[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Winneconne as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 10-20-1994 as § 1.32 of the 1994 Code]
Who may use. The building can be made available to the following:
Residents of the Town.
Governmental agencies, such as planning commissions, fire departments, and other organizations relating to government.
When available. The hall can be made available between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Reservations and cancellations of reservations by Town. Persons wishing to use the Town Hall must submit a written request to the Town Clerk by completing a request form furnished by the Town Clerk. The request must be submitted no more than six months prior to the date requested.
Deposit. All applications for use must be accompanied by a deposit of $150. The amount refunded to applicant, if any, shall be returned the month following hall use. Town bills are regularly paid the fourth week of the month and must be approved by Town Board. Deposit refunds shall be treated as a Town bill. All rentals are termed tentative until receipt of the deposit by the Clerk.
Maintenance. The hall and grounds must be left in the same orderly condition in which they were found. The refrigerator, stove and sink may be used. Perishable items of any kind are not to be left in the refrigerator. The stove and oven are to be turned off. Garbage is to be removed from premises. It cannot be incinerated at the building. If the premises are left in satisfactory condition, $100 of the deposit will be returned to the applicant.
Size of group and use restrictions. No more the 225 persons may attend any authorized function. No intoxicating liquor is allowed on the premises. Beer and wine may be served without charge but shall not be sold.
Responsibility for keys.
[Amended 4-20-1995]
It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the Town Clerk prior to the function to make arrangements to pick up the keys. Keys may not be picked up earlier than three days before the function and must be returned the day following, according to arrangements made with the Town Clerk. Notwithstanding the above provisions, governmental agencies which meet at the Town Hall regularly at least as often as once per month may be issued one key to be retained as long as they continue to meet at the Town Hall.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
All keys are issued at the pleasure of the Town. Anyone holding a key to the building shall return it within 48 hours of a request from the Town Board, Town Chairman or Town Clerk. Duplicating keys is prohibited. Anyone who loses a key shall be responsible for compensating the Town for the cost of re-keying the building and replacement of all keys then issued or in possession of the Town.
Decorating. No decorations or other items may be attached to the walls, doors, ceilings or other parts of the building. Decorations need to be removed from the premises immediately following the event.
Tables and chairs. There are several large tables and chairs available for use. They must be put back where they were found when the event is over but may be used. The "forum" which the Town Board occupies for meetings shall not be moved.
Outside of building and grounds. During the warmer months the outside grounds are available for use in conjunction with the inside of the building. Again, the grounds must be left in neat conditions, i.e. paper, cups, etc., picked up. The tables and chairs must be left in the building.
Smoking. Absolutely no smoking is allowed within the municipal building. Smoking is allowed on the grounds.
No activity that causes the Town to lose insurability shall be considered for variance (i.e., using the Town Hall as a remote work location to conduct business).
[Added 12-15-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-03[2]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsections L and M as Subsections M and N, respectively
Variances. All variances from the above regulations and rules shall be approved by the Town Board.
Notwithstanding the other provisions set forth in Subsections D and E of this section, government agencies not located within Winnebago County, such as planning commissions, fire departments, and other organizations relating to government, shall pay the fifty-dollar nonrefundable portion of the deposit but shall not be required to deposit the additional $100. Agencies located within Winnebago County shall be exempt from the fee entirely. All agencies shall, promptly upon being billed, reimburse any cleanup expenses that the Town incurs.