[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Upper Brookville 12-1-2016 by L.L. No. 4-2016.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Ch. 134, Exterior Lighting, adopted 4-1-1973 as Art. 17 of the 1973 General Ordinance, as amended.
No person, firm or corporation, their agents, servants or employees shall install, operate or maintain on private property in the Village any exterior light, lamp or other artificial illumination which is not in compliance with § 134-2.
All exterior lights, lamps and other artificial illumination (exterior lighting) shall be arranged, placed, oriented and operated with the required wattage, reflectors, refractors and screening that will ensure:
The light beam or any part thereof will not project beyond the property line of the premises of the owner or occupant.
The light emitted will not be directed at or towards an adjoining property or residence on an adjoining property.
The light source will be oriented, hooded and shielded to the degree necessary and equipped with the minimum wattage so that glare from the light source will not be an unreasonable nuisance to the adjoining property. For purposes of this chapter, lighting glare shall constitute an unreasonable nuisance to an adjoining property if the light projected exceeds 0.2 of a footcandle (2.152 lumens) at any point on the adjoining property in the OPl (five acre) and the Rl (two acre) Zoning Districts.
No light shall be directed upon any surface which shall reflect the beam beyond the property line of the premises of the owner or occupant. Light overspill shall not create shadowing discernible without instruments on any residentially zoned premises.
Exterior lighting controlled by an automatic activated motion device shall turn off after 10 minutes. Exterior lighting fixtures shall be located no closer to the property line than four times the mounting height of the fixture, and shall not exceed the height of other structures on the lot.
No exterior light shall be placed so as to shed light directly upon any public street so as to interfere with motorists' vision or otherwise affect safe driving conditions on any street.
No flashing, fluorescent or neon exterior lights shall be permitted in any residential district. Holiday lighting, comprised of string lighting and other illuminated articles, shall be permitted only during the traditional holiday period.
No tennis or other athletic court shall be illuminated by artificial lighting.
Any exterior lighting presently installed on the effective date of this chapter in violation of the above standards shall be brought into compliance with the provisions hereof within nine months thereafter.
The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village, after a public hearing, may grant a waiver from the requirements of this chapter if it is found that such waiver will not adversely impact the neighboring properties or the Village.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a violation, punishable by a fine of $250 or a term of imprisonment of not more than 15 days, or both.