[Adopted 6-21-1948]
[Amended 7-5-1949; 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983]
The following are hereby designated as cab or taxicab stands in the public streets of the Village of Liberty;
[Amended 12-13-2006 by L.L. No. 16-2006]
A space of 20 feet adjacent to the curb for one taxicab or a taxi vehicle on the east side of South Main Street in front of Sureway Taxi, Inc., 75 South Main Street.
Two spaces of 18 feet each adjacent to the curb for two taxicabs or taxi vehicles on the west side of South Main Street immediately north of the curb which is north of the intersection of the alley with 60 South Main Street.
[Added 7-25-2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007]
All previously created taxicab stands are hereby revoked and terminated.
Parking of vehicles in the public streets or portions of streets in the sections hereinafter named and described is prohibited. No vehicle shall be parked in the aforesaid streets or portions of streets. No person or persons shall cause or permit any vehicle to be parked in the following-named streets or portions of streets:
The easterly side of South Main Street from the intersection of Willow Lane and Mill Street proceeding North for a distance of 400 feet between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
[Amended 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983; 1-20-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]
The west side of South Main Street from the north intersection with Mill Street to Willow Lane.
[Amended 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983]
The southwesterly side of Spring Street for its full length.
The west side of Clements Street from the intersection with Chestnut Street to a point 181 feet southerly therefrom.
[Amended 8-2-1954]
The easterly side of Clements Street, its full length.
The east side of Academy Street from Chestnut Street to its intersection with Law Street, the west side of Academy Street from Chestnut Street to its intersection with St. Peter's Place.
[Amended 8-2-1954]
The northerly side of School Street for its full length.
Both sides of Lincoln Place from the intersection with Chestnut Street to the intersection with Wheeler Place and the entire wrest side of Lincoln Place from the intersection with Wheeler Place to the intersection with Buckley Street.
[Added 12-1-1952]
The southerly side and northerly side of Buckley Street from North Main Street to Willey Avenue.
[Amended 6-6-1966; 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983]
The northerly side of Chestnut Street from a point 30 feet easterly of a point opposite the east side of Clements Street to a point 20 feet westerly of the southeast corner of the Sherwood Building westerly of the southeast corner of the Sherwood Building.
The northerly side of Chestnut Street from the intersection with Academy Street to West Street.
[Amended 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983]
The southerly side of Chestnut Street from the intersection with Clements Street to a point westerly of the driveway into the post office property, and from a point opposite the northwest corner of the Lutheran Church to the Village of Liberty boundary.
[Amended 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983]
The south side of Lake Street from Railroad Avenue to Swan Lake Road.
[Amended 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983]
Both sides of Darbee Lane as it winds and turns easterly and southerly from Main Street to Church Street.
Those portions of North Main Street, Lake Street and Darbee Lane immediately in front of the buildings in which fire apparatus is kept.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(16), dealing, with parking restrictions on Main Street in front of the Presbyterian Church, was repealed 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983.
The easterly side of South Main Street from the intersection with Darbee Lane to a point 40 feet southerly of such intersection.
The easterly side of South Main Street from the north curb of John Street to a point 36 feet northerly therefrom.
The north side of John Street.
All portions of streets within 10 feet of the corners thereof created by the intersection with other streets.
The entire southwesterly side of Orchard Street from its intersection with Clements Street to the intersection with Lake Street and the northeasterly side of Orchard Street from the corner at the intersection with Clements Street for a distance of 75 feet on Orchard Street.
[Added 12-1-1952]
The entire southerly side of West Liberty Street.
[Added 7-20-1959]
The southerly side of Liberty Street, commencing at the intersection with North Main Street and terminating at the intersection of Wawanda Avenue.
[Added 7-20-1959]
The southerly side of Law Street.
[Added 7-20-1959]
North Main Street and South Main Street from Liberty Street to Lake Street from April 1 to December 1 between the hours of 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. for the purpose of street cleaning.
[Added 7-20-1959; amended 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983]
The entire north and south sides of Elm Street.
[Added 5-16-1960]
The east side of Lincoln Place from the intersection with Wheeler Place to the intersection with Buckley Street, on Thursday of each week from April 1 to and including November 30 of each year, during the hours from 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
[Added 5-16-1960]
The entire east side of Dwyer Avenue and the entire east side of Grant Street.
