The number of Board members, their qualifications, terms, election, removal, compensation and the filling of Board vacancies shall be as provided in §§ 2.01 through 2.06 of the Charter. The powers and duties of the Board shall be as provided by the Charter or by ordinances adopted pursuant thereto. The annual compensation of each Board member shall be paid in equal quarterly installments.
The officers of the Board and the day, time and place of the organizational meeting of the Board shall be as provided in §§ 2.07 and 2.08 of the Charter. The order of business at the organizational meeting shall be:
Oath of office of newly elected Board members.
Selection of the Chairman pro tem.
Election of the President and Vice President of the Board.
Appointment of the Township Solicitor.
Appointment of the Township Secretary and designation of an Assistant Secretary.
Oath of office of the Township Solicitor and Township Secretary.
Establishment of standing and ad hoc advisory committees of the Board.
Appointments of Chairmen and members of standing committees of the Board.
Appointments of Chairmen and members of ad hoc advisory committees to the Board.
Appointments of members of Township boards, commissions and authorities.
Appointments to other boards and authorities.
Establishment of the location, time and twelve-month calendar for regular meetings of the Board.
Either the immediate past President or past Vice President of the Board, if continuing in office and present, shall act as Chairman pro tem of this meeting for the purpose of electing the President and Vice President of the Board. If neither continues in office or neither is present, the Commissioners present shall elect a Chairman pro tem according to Robert's Rules of Order.
In addition to those duties provided for in § 2.08 of the Charter and elsewhere in the Charter, the President of the Board and, in his absence, the Vice President shall have the authority to administer the oath of office to newly appointed Township officials and police officers. In the case of investigations or hearings conducted by the Board, the President may administer oaths to witnesses and rule on the admissibility of evidence and the qualifications of expert witnesses.
Only Township Commissioners shall be eligible to serve as members of the standing committees of the Board. All standing committees of the Board, except any committee dealing with finances and taxation, shall be composed of a Chairman and two members, all of whom shall be appointed by the President. All members of the Board shall be members of any committee on finances and taxation, and the President shall serve as Chairman of any such committee. The President shall be a member ex officio of all standing committees. Standing committees of the Board may make policy recommendations to the Board regarding departments or other matters within their purview. They may provide Board liaison with appropriate boards, commissions and authorities of the Township. When authorized by resolution of the Board, committees may act as the hearing body for proposals, requests, complaints and appeals of individual citizens or groups of citizens. Such hearings shall be open to the public with notices posted on the bulletin board. In so doing, the committee shall develop facts and make recommendations to the Board for formal action. The Board may establish, by resolution, such advisory committees as it may require.
The Manager, in cooperation with the Secretary, shall prepare agendas for meetings of the Board subject to the approval and direction of the President of the Board. The Secretary shall provide public notice of special meetings and shall make available to the public copies of the agendas and appropriate supporting documents for all meetings. The order of business for each regular meeting shall be as follows:
Pledge of allegiance.
Announcement of executive sessions, if any.
Approval of minutes of the previous meeting.
Reports of the Manager and department heads.
Reports of advisory groups, if any.
Reports of standing committees of the Board.
Old business.
New business.
Public participation.
At the discretion of the President, the order of business may be modified.
At regular or special meetings of the Board, individual citizens shall have the right to speak on agenda items under discussion prior to formal action by the Board and as provided in § 2.09 of the Charter. To ensure inclusion in the agenda and the opportunity to speak on subjects not scheduled for discussion by the Board, individual citizens may so inform the Secretary prior to 12:00 noon of the working day which precedes by two working days the day of the regular Board meeting. The President may limit the time each person shall speak, giving equal time to all. When a group of citizens wishes to address the Board on the same subject matter, the President may request that a spokesman be chosen by the group to address the Board and to limit the number of persons addressing the Board on the same subject matter in order to avoid unnecessary repetition. The President may exclude from participation any person for disorderly conduct or disruption of the meeting.