[Approved 7-24-2008 by Ch. 2895]
It is hereby mandated that any board or commission or committee or subcommittee thereof in the City of Pawtucket, whose members are appointed or confirmed by the City Council or the Mayor of the City of Pawtucket, shall include a public input session at the beginning of each docket or agenda for each meeting, or special meeting, in the conduct of ordinary business before each board or commission. The purpose of this article is to encourage members of the public to attend the meetings of each board or commission or committee or subcommittee and to offer input to that particular body regarding matters pertaining to City government. For the purpose of this section, members of the particular board. commission, committee or subcommittee being convened shall not be considered members of the public and shall be prohibited from offering such "public" comment to the rest of the body; provided, however. that members of one board. commission, committee or subcommittee shall be free to offer public input before any other City body on which he or she does not sit.
[Amended 7-6-2023 by Ch. No. 3278]
This article will apply, but not be limited to, the following:
City Council.
School Committee.
Board of Appeals.
Board of Canvassers.
City Planning Commission.
Commission for Human Rights.
Historic District Commission.
Parks Commission.
Pension Board.
Personnel Board.
Public Library Trustees.
Purchasing Board.
Riverfront Commission.
Water Supply Board.
This article shall not apply to the Juvenile Hearing Board.
Public input shall not be allowed on adjudicatory proceedings scheduled to be heard by the board or commission including administrative appeals or other applications for relief.
Each board or commission or committee or subcommittee shall establish a written policy or procedure concerning its public input session which shall not conflict with the intent of Subsection A. Such policy shall be filed with the City Council.
[Amended 7-6-2023 by Ch. No. 3278]
If any board or commission or committee or subcommittee fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this article, then the City Council may hold a public hearing to determine if said violation is willful and may then refer the matter to the Law Department to take the necessary steps to remove the offending board members from office.