The purpose of the pre-plan conference is to permit the Planning Commission, representing the Village, and the subdivider to discuss the proposed development and to ascertain if the area is proper for development. The subdivider will receive information and comments about the suggestions for the area made in the Williamsville Comprehensive Plan or contained in other Village plans for public improvements or about known limiting factors that may affect the suitability and the appropriateness of the area for development.
At the conference, the subdivider shall be prepared to answer questions about the proposed subdivision and to give the following:
The name, address and telephone number of the owner/subdivider, the engineer, and legal counsel, if any.
A drawing to scale of the exact location and approximate dimensions and area of the land proposed to be developed with notations on all physical features in or near the area; i.e., streets, roads, watercourses, buildings, utilities, floodplains, wetlands, archaeological sites etc., that affect the development.
A statement of the facts concerning the utilities and other facilities expected to serve the area.
An estimate of the number and size of lots to be developed.
An estimate of the acreage or number of lots to be developed each year until all the land to be subdivided is used up.
The owner/subdivider or his representative shall contact the Village Clerk to place the pre-plan conference on the agenda of the next monthly Planning Commission meeting.
Within 30 days after the conference, the Chairman of the Planning Commission shall transmit to the owner/subdivider a certificate indicating that the area is or is not sufficient for subdividing and an itemized statement of deficiencies in said area or specific reasons why said area or parts thereof may not be subdivided. The subdivider may subsequently amend his proposal directly to the Chairman of the Planning Commission for subsequent conferences and further determination by the Planning Commission. A certificate of review does not constitute an acceptance of any preliminary plan or final plat.