Permitted uses are as follows:
Research laboratories, business offices and offices accessory to an industrial use.
Animal hospitals.
Manufacture by processing, distillation, fabrication, assembly or other handling of products, provided that it meets the performance standards of § 415-105.
Agriculture, horticulture, nurseries and other similar uses.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 141-78A(5), Health and educational institutions, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 9-12-2006 by Ord. No. 11-2006.
Warehouses, except the storage of highly combustible materials and explosive materials is prohibited.
[Added 1-28-1997 by Ord. No. 2-97]
Accessory uses and buildings.
Permitted uses are as follows:
Uses permitted in the I-1 District.
Warehousing, except that the storage of highly combustible matter and explosive matter is prohibited.
Waste disposal treatment facilities operated as public utilities by the Borough of Totowa, there being specifically excluded commercial disposal and incineration plants.
Permitted uses are as follows:
Uses permitted in the I-1 District.
Uses permitted in the I-2 District.