[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Upper Brookville 4-1-1973 as Arts. 2 and 3 of the 1973 General Ordinance. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Noise — See Ch. 144.
Parades — See Ch. 150.
Towing — See Ch. 188.
Unregistered vehicles — See Ch. 197.
[Amended 9-16-2008 by L.L. No. 4-2008]
The words and phrases used in this article shall, for the purpose of this article, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by Article 1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The entire width between boundary lines of every way privately owned and maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of motor vehicle traffic or is necessary to provide routine access for police and other emergency vehicles.
The following highways are hereby designated through highways, and all vehicles approaching said through highways as below specified shall come to a full stop in accordance with the stop signs posted at these locations:
Wolver Hollow Road is hereby designated as a through highway, and stop signs shall be posted at the following intersecting roadways entering thereon controlling traffic as indicated:
Ripley Lane from the east.
Piping Rock Road from the west.
Friendly Road from the east.
Pine Valley Road from the east.
Linden Lane is hereby designated as a through highway, and stop signs shall be posted at the following intersecting roadways entering thereon controlling traffic as indicated:
Colony Road from the east.
Chapel Gate Lane at its north terminus and south terminus from the south and west, respectively.
Revere Court from the north.
Donna Drive is hereby designated as a through highway, and stop signs shall be posted at the following intersecting roadways entering thereon controlling traffic as indicted:
Linda Court from the east.
Victor Court from the west.
Chicken Valley Road is hereby designated as a through highway, and stop signs shall be posted at the following intersecting roadways entering thereon controlling traffic as indicated:
Wolver Hollow Road from the south.
Locust Lane from the south.
Pine Valley Road is hereby designated as a through highway, and stop signs shall be posted at the following intersecting roadways entering thereon controlling traffic as indicated:
Cedar Ridge Road from the south.
The Knoll from the south.
Piping Rock Road is hereby designated a through highway, and stop signs shall be posted at the following intersecting roadways entering thereon controlling traffic as indicated:
Locust Lane from the north.
Colonial Drive from the west.
Mill River Road is hereby designated a through highway, and stop signs shall be posted at the following intersecting roadways entering thereon controlling traffic as indicated:
[Added 9-19-2000 by L.L. No. 1-2000]
Center View Drive from the east.
West View Drive from the east.
Lawn Lane from the east.
Juniper Drive from the east.
Planting Fields Road is designated as a through highway, except for commercial traffic, which is prohibited unless such commercial traffic is making a delivery or pickup of merchandise or other property to any resident that is located on any portion of Planting Fields Road, including those residences located in the Village of Matinecock.
[Added 12-18-2023 by L.L. No. 1-2023]
The following intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections, and stop signs shall be posted at the following roadways controlling traffic as indicated:
Wolver Hollow Road and Piping Rock Road controlling northbound and southbound traffic on Wolver Hollow Road.
Lawn Lane and Mill River Road controlling westbound traffic on Lawn Lane.
Donna Drive and Remsen's Lane controlling southbound traffic on Donna Drive.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(4), Wolver Hollow Road and the driveway entrance to Brookville School, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 12-18-2023 by L.L. No. 1-2023. This local law also provided for the redesignation of former Subsection B(5) and (6) as Subsection B(4) and (5).
Crosswood Lane and Wheatley Road controlling southbound traffic on Crosswood Lane.
Hillcrest Lane and Lawn Lane controlling southbound traffic on Hillcrest Lane.
[Added 9-19-2000 by L.L. No. 1-2000]
Thirty-five miles per hour is hereby established as the maximum speed limit at which vehicles may proceed within the corporate limits of this village, except on any state highway where the laws or regulations applicable to state highways apply.
[Amended 9-16-2008 by L.L. No. 4-2008]
Application of section. The provisions of this section shall apply except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle because of an accidental or temporary disability or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device or when a temporary written permit has been issued by the Village police for the parking of vehicles incidental to a meeting or gathering at a particular location in the Village or where the laws or regulations applicable to state highways require otherwise.
Parking, standing and stopping prohibited. The parking, standing and stopping of vehicles is hereby prohibited on all highways and private roads open to the public within the Incorporated Village of Upper Brookville.
Parking, standing or stopping on the unpaved shoulder of a public right-of-way. No vehicle, equipment or trailer shall be parked on or driven across any Village, county or New York State unpaved shoulder of a public right-of-way in a manner that causes damage to the vegetation, the earth or structures on such unpaved shoulder.
[Added 9-19-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016; amended 11-20-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
Any person or persons found violating Subsection C shall be fined $400, plus the cost of repairing any damage to the unpaved shoulder. For this subsection, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the owner of the vehicle was responsible for all resulting damage to the unpaved shoulder, with remediation not to exceed a maximum amount of $2,000.
This section shall not apply to any vehicle which is disabled while being driven on a public road.
The fine for a second or subsequent conviction of a violation of this section within 18 months shall be double the fine described above.
No person may park, stand or stop any vehicle, trailer or equipment upon the paved portion of any Village, county or New York State road in any manner which unduly restricts, encumbers, or obstructs the roadway or traffic on the roadway.
[Added 11-20-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
When any vehicle is parked or abandoned on any highway within this village, said vehicle may be removed by the Police Department.
After removal of any vehicle as provided in this section, the Police Department may store such vehicle in a suitable place at the expense of the owner. Such owner or person in charge of the vehicle may redeem the same upon payment to the Police Department of the amount of all expenses actually and necessarily incurred in effecting such removal and storage.
