[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Carlisle 4-9-1959 as part of Ord. No. 145-C, approved 4-9-1959. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fees — See Ch. 120.
Defacement of cemetery property — See Ch. 170.
[Amended 3-10-1988 by Ord. No. 1576, approved 3-10-1988]
The heads of families may designate and lay out a burying spot in unoccupied ground in the Borough cemetery for their family, of such dimensions as the Borough Manager shall approve, and enclose the same at their option with railing, and where the same is already done, it is sanctioned and approved by this chapter. As far as it is practicable, the lots for burying shall hereafter be located so as to allow a walk to be made from each of the gates through the said graveyard under the direction of the Borough Manager, provided that it can be done without disturbing any graves.
[Amended 3-10-2005 by Ord. No. 2032, approved 3-10-2005; 10-14-2010 by Ord. No. 2136, approved 10-19-2010]
Henceforth the public graveyard of the Borough of Carlisle, known as Carlisle’s Old Graveyard, located on East South Street shall be under the supervision of the Borough Manager.
It shall be the duty of the Borough Manager or the person or persons employed under the Manager's supervision for the purpose, to take charge of these burial grounds, to cause all graves to be dug and to be closed, to keep the grass neatly cut and the trees and shrubbery trimmed, to keep the walks clean and free from grass, to assist in any and all improvements made and work done in and about the said graveyard, and to preserve all trees, shrubbery and flowers which may be planted or placed in the said graveyard, and also to preserve and protect the monuments, tombstones, graves and railings from depredation or injury and to keep all animals from trespassing therein.
[Amended 5-8-1975 by Ord. No. 1159, approved 5-8-1975; 6-30-1975 by Ord. No. 1191, approved 6-30-1975]
A fee shall be charged for maintenance of each cemetery lot and a fee shall be charged per grave for grave digging in such amounts as set forth in Chapter 120, Fees, as enacted and ordained, and as may be, from time to time, amended.
[Added 2-14-1985 by Ord. No. 1470, approved 2-14-1985; amended 10-9-1986 by Ord. No. 1515, approved 10-9-1986]
[Added 5-13-1976 by Ord. No. 1222, approved 5-13-1976; amended 3-10-1988 by Ord. No. 1576, approved 3-10-1988]
It shall be unlawful for any person to be present in the Borough cemetery between the hours of sundown and sunup, provided that nothing herein shall render illegal the presence of a person expressly authorized by the Manager to be on the grounds for purposes of repairs, maintenance or other cemetery-related activity, nor shall it render illegal the presence of police or other persons during an emergency necessitating their presence. Any person violating this section shall be subject to a fine of not more than $600 and payment of costs of prosecution, and, in default thereof not caused by indigency, to imprisonment of not more than 30 days.
[Amended 5-8-1975 by Ord. No. 1159, approved 5-8-1975]
Persons desiring and entitled to bury in said graveyard, before interring a body, shall notify the Borough Manager of the intention to do so and shall provide the Manager with information requested by him or her in relation to the time and place of the burial.
All funds and moneys arising from legacies which have heretofore been given and paid to the Borough of Carlisle and which may hereafter be so given and paid, the purpose whereof is to provide a fund for the maintenance and keeping in repair of certain lots in the public graveyard, shall hereafter be kept and maintained in a separate account which shall be known as the "Cemetery Trust Fund of the Borough of Carlisle."
[Amended 3-10-2005 by Ord. No. 2032, approved 3-10-2005; 10-14-2010 by Ord. No. 2136, approved 10-19-2010]
The said trust fund shall from time to time be invested as directed by Borough Council, and the principal thereof may be used for capital expenditures relating to the Old Graveyard as Borough Council may from time to time authorize. The principal and income therefrom shall be kept in the same account, with the interest to be used as Borough Council may from time to time authorize for the purpose of keeping the lots in good condition and repair, and for no other purpose whatsoever.
[Amended 10-12-2017 by Ord. No. 2281; approved 10-12-2017]
No corporation, partnership, company, association of individuals or any individual shall, from and after October 8, 1896, lay out or maintain any new cemetery or graveyard or any addition to any cemetery or graveyard within the limits of the Borough of Carlisle.[1] This section shall in no way affect any cemetery or graveyard or addition thereto that is now laid out and maintained within the said corporate limits except insofar as its boundaries shall not hereafter be extended.
Editor's Note: The provisions of this section were modified by an ordinance adopted 6-12-1902 to permit the establishment of the Thompson Cemetery and by an ordinance adopted 7-13-1905 to permit the extension of St. Patrick's Cemetery. Said ordinances are on file in the office of the Borough Secretary.