Before connecting to an existing main or house lateral, the resident or owner shall contact the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector, notifying him of the work to be done. He shall obtain a written permit as required. All house laterals shall be six inches in diameter, and no connection shall be made to the public sewer main except in the presence of the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector.
House traps must be provided inside structures at the point where the sewer leaves the building. This shall be a four-inch house trap minimum, with two handhole cleanouts inside the house wall. These cleanouts shall be easily accessible. A three- or four-inch fresh-air vent shall be provided to the outside building wall. A cleanout pipe shall be installed outside the building from the house sewer with a forty-five-degree connection and brought up to a point about six inches above grade. This cleanout shall be about two feet from the outside face of the foundation wall. The trap, the cleanout and sewer line to a point of four feet outside the building wall shall be of cast iron.
Layout of sewer connection.
Building sewer.
The building sewer is defined as extending from the public sewer main to the start of the building drain. The building drain is considered to begin at a point five feet outside the foundation wall. [See Figure 1, Typical Building Drain Layout']
A building sewer or sewer lateral pipe has been constructed from a Y-fitting (wye) in the public sewer main to the owner's property line (or permanent easement boundary). At this point, the building sewer has been capped and marked to await connection by the property owner.
In the case where a building sewer connection may not have been provided at the property line (or permanent easement boundary), the property owner will be required, if and when a sewer connection becomes necessary, to construct at his own expense such a building sewer from the public sewer main to his property.
In all cases it will be the property owner's responsibility to extend and construct at his own expense the building sewer across his property to a proper point of connection with the building drain.
A separate and independent building sewer must be provided for every building. Any exceptions must first be approved by the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector.
Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation below that of the first floor. In rare instances in which the building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to [1]the public sewer, the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector will advise the property owner of the proper means of discharging into the public sewer.
Editor's Note: Figure I is included at the end of this chapter
The building sewer shall be laid at a depth sufficient to afford protection from frost and at a uniform grade of (1/4) inch per foot (or about 2%). Special permission may, be given by the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector to use a lesser grade, which in no case shall be less than 1/8 inch per foot or 1%.
No building sewer shall be laid within three feet of and parallel to any bearing wall.
Necessary changes in direction shall be made only with properly curved pipe and fittings. Ninety degree bends are not acceptable. Two forty-five degree bends connected with a one-foot nipple or a ninety-degree-long sweep must be installed where needed.
Cleanouts extending up to ground level (to grade) must be spaced not more than 100 feet apart along the building sewer. The cleanout on the building drain must extend to a point at least three inches above final grade. All cleanouts shall be installed such that the cleanout opening is in a direction opposite to the direction of flow in the sewer.
Certain nonresidential sewer connections may be required by the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector to incorporate a grease trap. The type and details of grease trap installation shall be approved by the Town Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector. (In addition, § 151-24.) 15125 4 - 25 - 92
Building drain.
Figure 1[2] illustrates the requirements for a typical building drain. The "building drain" is defined as starting at a point five (5) feet outside the foundation wall and extending into the building.
Editor's Note: Figure 1 is included at the end of this chapter.
All building drains shall include:
A four-inch cleanout to a point at least three (3) inches above final grade located outside the foundation wall.
A double-handhole building trap (or running trap) installed inside the foundation wall. In rare instances when the trap must be located outside the building, the trap must be located at a depth below the frost line and extensions must be added so as to bring cleanout to a level three (3) inches above grade.
A three-inch fresh-air inlet from the inside to the outside.
The building trap shall be located as close to the foundation wall as possible. No connections shall be made downstream of this trap. In rare instances when the trap is located outside the building, the fresh-air inlet shall be at a height to give adequate ventilation.
When the building drain is located under the basement floor, all cleanout risers shall be extended to raise the cleanout plugs up to the level of the basement floor.
How to plan a sewer connection.
Where possible, a sewer connection should be made directly in front of your building, and in no case should your building sewer cross other property without special permission given, in writing, by the other property owner.
At such time as a public sewer becomes available (within 100 feet of a property line) within the boundaries of a sewer district to a property served by a private wastewater disposal system, a direct connection shall be made to the public sewer within nine months in compliance with this chapter, and any septic tanks, cesspools and similar private wastewater disposal facilities shall be cleaned of sludge and filled with suitable material upon connection to the public sewer. Upon completion, inspection must be made by the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector.
