The Township Engineer of Whitpain Township shall have the responsibility for the enforcement. Said Township Engineer shall, under the direction of the Board, have the management and control of all well permits, applications and certificates. All applications for permits to drill wells wherein the well involved will have a capacity in excess of 2,000 gallons per day must be submitted to the Board. The Township Engineer may not grant a permit for such well without the express approval of the Board for such permit.
[Amended 8-5-1985 by Ord. No. 157]
Exception. Geothermal systems requiring more than 2,000 gallons per day do not require Board approval prior to issuance of a well permit.
[Added 8-5-1985 by Ord. No. 157]
In the event that well drilling is started without the obtaining of a well permit, the Board shall give the well contractor oral or written notice that he is in violation of Chapter 152, Water Wells. After 24 hours of giving said notice, the Board shall prosecute said well contractor under § 152-11 if said well contractor has not in the meantime applied for a well permit.
[Amended 8-5-1985 by Ord. No. 157]
No well contractor shall be issued a well permit until he has filed with the Township Engineer a letter stating that he is or intends to participate in the well drilling business in Whitpain Township.
No certificate of compliance shall be issued until the applicant for said certificate has filed with the Board an application for a permit to drill a well and a well record form. Said application and record shall be completely filled out, and the Board may reject any application or record not completely filled out.
Any person willfully filing misinformation in completing of forms will be subject to prosecution under existing statutes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.