[Added 5-16-1960]
The west side of Grant Street from the intersection of Darbee Lane to the intersection of School Street.
[Added 5-16-1960]
The entire west side of Dwyer Avenue and the west side of Grant Street from the intersection of School Street to the point where Grant Street meets Dwyer Avenue, on Tuesday of each week from April 1 to and including November 30 of each year, during the hours from 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
[Added 5-16-1960]
The limitation under this ordinance on North and South Main Street during the hours from 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. shall be applicable only during the period from April 1 to November 30 of each year.
[Added 5-16-1960]
On Hope Street, except for the entire southerly side thereof.
[Added 8-3-1970]
Parking behind the Municipal Building shall be prohibited except for authorized Village and school officials. Parking in the driveway on the north side of the Municipal Building is for firemen only. Other persons parking there will be in violation subject to a no-parking ticket, towing away, or both.
[Added 12-15-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980]
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, except when such vehicle is attended by a licensed operator or chauffeur who is seated in the front seat and who can immediately move such vehicle in case of emergency, unless a different distance is indicated by official signs, markings or parking meters.
[Added 12-15-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980]
The northerly side and the southerly side of St. Paul's Place from Academy Street to Lincoln Place.
[Added 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983]
The northerly side and southerly side of St. Peter's Place for its entire length.
[Added 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983]
Both sides of Webster Avenue from the intersection of Railroad Avenue for 154 feet, traveling in a southeasterly direction.
[Added 4-7-1997 by L.L. No. 1-1997]
Both sides of Elm Street for 280 feet. "No parking" zones begin at the intersection of Mill Street and Elm Street.
[Added 5-21-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997]
Easterly side of South Main Street: one parking space, on the north side of the Church Street/South Main Street intersection, 17 feet from the curb and running for 20 feet.
[Added 8-5-1998 by L.L. No. 3-1998]
Easterly side of South Main Street: one parking space, on the south side of the Church Street/South Main Street intersection, 18 feet from curb and running for 22 feet.
[Added 8-5-1998 by L.L. No. 3-1998]
The entire north side of Kaempfer Lane from North Main Street to the intersection of Sprague Avenue.
[Added 6-25-2001 by L.L. No. 1-2001]
The west side of North Main Street from its intersection with West Liberty Street, northward for a distance of 115 feet to the driveway of 344 North Main Street.
[Added 9-24-2003 by L.L. No. 6-2003]
Easterly side of North Main Street for a distance of 49 feet, beginning on the southerly corner of the intersection of the driveway to the Town of Liberty Parking/Senior Citizen Center with North Main Street, and traveling in a generally southerly direction along the easterly side of North Main Street.
[Added 8-10-2005 by L.L. No. 9-2005]
Easterly side of North Main Street, commencing 141 feet north of the northerly corner of the intersection of the driveway of 167 North Main Street (Village Hall) with the easterly side of North Main Street, and traveling in a generally northerly direction to where the prolongation of the south line of the Great American Parking Lot intersects with the easterly side of North Main Street.
[Added 8-10-2005 by L.L. No. 9-2005]
[Amended 10-21-1963; 6-26-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
Parking of vehicles in public streets of the Village of Liberty between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. from December 1 to April 1 is prohibited. No vehicles shall be parked in any of the streets of the Village between the aforesaid hours during the aforesaid period of the year. No person or persons shall cause or permit any vehicle to be parked in any of the streets of the Village between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. from December 1 to April 1.
No commercial vehicles, taxicabs, buses, trailers, motor homes and recreational vehicles shall be permitted to be parked in the Village of Liberty municipal parking lot located at the northeast corner of Darbee Lane and Grant Street (Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 109-1-1) between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 5:00 a.m., unless a permit is issued to the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer by the Clerk of the Village of Liberty as hereinafter provided.
Permitted overnight parking.