Before any work is started on your portion of the building sewer connection, you must obtain a permit.
Materials. All standard building sewer pipe and fittings shall be not less than a six-inch diameter ABS SDR 23.5, PVC SDR 26 or PVC SDR 35.
Building drain pipe and fittings. All building drain pipe and fittings shall conform to the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (latest revision).
Connection to existing public sewer main.
Except in rare occasions, there will be a building sewer already provided for extension to the building drain. However, it may sometimes be necessary for the property owner to connect to the existing public sewer main and construct the entire building sewer from there to the building drain at his own expense.
Such connections to the public sewer main involve special construction, such as sewer taps and risers, and will be considered by the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector on a case-by-case basis.
Connection to existing building sewer.
Connection of a new building sewer to an existing building sewer shall be made watertight in an acceptable manner.
The standard connection shall utilize the standard pipe fitting (or manufacturer's recommended adaptor) designed to join the type of pipe involved.
The alternate connection, when joining pipes of different material, shall utilize a virgin PVC donut by Fernco Joint Sealer Company or approved equal; or a virgin PVC coupling with stainless steel clamping bands by Fernco Joint Sealer Company or approved equal.
Building sewer to building drain connection.
The connection shall be made watertight in an acceptable manner.
Depending on pipe materials and sizes being joined, the connection shall utilize the standard reducer pipe fitting; a virgin PVC donut by Fernco Joint Sealer Company or approved equal; a virgin PVC coupling with stainless steel clamping bands by Fernco Joint Sealer Company or approved equal.
Cleanouts to grade.
All cleanouts to grade shall use a four-inch minimum diameter cast-iron riser, topped with a four inch brass cleanout plug (raised square head design). The cleanout plug shall be installed using pipe thread compound. Joints in the cleanout riser must be rubber-gasketed or caulked lead and oakum. No cemented joints are allowed.
All building drain cleanouts shall use a cast-iron combination wye and 1/8 bend (long turn pattern only) at the base in the drain, with the cast iron cleanout riser extending vertically to a point at least three inches above final grade.
When they are required, the type and details of all building sewer cleanouts must be approved by the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector.
Building trap. All building traps shall be cast-iron, double-handhole running traps incorporating two four-inch diameter brass cleanout plugs. The cleanout plugs shall be installed using pipe thread compound.
Fresh-air inlet.
Fresh-air inlet pipe shall be three-inch diameter cast iron, copper or plastic.
The fresh-air inlet shall terminate outside the building at least six inches above final grade. The open end shall be protected by a bug-proof plate or cap, permanently fixed in the mouth of the pipe, with an open ventilating area at least equal to the area of the inlet pipe.
Backwater valve. All backwater valves, whether installed in the main building drain or in separate connections to the building drain, shall incorporate a cleanout and be of a type approved by the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector.
Inspection and testing.
When the building sewer is installed and completed, but prior to refilling the trench, the contractor performing the work shall notify the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector so that the installation can be inspected and approval given to refill the trench. Trenches refilled prior to inspection will have to be reopened by the contractor at his expense. The contractor may also be subject to a penalty. These refilling regulations also apply to property owners installing their own building sewer connection.
In the discharge of their duties and for the purpose of sewer inspection, properly identified representatives of the sewer district are legally authorized to enter any premises or property in the Town of North Greenbush.
All building drains shall be water tested per the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (latest revision).
All excavations shall be adequately protected with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. All excavations must be properly refilled to grade in compacted layers and the original type of surface replaced. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored to the preconstruction condition satisfactory to the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector and any other authority having jurisdiction.
The opening of streets and sidewalks for the purpose of making sewer connections must be done in accordance with the requirements of North Greenbush Town Law and of the County or State Highway Department, as applicable. Any required highway work permit shall be obtained by the property owner or his contractor.
No connection shall be made into the main public sewer (eight-inch diameter and greater) except in the presence of the Sewer Inspector and/or Deputy Sewer Inspector.
No water shall be allowed to gather in excavations or trenches. Pumping of septic tanks to be abandoned shall not be discharged into the public sewer system.