[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Winneconne 10-20-1994 as §§ 1.02 to 1.07, 1.10 to 1.15 and 1.33 of the 1994 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Boards, committees and commissions — See Ch. 9.
Departments — See Ch. 25.
Elections — See Ch. 32.
Emergency government — See Ch. 46.
Town Board — See Ch. 94.
[Amended 5-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-1; 3-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-04]
The following Town officials shall be appointed in the manner and for the term indicated:
How Appointed
Town Board
2 years
Town Board
Building Inspector
Town Board
Highway Superintendent
Town Board
1 year
Fire Chief
Town Board
Police Chief
Town Board
Weed Commissioner
Town Board
1 year
Zoning Administrator
Town Board
Elected and appointed officials shall take and file the official oath within five days after notice of their election or appointment and shall execute and file the official bond as required by state statutes and this Code.
Elected officials. Elected officials may be removed by the Town Board as provided in § 17.13(2), Wis. Stats., by the Judge of the Circuit Court for cause under § 17.13(3), Wis. Stats., or as provided by § 17.16, Wis. Stats.
Appointed officials. Appointed officials may be removed as provided in §§ 17.13(1) and (3) and 17.16, Wis. Stats.
How occurring. Vacancies in elective and appointive positions are caused as provided in §§ 17.03 and 17.035, Wis. Stats.
How filled. Vacancies in elective and appointive offices shall be filled as provided in § 17.25, Wis. Stats.
The salaries of all elected and appointed officials, including members of boards and commissions, shall be as determined by the Annual Town Meeting or Town Board, where applicable, when authorized under § 60.10(2)(k), Wis. Stats., provided that salaries and compensation rates of elected officials shall not be increased or reduced during their terms of office. (See § 60.32, Wis. Stats.)
Except for offices combined under § 60.305, Wis. Stats., no Town officer shall be compensated for acting in more than one official capacity or office of the Town at the same time.
At the Annual Town Meeting on April 7, 1959, a motion was adopted granting the Town village powers.
Authority. The Town Board shall have all powers of the Town not specifically given to some other body or officer. Except as otherwise provided by law, the Town Board has power over property, finances, highways, streets, utilities and the public service; may act for the government and good order of the Town for its commercial benefit and for the health, safety, welfare and convenience of the public; and may carry its powers into effect by license, regulation, suppression, borrowing, taxation, special assessment, appropriation, imposition of forfeitures and other necessary or convenient means. The Town Board may appoint such officials from time to time as may be deemed necessary for the benefit of the community. In addition, the Board shall have the powers enumerated in § 60.22, Wis. Stats., and may exercise the powers enumerated in § 60.23, Wis. Stats. The powers hereby conferred shall be in addition to all other grants and shall be limited only by express language.
Other provisions. See also Chapter 94, Town Board, of this Code.
Appointment and term. See § 70-1.
Powers and duties.
Applicable statute. See § 60.307, Wis. Stats.
Other duties prescribed by law. He shall perform such other duties as shall be prescribed by state law, supervisory personnel of the State Department of Revenue and the Town Board, including attendance at all meetings of the Board of Review.
Confidentiality of income and expense information provided to Assessor for assessment purposes.
[Added 4-20-2000]
Adoption. This subsection adopts by reference § 70.47(7)(af), Wis. Stats. Income and expense information provided by a property owner to the Assessor for the purposes of establishing the valuation for assessment purposes by the income method of valuation shall be confidential and not a public record open to inspection or copying under § 19.35(1), Wis. Stats.
Exceptions. An officer may make disclosure of such information under the following circumstances:
The Assessor has access to such information in the performance of his/her duties.
The Board of Review may review such information when needed, in its opinion, to decide upon a contested assessment.
Another person or body has the right to review such information due to the intimate relationship to the duties of an office or as set by law.
The officer is complying with a court order.
The person providing the income and expense information has contested the assessment level at either the Board of Review or by filing a claim for excessive assessment under § 74.37, Wis. Stats., in which case the base records are open and public.
Appointment and term. See § 70-1 of this chapter.
Powers and duties. The Town Attorney shall perform such duties as directed by the Town Board.
The Town Clerk shall have such powers and perform such duties as prescribed by state law and directed by the Town Board. See § 60.33, Wis. Stats.
The Town Treasurer shall have such powers and perform such duties as prescribed by state law and directed by the Town Board. See § 60.34, Wis. Stats.
Appointment and term. See § 70-1 of this chapter.
Jurisdiction and duties. See Chapter 25, § 25-2 of this Code.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).