The township shall have the right to inspect and copy upon 20 days' written notice at any time during normal business hours at the cable system office or at such location as the township and franchisee shall agree, all books, receipts, maps, plans, financial statements, contracts, service complaint logs, performance test results, records of requests for service, maps, plans and other like material of franchisee (the "records") which are reasonably necessary to monitor compliance with the terms of this ordinance, a franchise agreement, a Rate Regulation Filing or applicable law. The written notice for inspection request shall include the purpose for the inspection and a description of the records sought to be inspected to the extent known.
Franchisee shall provide to the township, on a semiannual basis, copies of all petitions, applications, communications and reports submitted to the FCC by franchisee on behalf of or relating to the franchise's compliance with the franchise agreement. Copies of such documents shall be made available to the general public by franchisee upon request.
Franchisee shall maintain with the township a current map or set of maps drawn to scale showing the cable system and all equipment installed or in place in streets and other public places.