[Adopted 7-3-1968 as Ch. 65, Art. VI and § 65.100A, of the 1968 Code]
It shall be the duty of a person doing any construction, alteration or wrecking to do the same with proper care for the safety of persons and property.
Warning barricades and lights shall be maintained whenever necessary for the protection of pedestrians or traffic; and temporary roofs over sidewalks shall be constructed whenever there is danger from falling articles or materials to pedestrians.
No sidewalk shall be obstructed in the course of building operations without a special permit from the Director of Public Works.
The use of streets for the storage of materials in the process of construction or alteration of a building is prohibited except that the Director of Public Works may grant a special permit when the same will not unduly interfere with traffic and a bond with sufficient sureties approved by the Director of Public Works and the City Attorney is furnished to indemnify the city for any loss or damage which may be incurred by reason of such use and occupation.
No construction or alteration operations shall be carried on at the nighttime if the same are accompanied by loud or annoying noises.
Whenever temporary roofs over sidewalks are necessary for the protection of pedestrians, the following minimum standards shall apply:
The roof shall be of sufficient strength and stability to sustain safely the weight of materials, equipment and personnel that may be placed thereon but not less than 300 pounds per square foot of surface, and to withstand the shocks incident to the handling of such materials and equipment or their preparation for use and accidental jars from trucks passing or delivering materials.
When the roof is used for storage of material or for the performance of work of any kind, substantial railings not less than three feet high and solid toe boards not less than six inches high shall be placed along the open sides and ends of the roof.
Such roof and supporting members shall be constructed to afford unobstructed walkway for pedestrians, not less than eight feet high and five feet wide.
Such roof shall remain in place until the building is enclosed, or, in case of a demolition, until the building has been reduced to 10 feet in height. If such is impracticable for any reason, waiver shall be requested and obtained from the Director of Public Works subject to such conditions as he shall establish.
[Amended by Ord. No. 81-27, eff. 9-2-1981]
A violation of any of the provisions of this article shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment not exceeding 15 days, or by both said fine and imprisonment. Each day any such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate violation.