A resolution adopted by the Village of Liberty Board of Trustees pursuant to the provisions of Article VIa of the Village Law[1] grants the Planning Board the power and authority to approve plats for subdivisions within the Village.
Editor's Note: Said resolution was adopted 10-19-1964. Article VIa of the Village Law has been repealed; see now § 7-728 of the Village Law.
These regulations shall be known as and may be cited by the title "Village of Liberty Subdivision Regulations."
When considering subdivisions of land, the Planning Board shall be guided by the following procedures, regulations and design standards. Their intent is to encourage land development which will best protect and promote the general welfare. To do so, the Planning Board shall be guided by the following objectives:
To assure that land to be subdivided will produce building sites of such character and area that will permit its development without danger to health or peril from fire, flood or other menace.
To allow the greatest freedom in development and design consistent with other purposes herein expressed.
To facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of community facilities, services and utilities. The most desirable and appropriate systems for drainage, water supply, sewage disposal and other needed improvements, including any appropriate parks and playgrounds, shall be sought.
To promote the safe and convenient circulation of vehicles and pedestrians. Streets shall be of such location, grade, width and construction as to accommodate all prospective traffic.
To restrain the destruction of the natural character of the land and promote the conservation of all elements of topography and plant growth which contribute to the natural ecology, visual attractiveness and the most sensitive development of the land.
To provide, through all subdivision planning and development, for the privacy of family residences, while enhancing the general appearance of the community.
To maintain or enhance the tax base.