[[1]Adopted 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1087]
Editor's Note: Former Article II, Board of Environmental Protection, adopted 4-16-1974 by Ord. No. 411 (Ch. 2.36 of the 1992 Code), was repealed 12-23-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-1029.
The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Borough Council, may annually appoint up to 15 persons who may be employees or residents of the Borough as members of the Skating Pond Committee. To the extent a Director of Recreation has been appointed pursuant to Chapter 5, Article III, of the Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Essex Fells, the Director of Recreation shall be one of the members of the Skating Pond Committee. All volunteers must comply with and sign off on the Personnel Policies and Procedure set forth by the Borough.
The Skating Pond Committee shall advise the Borough concerning the utilization and management of the Skating Pond, including improvements and maintenance of the facility, for the recreational use and enjoyment by young people and other residents of the Borough. The Committee shall assist the Borough in generating support for the Pond and with communications regarding the use of the Pond and advise the Borough on the effective use of volunteers. The Director of Recreation shall assist the Skating Pond Committee in the above duties, serve as advisor and consultant to the Skating Pond Committee and to the Mayor and Council and may also be given executive responsibilities under the Mayor and Council for activities at the Skating Pond.