Outdoor premises, including vacant lots, shall be free from conditions that might create a health, accident or fire hazard.
Such areas shall be reasonably free from holes and excavations, sharp protrusions and other objects or conditions that are a potential cause of personal injury.
Open wells, cesspools and cisterns shall be securely closed.
Trees and limbs of trees that constitute a hazard shall be removed.
All paved areas, such as but not limited to walkways, alleyways, steps, parking areas, driveways, courts and yards, that contain holes or tripping hazards shall be filled, repaired or replaced as the need indicates.
Such areas on outdoor premises of multiple dwellings shall be maintained and properly lighted at night to afford safe and convenient passage; such lighting shall be of an approved type as to location and safety of installation.
Lawns, hedges and bushes shall be kept from becoming overgrown and unsightly where exposed to public view, where neglect constitutes a blighting factor depreciating adjoining property. Ground cover shall be properly established to prevent undue soil erosion.
Outdoor premises, vacant lots and the abutting sidewalks shall be free from species of weeds or plant growth that are noxious or offensive.
Ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac shall be eliminated on outdoor premises whenever the Enforcement Officer determines such growths to be probably or actually dangerous to public health by reason of location, quantity or spread.
Accumulations of weeds or other growths that are potential sites for rodent harborage, unsightly or potentially dangerous, or unhealthy for whatever reason shall be eliminated.
Outdoor recreational facilities, such as benches, swings and similar equipment, shall be maintained in structurally safe and usable condition or removed from the premises.
Playground areas shall be maintained so as to be free of all hazards for children.
Outdoor premises shall be kept free from any accumulation of organic or inorganic material that might become a health, accident or fire hazard.
An adequate number of durable, nonporous containers which are watertight, structurally strong, easily filled, emptied and cleaned and equipped with tight-fitting lids shall be provided for temporary storage of garbage and rubbish.
Whenever it may be deemed necessary by the Enforcement Officer, platforms constructed of an impervious material shall be used for the storage of receptacles so as to eliminate the creation of a health nuisance.
A water faucet shall be close to said containers, to be used for cleansing each container at the storage site, or another means for such cleansing may be provided upon approval of the Enforcement Officer.
All bulk storage containers shall have self-closing lids.
Junk, including but not limited to discarded furniture, appliances and equipment, shall be disposed of in accordance with the regulations of the Village of Dobbs Ferry.
Any attractive nuisance that may prove detrimental to children, whether in the building, on the premises or upon a vacant lot, shall be eliminated. Such nuisances include but are not limited to abandoned refrigerators, motor vehicles and wells.[1]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 252, Refrigerators, Abandoned.
Outdoor premises shall be kept free from sources of insect, vermin and rodent harborage. Where such sources exist, they shall be eliminated.
Materials such as boxes, newspapers, lumber, scrap metal and other such materials that are stored outside the structure shall be neatly stacked and elevated so that there will be an opening of at least 18 inches between the material and the ground level to prevent the creation of a rat harborage area. Stacking or piling of such materials against the building shall be prohibited.
Garbage and rubbish containers shall be insectproof, verminproof and rodentproof.
Vacant lots shall be kept free of rubbish, brush or any other conditions that may serve as places of rat harborage.
Sewage must be discharged into a public sewer system, except as provided in § 204-96D of this chapter.
Discharge of inadequately treated sewage shall not be permitted upon the surface of the ground or into natural or artificial surface drainageways.
Stormwater shall be properly drained to prevent recurrent or excessive ponding or the entrance of stormwater into the basement, cellar or ground level of the structure.
The ground surrounding the structure shall, where practical, be graded away from the building and foundation.
Conductors or drainpipes, where utilized, shall function properly. Stormwater sewers, approved combined storm and sanitary sewers, dry wells or other satisfactory drainage systems shall be used where necessary.
No stormwater shall be discharged onto public sidewalks.
Accessory structures and appurtenances, such as garages, carports, swimming pools, water tanks and walls, located on outdoor premises shall be kept in good repair, free from health, accident and fire hazards and from insect, vermin and rodent harborage.
Such structures and appurtenances shall be kept structurally sound and in good repair or removed from the premises.
Effective insectproofing, verminproofing and rodentproofing or extermination must be done where necessary.
The exteriors of such structures and appurtenances shall be made weather-resistant through the use of decay-resistant materials or through the use of paint or other preservatives.
Water supply used for filling or for cleaning of swimming pools shall be clean. Water supply shall be protected against potential pollution from all sources, including cross-connection and backflow. Drains shall be provided so that the pool can be safely and adequately drained. Drains shall be provided in floors surrounding the swimming pool and arranged so that water from such areas will drain without entering the pool. Filtering, sterilizing and auxiliary equipment, where required, shall be adequate to maintain the sanitary quality of water during each period the pool is in use. Equipment containing gases or disinfectants capable of giving off irritating, toxic or flammable fumes shall be located in ventilated rooms. The installation shall be arranged and maintained to prevent dirt, sand or other foreign matter from entering the bathing area.
Water supply tanks shall be installed and maintained so as to be watertight, verminproof, rodentproof, resistant to corrosion and capable of withstanding the working pressures under normal operation. Supports for tanks shall be of noncombustible construction. Tanks and their supports shall not be used to support equipment or structures other than for tank use, except where specially designed for such other use. Means for emptying water supply tanks shall be provided and maintained in proper working condition. Potable water supply tanks for domestic supply and standpipe or automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed and maintained to furnish water in sufficient quantity and pressure for such systems.
Privies shall not be constructed or continued in operation without the written approval of the Enforcement Officer.
Outdoor antennas shall be firmly secured and maintained so as not to appear unsightly.
No person shall cause or allow to be caused by others any noxious fumes that are a health nuisance.
Exhaust openings for clothes dryers, heating units, cooling units, kitchen exhausts and other appurtenances that can create a nuisance shall be so located that the exhaust air discharging into the atmosphere will not create a nuisance.
Domestic animals and pets shall not be kept on any outdoor or interior premises in such a manner as to create insanitary conditions or constitute a nuisance.
Insanitary conditions, inappropriate types of domestic animals or pets and excessive numbers of same constitute conditions that may be considered a nuisance under this section.
Domestic animals and pets shall be maintained in accordance with applicable regulations of the Village of Dobbs Ferry.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 153, Dogs and Other Animals.
Open fires shall not be permitted unless authorized and approved pursuant to Village of Dobbs Ferry law and in conformity with New York State air pollution control regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 204-70, Signs, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 3-14-2000 by L.L. No. 5-2000.