[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hamburg 8-19-1991. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The objectives of the investment policy of the Village of Hamburg are to minimize risk, to ensure that investments mature when the cash is required to finance operations and to ensure a competitive rate of return.
In accordance with this policy, the chief fiscal officer is hereby authorized to invest all funds, including proceeds of obligations and reserve funds in:
Certificates of deposit issued by a bank or trust company authorized to do business in New York State.
Time deposit accounts in a bank or trust company authorized to do business in New York State.
Obligations of New York State.
Obligations of the United States Government.
All funds except reserve funds may be invested in:
Obligations of agencies of the federal government, if principal and interest is guaranteed by the United States.
With the approval of the State Comptroller, revenue anticipation notes or tax anticipation notes or other local governments.
Only reserve funds may be invested in obligations of the Village of Hamburg.
All other local government officials receiving money in their official capacity must deposit such funds in negotiable order of withdrawal accounts.
All investments made pursuant to this investment policy shall comply with the following conditions:
Certificates of deposit shall be fully secured by insurance of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or by obligations of New York State or obligations of the United States which are guaranteed by the United States or obligations of New York State local governments. Collateral shall be delivered to the local government or a custodial bank with which the local government has entered into a custodial agreement. The market value of collateral shall at all times equal or exceed the principal amount of the certificate of deposit.
Collateral shall not be required with respect to the direct purchase of obligations of New York State, obligations of the United States and obligations of federal agencies, the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the United States Government.
Designation of custodial bank. Any bank chartered by the State of New York is designated to act as custodial bank of the Village of Hamburg investments. However, securities may not be purchased through a repurchase agreement with the custodial bank.
Financial strength of institutions.
All trading partners must be credit worthy. Their financial statements must be reviewed at least annually by the chief fiscal officer to determine satisfactory financial strength, or the chief fiscal officer may use credit rating agencies to determine credit worthiness of trading partners.
The village will seek the most favorable rate of return possible. This should not restrict the total amount that can be deposited in any one institution.
[Amended 4-6-1992]
Allowable investment vehicles are to be made with banks or trust companies.
[Amended 4-6-1992]
Their annual reports must be reviewed by the chief fiscal officer to determine satisfactory financial strength.
When purchasing eligible securities, the seller shall be required to deliver the securities to our custodial bank.
The chief fiscal officer or the deputy chief fiscal officer shall authorize the purchase and sale of all securities and execute contracts for certificates of deposit on behalf of the Village of Hamburg. Oral directions concerning the purchase or sale of securities shall be confirmed in writing. The Village of Hamburg shall pay for purchased securities upon the delivery or book-entry thereof.
The Village of Hamburg will encourage the purchase and sale of securities and certificates of deposit through a competitive or negotiated process involving telephone solicitation of at least two bids for each transaction.
At the time independent auditors conduct the annual audit of the accounts and financial affairs of the Village of Hamburg, the independent auditors shall audit the investments of the Village of Hamburg for compliance with the provisions of these investment guidelines.
At least annually, and if practicable, at the April meeting of the governing board, the members shall review and amend, if necessary, these investment guidelines.
The provisions of these investment guidelines and any amendments hereto shall take effect prospectively and shall not invalidate the prior selection of any custodial bank or prior investment.