be prohibited from taking place in any public place and shall only be permitted to take place within the confines of private property or indoor public places with the express permission and authorization of the owner of the property.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10a, the transfer of usable cannabis in any instance where the usable cannabis is not obtained directly from a licensed cannabis retailer, and/or is transferred with remuneration or for promotional and/or business purposes, is hereby prohibited within the geographic boundaries of the Township of Hardyston.
Any person(s), firm(s), business(es), corporation(s) and/or other organizations, including any licensed medical and/or cannabis establishment, found to be engaged in the retail sale of cannabis in violation of § 56-3B shall be subject to a civil fine and penalty not exceeding $2,000.
Any person(s), firm(s), business(es), corporation(s) and/or other organizations, including any licensed medical and/or cannabis establishment, found to be engaged in the transfer of usable cannabis in violation of § 56-6 shall be subject to a civil fine and penalty not exceeding $2,000.
Each and every day any person(s), firm(s), business(es), corporation(s) and/or other organizations, including any licensed medical and/or cannabis establishment, remain in violation of the provisions of this code after the deadline for compliance set forth in any notice of violation issued by the enforcing officer(s) of the Township shall be considered a continuing violation punishable as a separate and distinct offense and subject to a separate civil fine and penalty for each and every day the violation continues.
The Municipal Court or Superior Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and decide any action(s) brought to enforce the provisions of this code, the hearing for which shall be conducted in a summary manner pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2B12-16a, and any final order imposing fines and penalties for a violation of this code shall be enforceable in the Municipal Court or Superior Court and collectible as a lien against the property of the violator in accordance with the Penalty Enforcement Law of 1999, N.J.S.A. 2A:58-10 to 2A:58-12.
Enforcement of this chapter shall be by any officer of the Hardyston Township Police Department and/or any municipal official as the Township may, from time to time, designate.