[Amended 6-5-2021 ATM by Art. 28]
The Select Board shall appoint a Town Accountant
for a term of three years and if a vacancy occurs shall appoint a
successor. The Town Accountant in office when these bylaws shall take
effect shall continue to hold office until the term for which they
were appointed shall have expired, and their successor is appointed
and qualified. The Town Accountant shall perform such duties as are
required by law.
[Amended 11-29-2005 STM by Art. 12]
The accounts of the Town shall be kept in the
manner prescribed by the Director of Accounts of the Department of
Revenue, and shall be audited annually under the supervision of said
Director, pursuant to provisions of MGL c. 44, § 35.
All demands against the Town shall be paid directly
by check by the Town Treasurer-Collector.
All warrants for payrolls must be accompanied
by the daily time sheets of each employee, showing where each employee
performed such labor, the number of hours so employed, and the particulars
of the labor done each day, the total number of hours worked, rates
per hour and amount earned for the week, and the amount chargeable
to each appropriation or subdivision of the same.
All warrants for material furnished shall be
accompanied by the original bills for the same, showing the number
of the order for such material, the kind of material furnished, quantities,
prices, discounts allowed, total amount, for whom and for what purpose
the material was furnished, and the amount chargeable to each appropriation
or subdivision.