[Adopted 9-3-1991 by Ord. No. 212]
The Board of Supervisors of Whitpain Township agree that, pursuant to the terms of a certain intermunicipal agreement to be executed by Whitpain Township, Whitpain Township employees and Whitpain Township equipment may be used in other listed municipalities party to the agreement to provide the following emergency services in response to occurrences of man-made, natural or war-caused disasters or threats thereof:
Emergency services. Whitpain Township employees and Whitpain Township equipment and materials may perform the following services under the aforedescribed emergency circumstances:
Distribute materials, supplies, equipment and other forms of aid to listed municipalities.
Staff and equip emergency operations centers responsible for coordinating the emergency response activities in such listed municipalities affected by an actual or imminent disaster.
Dispatch emergency services equipment, material or personnel in response to a declaration of local disaster emergency declared by any of the listed municipalities.
Respond to incidents, actual or imminent, which endanger the health, safety or welfare of the public and which require use of special equipment, specially trained personnel or personnel in larger numbers than are locally available to reduce, counteract or remove dangers caused by the incident.
Participate in mutual planning, exercise, drills or other training activities, designed to train personnel to prepare for, cope with or prevent the occurrence of any disaster emergency.
The Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to execute the intermunicipal agreement to provide for emergency service response to participating listed municipalities as set forth in the proposed agreement, pursuant to the Act of July 12, 1972, No. 180, Section 5, as amended, 53 P.S. § 485.[1]
Editor's Note: Said statute was repealed 12-19-1996, P.L. 1158, No. 177. See now 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2301 et seq.