A resident of the Village of Liberty or business which is physically located in the Village of Liberty which owns or leases a commercial vehicle taxicab, bus, trailer, motor home or recreational vehicle shall be permitted to park such vehicle or trailer overnight in the Village of Liberty municipal parking lot located at the corner of Darbee Lane and Grant Street (Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 109-1-1) between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 5:00 a.m. if such resident of the Village of Liberty or business which is physically located in the Village of Liberty certifies to the satisfaction of the Clerk of the Village of Liberty, on a form to be prescribed by the Village of Liberty, that:
He, she or it is a resident of the Village of Liberty or is a business physically located in the Village of Liberty;
He, she or it owns or leases a commercial vehicle, taxicab, bus, trailer, motor home or recreational vehicle; and
He, she or it provides to the Clerk of the Village of Liberty such documentation as required on the application provided by the Village of Liberty and as otherwise reasonably requested by the Clerk of the Village of Liberty to reasonably satisfy the Clerk that the foregoing provisions have been satisfied. The owner or lessee of the vehicle or trailer shall certify on such application the truth and accuracy of the foregoing and that such information shall remain true and accurate during the time that the permit to be issued by the Clerk of the Village of Liberty, as hereinafter provided, is in effect. In the event of any change of any of the information provided by the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer on the aforementioned application, the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer shall provide such change of information in writing to the Clerk of the Village of Liberty within five (5) business days after such change occurred. In the event of a sale or expiration of the lease of the vehicle or trailer, the permit for such vehicle or trailer shall immediately be invalid and without force and effect. If the owner or lessee replaces the vehicle or trailer with another vehicle or trailer, the owner or lessee may apply for a new permit for such other vehicle or trailer, provided that he or she complies with the application process as set forth above. The permit shall not be transferrable or assignable.
Simultaneously with the submission of the application and as a precondition to the issuance of the permit, the applicant shall pay to the Clerk of the Village of Liberty a fee as set by resolution of the Village Board (which may be changed by future resolutions of the Village Board), which shall only be refundable in the event that the application is denied and a permit not issued. The Village Board may set different fees for commercial vehicles, taxicabs, buses, trailers, motor homes or recreational vehicles and may set different fees for the same type of vehicle or trailer based upon size.
If the owner or lessee of the vehicle or trailer, as aforesaid, fills out and signs and certifies the application provided by the Clerk of the Village of Liberty, and provides the documentation requested by the form or otherwise reasonably requested by the Clerk, as aforesaid, and the Clerk is reasonably satisfied that all of the requirements of this § 80-64 have been satisfied, the Clerk shall issue to the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer a permit for a period of one year, to commence from the date of the issuance of such permit, which shall be displayed prominently on the dashboard in the front windshield of such vehicle or trailer so as to be visible by the Police Department of the Village of Liberty during such times as such vehicle or trailer is parked overnight in the aforementioned designated Village municipal parking lot.
In the event that the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer fails to fully comply with all of the terms and provisions of this § 80-64 and/or in the event that the Clerk of the Village of Liberty or the Village of Liberty determines that any of the information provided by the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer on the application or any documentation provided by the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer to the Clerk of the Village of Liberty is inaccurate or false in any material respect, or that the owner or lessee failed to provide in writing any change of information as required above, in addition to all other remedies available to the Village of Liberty the Clerk of the Village of Liberty shall revoke such permit immediately and advise the Code Enforcement Officer and the Liberty Police Department of the Village of Liberty that such permit has been revoked. Upon any such revocation or upon the expiration of a permit which is not renewed, the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer shall have no right to park his, her or its vehicle or trailer overnight in the aforesaid designated Village municipal parking lot. Within one month prior to the expiration of the one-year period of the permit as aforesaid, the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer shall be entitled to apply for a new permit, upon full compliance with all of the provisions set forth above as if it were such owner's or lessee's first application for such permit to the Village of Liberty.
By applying for and accepting a permit, the applicant: i) acknowledges that the municipal parking lot designated for overnight parking, as aforesaid, may be plowed for snow and/or ice and/or salted and/or sanded when necessary or desirable due to weather conditions; ii) accepts any liability associated with such plowing, salting and sanding; and iii) acknowledges that his, her or its vehicle or trailer may be plowed in or subject to coming into contact with salt and/or sand and that the Village of Liberty shall not be liable or responsible to remove or dig out the vehicle or trailer if plowed in, clean or remove salt or sand from any such vehicle or trailer, or be liable for any damage caused as a result of the plowing, salting or sanding except in the event of the gross negligence of the Village of Liberty.
