[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of East Greenville 7-6-1992 by Ord. No. 3-92. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby established the appointed borough office of Independent Auditor, said Auditor to be appointed by resolution of Borough Council annually, prior to the close of the fiscal year, to be paid for his services an amount established by Borough Council in said resolution.
The Independent Auditor shall be a certified public accountant, registered in Pennsylvania, a firm of certified public accountants so registered, a competent public accountant or a competent firm of public accountants.
The Independent Auditor shall make an independent examination of the accounting records of the borough for the fiscal year of his appointment in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and procedures and shall prepare a report which shall set forth the scope of his examination and his opinion of the fairness of the presentation of the financial statement of the borough which shows a complete statement of the financial condition of the borough, giving in detail the actual indebtedness, the amount of funded debt, the amount of floating debt, the valuation of taxable property therein, the assets of the borough with the character and value thereof and the maturity date of the respective forms of funded debt.
The Independent Auditor shall have the duty to:
File a copy of the report as provided for above with the Borough Secretary of the Borough of East Greenville, the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and the Department of Community Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on or before the 90th day following the close of the fiscal year for which said report was prepared; and
Publish, within 10 days after such filing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the borough, a statement setting forth the balance in the borough treasury at the beginning of the fiscal year, revenues received during the year by major classification, expenditures made during the year by major functions, the resources and liabilities of the borough at the close of the fiscal year, the gross liability and net debt of the borough, the assessed valuation of the borough, the assets of the borough with the character and value thereof and the date of the last maturity of the respective forms of funded debt and the assets in each sinking fund.
The Independent Auditor shall make his report on the uniform form issued by the Department of Community Affairs.
The surcharge and penalty provisions of Section 1196(c) and 1196(d) of the Borough Code[1] are included herein by reference as though fully set forth herein.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 46196(d) and (e).
The office of Elected Borough Auditor is hereby abolished within the Borough of East Greenville. The Elected Auditors now in office shall retain that office for the balance of the terms for which they were elected but shall not, during the balance of said term, audit, settle or adjust the accounts of the Borough of East Greenville. At the expiration of the terms of the Elected Auditors now holding office, no one shall be elected to fill the vacancy in that office.