Group homes shall be operated and maintained in compliance with Part 11 of the New York State Social Services Law.
All firesafety requirements for group homes shall conform to those provided in this chapter for all residential structures.
Additionally, all floors used by children in a group home shall have alternate exits remotely located from each other and readily accessible to the occupants, except that a two-story detached dwelling shall have a minimum of one exit stairway from the second floor and at least one additional alternate, safe means of emergency egress from the second floor. Folding drop ladders or attached vertical ladders are not acceptable as secondary means of egress.
All group homes shall provide and maintain a smoke-detection system approved by the Fire Department, covering all rooms and areas, connected to an automatic fire alarm with an audible alarm signal.
In all group homes, the following requirements must be met:
Extinguishers shall be installed in kitchens, boiler rooms, basements and hallways.
A telephone shall be provided, with emergency instructions for Fire and Police Departments posted nearby.
Residents and staff shall be instructed at regular intervals as to evacuation of the building.
Occupancy by children shall not be permitted above the second floor in a building of wood-frame construction.