No commercial vehicles, taxicabs, buses, trailers, motor homes or recreational vehicles shall be permitted to park overnight between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 5:00 a.m. in any of the following Village of Liberty municipal parking lots:
Located on the north side of School Street on portions of Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 108-6-26 and immediately adjacent to it on Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 108-6-24;
Located on Darbee Lane on Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 108-12-8 and immediately adjacent to it on Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 10812-11.1;
Located on Darbee Lane on Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 112-5-10.2;
Located at the intersections of Maple Street and Church Street on Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 112-6-4;
Located at the intersections of Lake Street and South Main Street on Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 112-4-20; and
Located on South Main Street on Village of Liberty Tax Map Parcel No. 112-4-17.
For purposes of this Section, the following terms have the following definitions:
As defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law § 104, as amended or replaced from time to time\.
Includes both a for-profit business and a not-for-profit organization or venture.
As defined in 15 NYCRR § 106.2, as amended or replaced from time to time.
As defined in 15 NYCRR § 106.3(e), as amended or replaced from time to time.
A "house coach" as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law § 119, as amended or replaced from time to time.
As defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law § 148-a, as amended or replaced from time to time.
As defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law § 156, as amended or replaced from time to time.
In addition to any other remedy available to the Village of Liberty, any vehicle or trailer parked in violation of § 80-64B or D may be towed at the direction of the Village of Liberty Code Enforcement Officer or Village of Liberty Police Department. The cost and fee of such towing and any related storage of the vehicle or trailer by the towing company shall be borne by and be the sole responsibility of the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer. The Village of Liberty shall not, under any circumstances, be liable or responsible for: a) all or any portion of any costs or fees associated with or related to towing or storage of any such vehicle or trailer; or b) any damage caused to any such vehicle or trailer or to the owner or lessee of such vehicle or trailer as a result of any towing or storage of any such vehicle or trailer.
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 80-72, any violation of any of the provisions of § 80-64B through D, shall be deemed an offense, and each violation shall be subject to a fine of no less than $100 and no more than $250. Each day that a vehicle or trailer is parked in violation of this section shall be deemed a separate violation. The Code Enforcement Officer of the Village of Liberty and the Village of Liberty Police Department are both severally authorized to enforce the provisions of this § 80.64.
[Added 8-9-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010]
Legislative intent. The Village Board determines it to be necessary to regulate, for the public safety, the land in front of public places of assembly to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Such determination is made pursuant to the provisions of § 1640-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, after due request from the Village of Liberty Police Chief. Such regulation is necessary to protect people entering or exiting and seeking to enter and exit the places of merchants and substantial office buildings.
Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
The Chief of Police of the Village of Liberty.
Shopping centers, office buildings and office building complexes or places of public assembly, as described herein.
The duly assigned Tax Map number on file with the Village Clerk.
Regulation of stopping, standing, or parking of motor vehicles in front of certain facilities.
Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or persons, or when in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device or other person authorized to direct traffic, the stopping, standing, or parking of motor vehicles, as defined in § 1200 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, is hereby prohibited in the following areas:
Within 15 feet in front of the buildings of any of the following facilities:
Section 108, Block 6, Lot 38, presently consisting of the Great American facility;
Section 117, Block 2, Lot 21, presently consisting of Achieve Rehab and Nursing Facility;
Section 115, Block 2, Lot 21, presently consisting of the Liberty Square Mall;
Section 121, Block 1, Lot 8, presently consisting of the Liberty Diner;
Section 121, Block 3, Lot 9, presently consisting of the Liberty Mall on Sullivan Avenue;
Section 131, Block 1, Lot 1, presently consisting of the Shop Rite Mall and all facilities on such section, block, and lot.
In the event the facility has an overhang, any point of measurement as to where stopping, standing, or parking of motor vehicles is prohibited shall be measured from the end of such overhang for vehicles parked in front of such overhang.
This section shall not apply to commercial vehicles making deliveries to such facilities when such deliveries are not made through the same entrance as is utilized by the general public for entering into such facility or are otherwise made at hours when the facilities are not open to the public.
The Village of Liberty Police Department is authorized and directed to meet with the owners or general management of each impacted facility to advise of the new law and to develop and implement a plan to provide for signage and painting of the areas where stopping, standing, and parking are prohibited. The cost of installing such signage and painting shall be borne by the Village of Liberty. In the event that no agreement as to such plan shall be reached, the Village of Liberty Police Department is authorized to cause the erection of such signage and the painting of such lines as it shall deem reasonably necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section.
