The Woodstock Environmental Commission (WEC) shall
serve as an advisory agency specializing in environmental information
and providing review assistance to all agencies and officials in the
Town of Woodstock. The WEC shall be an interested agency for all purposes
in this chapter and the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR).
Additionally, all submitted SEQR forms shall be circulated to the
WEC. This shall include environmental assessment forms, environmental
impact statements, review memoranda, notices of lead agency status
or other filing notices, SEQR determinations of significance, scoping
documents, findings and other pertinent materials. The WEC may provide
commentary and consultation to the lead agency at all points in SEQR
procedure. Recommendations may include requests for more information
or the need for a full EAF rather than a short form. Comments of the
WEC shall be considered by the lead agency in its proceedings and
determinations. When referrals are requested of the WEC, responses
shall be provided in a manner consistent with SEQR and lead agency
procedure and time frames.