The Police Department shall, without delay, report the removal and the disposition of any vehicles removed as provided in this article to the Village Chief of Police, and it shall be the duty of the Police Department to ascertain, to the extent possible, the owner of the vehicle or person having charge of the same and to notify him of the removal and disposition of such vehicle and of the amount which will be required to redeem the same.
[Amended 9-19-2000 by L.L. No. 1-2000]
Pavement markings in accordance with the standards and specifications established by the State Traffic Commission shall be applied on all highways and streets within the corporate limits of the village, except on any state highways where the laws or regulations applicable to state highways require otherwise.
[Amended 12-15-1981 by L.L. No. 1-1981]
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or move or cause or knowingly permit to be operated or moved on or over any of the following streets, highways or avenues owned or maintained by the village (hereinafter referred to as "village street") any motor vehicle, truck, tractor, trailer or any other machinery whose weight alone or in combination with the weight of its load shall exceed five tons without first obtaining a permit for each vehicle from the Village Street Commissioner, upon written application therefor, stating the name of the owner, the character of the vehicle, its weight, its proposed load, the name of the village street over which its passage is proposed and the day or days and time of such proposed passage:
Cedar Ridge Road
Chapel Gate Lane
Colony Road
Donna Drive
Hill Crest Lane
Lawn Lane
Linda Court
Linden Lane
Locust Lane
Mill River Road
Pine Valley Road
Planting Fields Road
Ripley Lane
Terrace Lane
The Knoll
Victor Court
Said permit shall not be issued unless and until there has been deposited with the village the following:
A cash deposit made to the Village Street Commissioner for deposit with the Village Treasurer in the amount required by § 112-6 and amendments thereto of Chapter 112, Fees and Deposits, such amount to be measured and/or multiplied by the linear feet of that portion of the village street to be traveled upon by each vehicle, the number of vehicles and the number of days each vehicle will operate on any village street.
A form of agreement, duly executed and acknowledged before a notary public, in a form satisfactory to the village's Street Commissioner, which, by its terms, shall provide that:
The permittee shall, within 10 days after receiving written notice of any damage caused by any of his vehicles to any village street, cause the same to be repaired to the reasonable satisfaction of the village's Street Commissioner; and
In the event that the permittee shall fail to repair any damages caused by his vehicle to any village street as provided in Subsection B(2)(a) above, the village shall have the absolute right to use all or a portion of said cash deposit to repair said village street and restore the same to its original condition.
The cash deposit or the remaining portion thereof shall be returned to the permittee by the Village Treasurer after the Street Commissioner has certified, in writing, that each village street used by the permittee's vehicle is in or has been restored to its original condition before such use.
The regulations established in this section shall not be construed to prevent the casual delivery or pickup of merchandise or other property along the village streets from which such vehicles are otherwise excluded.
[Added 9-19-2000 by L.L. No. 1-2000]
Any person guilty of violating any provision of this article is guilty of a traffic infraction and subject to the penalties provided in § 1800 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
The Village Justice is hereby authorized to establish a Traffic Violations Bureau for the village subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth.
The Traffic Violations Bureau, when so established, shall be authorized to dispose of violations of traffic laws, ordinances, rules and regulations relating to parking only, as follows: by permitting a person charged with a parking violation to answer within a period of 20 days at the Traffic Violations Bureau, either in person or by written power of attorney in the form hereinafter set forth, by paying the fine designated by the Village Justice for such violation and, in writing, waiving a hearing in court, pleading guilty to the charge and authorizing the person in charge of the Traffic Violations Bureau to make such a plea and pay such a fine in court.
Acceptance of the prescribed fine and power of attorney by the Traffic Violations Bureau shall be deemed complete satisfaction for the violation, and the violator shall be given a receipt which so states.
Any summons charging a parking violation may be served upon the violator in person or may be affixed to the motor vehicle involved in the violation.
If in any parking violation case where the summons was affixed to the motor vehicle and not served personally no one answers as hereinabove provided within the time designated in the summons, the Traffic Violations Bureau shall send a letter by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the registered owner of such vehicle, as disclosed by the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles, enclosing a copy of the summons and warning the registered owner that he will be held responsible for the appearance of the offender and directing the registered owner to answer the summons in the manner hereinabove provided within a designated time which shall be not less than six days from the date of mailing of said letter.
If any person served personally with a summons under this article or if any registered owner of the motor vehicle involved who is served and notified as provided in Subsection A of this section does not answer as hereinabove provided within the designated time, the Traffic Violations Bureau shall cause a complaint to be entered against him forthwith and shall apply for a warrant to be issued for his arrest and appearance before the court.
The Traffic Violations Bureau shall perform such other or additional duties as shall be prescribed by law, by the Village Justice or the Board of Trustees of the village.
The power of attorney referred to in this article shall be in the following form:
Power of Attorney
The undersigned hereby acknowledges service of the summons herein, waives his right to be represented by an attorney and waives a hearing in court, pleads guilty to the offense charged in said summons and authorizes the Clerk of the Traffic Violations Bureau of the Incorporated Village of Upper Brookville to appear in court for me, to make such plea of guilty on my behalf and to pay the prescribed fine using the money enclosed.
Print your name
Nothing contained in this article shall be deemed to authorize the Traffic Violations Bureau to deprive a person of his right to counsel or to prevent him from exercising his right to appear in court to answer to, explain or defend any charge of a violation of any traffic law, ordinance, rule or regulation.