Violations. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be fined an amount not greater than $100.
When effective date. This section shall take effect 60 days after it shall have been filed with the Secretary of State; provided, however, that, immediately upon enactment, the Village of Liberty Police Department is authorized and directed to commence the meetings provided for in Subsection D, herein.
Editor's Note: Former § 80-65, One-hour parking limit, was repealed 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983.
[Amended 12-13-2006 by L.L. No. 17-2006]
Notwithstanding the two-consecutive-hour time provisions of § 80-34 of the Village Code:
Parking of vehicles in the public street in front of the post office building for a period longer than 15 minutes between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. is prohibited, except on Sundays and legal holidays. No person or persons shall cause or permit any vehicle to be parked for a period longer than 15 minutes between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., except on Sundays and legal holidays, in the street in front of the post office building.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B, regarding parking of vehicles on the south side of Chestnut Street, which immediately followed, was repealed 7-25-2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007.
[Added 10-28-2002 by L.L. No. 4-2002]
Between the period commencing on September 1, through and including June 30 of each year, the parking of vehicles on the public streets known as Willey Avenue, Yaun Avenue, West Street and Pinehurst Drive for a period of more than two hours between the hours of 6:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m. on Mondays through and including Fridays shall be prohibited. Between the period commencing on September 1, through and including June 30 of each year, no person or persons shall cause or permit any vehicles to be parked for a period of more than two hours between the hours of 6:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m. on Mondays through and including Fridays.
Editor's Note: Former § 80-67, Sunday parking, was repealed 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983.
[Added 9-24-2003 by L.L. No. 6-2003]
The parking of vehicles on North Main Street (both the east and west sides) from its intersection with Buckley Street to its intersection with West Liberty Street and Liberty Street for a period of more than two hours shall be prohibited.
Parking of vehicles, except taxicabs and buses, in those portions of the streets of the Village set off and designated as taxicab stands or bus stops is prohibited. No vehicle, except a taxicab or bus, shall be parked in any portion of any street of the Village designated as a taxicab stand or bus stop.
No persons or persons shall cause or permit any vehicle commonly known as an "omnibus" and having a capacity of more than seven passengers to park, stand or remain standing upon any of the streets of the Village of Liberty for a period longer than shall be necessary to permit passengers to get on or off of any such omnibus; provided, however, that such period shall not in any event exceed 10 minutes.
No person or persons shall cause or permit any vehicle commonly known as a "truck" and having a rated capacity of 1 1/2 tons or more to park, stand or remain standing upon any of the streets of the Village for a period longer than shall be necessary to unload or load goods, wares and merchandise from or on any such truck.
[Added 8-1-1983 by L.L. No. 1-1983[1]; 2-3-1986 by L.L. No. 1-1986; 12-13-2006 by L.L. No. 18-2006]
No vehicles shall park in spaces designated as loading zones except for the purpose of loading and unloading of said vehicles. Loading zones shall be so designated as such between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The following places are designated as loading zones on the public streets of the Village of Liberty:
A space of 20 feet on North Main Street in front of 85 North Main Street.
A space of 20 feet on North Main Street in front of 52 North Main Street.
A space of 20 feet on South Main Street in front of 9-13 South Main Street, adjacent to the no-parking-here-to-corner zone.
A space of 20 feet on South Main Street in front of 14 South Main Street.
A space of 20 feet on South Main Street in front of 35-37 South Main Street.
A space of 20 feet on South Main Street in front of 109 South Main Street.
A space of 20 feet on School Street in front of 10 School Street and a space of 20 feet on School Street in front of 20 School Street.
Editor's Note: This local law also provided for the renumbering of former §§ 80-70, Repealer, and 80-71, Penalties for offenses, as §§ 80-71 and 80-72, respectively.
All provisions of ordinances heretofore adopted not consistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
[Amended 7-10-1972; 12-15-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980; 8-19-1993 by L.L. No. 3-1993; 11-9-2009 by L.L. No. 3-2009]
The failure to comply with any of the foregoing provisions shall be and constitute a violation thereof, and any person violating any of the provisions shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 for each offense.
[Amended 1-11-2010 by L.L. No. 1-2010]
Parking violation fines are as follows:
Overtime parking
Overnight parking
Prohibited parking
Handicapped/fire lane
Double parking