The Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
The EAC is to be advisory to and shall coordinate its activities with the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board, Open Space Review Board, Historical Commission and other such Township entities.
The EAC shall advise the Board of Supervisors regarding the identification of environmental problems and conditions.
The EAC shall recommend plans and programs to the appropriate Township officials for the promotion and conservation of the natural resources and for the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment within East Bradford Township.
Make recommendations to the Open Space Review Board and Parks and Recreation Board as to the possible use of open land areas in the Township.
Promote and coordinate a community environmental program.
Maintain an index of all open areas, publicly or privately owned, including, but not limited to, floodplain areas, wetlands and other unique and sensitive natural areas in the Township.
Undertake such environmental tasks as requested by the Board of Supervisors.
The Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) shall submit the following information and reports to the Board of Supervisors unless otherwise indicated herein:
An annual report to the Board of Supervisors not later than March 31 following the year for which the report applies, and said report to include a summary of the activities if the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) with particular reference to the extent and adequacy of the program and its effectiveness in use of public expenditures and achievement of Township objectives in service to its citizens.
Prepare and submit recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding the following:
Policy decisions related to resource protection.
Public education on natural resource protection and other environmental issues.
Coordinate activities to physically improve the environment in East Bradford Township.
Review proposed ordinance provisions and proposed land development plans as they relate to the protection, preservation and management of open space in the Township.
Coordinate with the Planning Commission, Open Space Review Board, Parks and Recreation Board, Historical Commission and other municipal bodies and officials by routine communication with members and attendance at meetings.