[Adopted 8-11-1902]
It shall and may be lawful for the Township Committee of the Township of Mansfield aforesaid to require, by resolution or ordinance, at its discretion, the owners or occupants of property on any of the public streets, roads or public highways in said Township to grade, curb, pave, flag or gravel the sidewalks in front of their respective dwellings or lots, agreeably to the grade of the street, road or public highways that may have been established heretofore by law or that shall hereafter be lawfully established.
Notice in writing or in print of the passage of said resolution or ordinance shall be given by the Township Clerk to the owners or occupants of said property so ordered to be graded, curbed, paved, flagged or graveled; and if he, she or they shall neglect or refuse to perform the same for the space of 30 days after the service of this notice by the Township Clerk, then it shall and may be lawful for said Township Committee to cause the same to be done at the expense of the Township, and said owner or owners of such property shall be liable for the amount so expended, and the same shall be a lien upon their property, as provided by law.