The Manager shall serve as head of all departments, unless and until the Council authorizes appointment of separate department heads, except for the Department of Finance, which shall be headed by the Treasurer, reporting to the Manager.
The Council may create, abolish, or consolidate departments through amendment of this Code.
The Department of Administration, which shall be headed by the Manager, is responsible for the general administration of Township government and the maintenance of an office for the conduct of Township business. Specifically, this Department shall:
Maintain proper records and files of Township employees, contracts, purchases, property and equipment, budgets and other administrative matters, including zoning and subdivision matters;
Record, file and index all proceedings of Council;
Publish ordinances and resolutions of Council and all legal notices required by law;
Maintain for public use and distribution copies of this Code and of other laws and codes governing the Township and copies of other documents needed by Township residents in order to comply with Township laws and regulations and the responsibilities of citizenship;
Demand and receive grants from federal and state agencies and other moneys properly due the Township; and
Carry out other administrative functions assigned to it by the Manager.
The Department of Finance shall be headed by the Treasurer, under the supervision of the Manager. This Department is responsible for collecting, safekeeping and maintaining an accurate account of Township moneys. Specifically, this Department shall:
Maintain an accurate, up-to-date record of Township taxpayers and residents; maintain the confidentiality of all Township tax records;
Collect all taxes in the manner authorized and required by law;
Keep in clear and readable form a full and accurate account of all moneys received and disbursed;
Pay Township employees upon receipt of proper payroll lists from the Manager and/or department heads;
Deposit Township funds in the depositories designated by Council; and
Assist the Manager in the preparation of the annual budget of the Township.