A certain document, three copies of which are on file in the office of the Borough Manager of the Borough of Catasauqua, being marked and designated as the International
Property Maintenance Code, 2012 Edition, as published by the International
Code Council, be and is hereby adopted as the
Property Maintenance Code of the Borough of Catasauqua, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures; by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; and the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use, and the demolition of such existing structures as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said
Property Maintenance Code on file in the office of the Borough of Catasauqua are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this article, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in §
130-2 of this article.
The following sections of the International Property Maintenance Code, 2012 Edition, are hereby revised as follows:
In Section 101.1, insert: "Borough of Catasauqua."
In Section 103.5, insert: "as adopted by resolution of Borough Council from time to time."
Modify Section 104.2 to add the following after the last sentence: "The Borough Manager may approve the use of such persons if the expense does not exceed $500."
Delete Section 106.3 in its entirety.
Amend Section 106.4 in its entirety to read: "Any person who shall violate a provision of this code, or fail to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, shall be subject to a fine of up to $1,000 per day. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense. The Borough shall have the right to institute an appropriate proceeding at law or in equity to enjoin a violation of any provision of the International Property Maintenance Code, 2012 Edition, and seek civil penalty as provided above as part of the injunctive relief, together with attorney's fees and costs."
In Section 112.4, insert: "$300" and "$1,000."
In Section 302.4, insert: "six inches."
In Section 304.14, insert: "April 1" and "October 31" in the appropriate locations.
In Section 602.3, insert: "October 1" and "April 30" in the appropriate locations.
In Section 602.4, insert: "October 1" and "April 30" in the appropriate locations.
The Code Enforcement Officer, Building Inspector and/or the Building Code Official are hereby appointed to enforce the terms of this article.