[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Plandome: Art. I, 6-9-1987 as L.L. No. 1-1987. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Beaches — See Ch. 59.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 90.
[Adopted 6-9-1987 as L.L. No. 1-1987]
The use of water supplied by the village for the purposes below is hereby regulated as follows.
The use of water for irrigation purposes for lawns, shrubs, trees, plants and vegetation of any type is permitted only under the following rules and regulations:
Application must be made to the village, and approval granted, prior to the installation of any new equipment required by these rules and regulations.
All existing underground irrigation systems, whether automatically or manually time controlled, and any new underground irrigation system installed after the adoption of these rules and regulations, must comply with the following:
Irrigation systems must be fitted, prior to August 15, 1987, with devices or means that limit the maximum water application rate at any given premises so as not to exceed ten (10) gallons per minute total irrigation system use.
An adjustable pressure regulating valve and pressure gauge shall be installed on the water pipe feeding the irrigation system. The pressure regulating valve shall be set to maintain inlet water pressure at a level not to exceed five (5) pounds per square inch above the manufacturer's rated pressure for the lowest pressure rated sprinkler head in use in the irrigation system.
Sprinkler heads shall be placed so that the overlap areas under irrigation from adjacent sprinkler heads shall be minimal. Special sprinkler heads shall be used as necessary to preclude the application of water on paved areas or areas that do not require irrigation.
An acceptable double-check valve assembly must be installed, prior to January 1, 1988, at the meter, unless another location is approved by the village, on the incoming water service feeding the premises in accordance with Department standards for installation and approval of backflow devices.
Automated systems.
Premises with automatic ON-OFF time controlled underground irrigation systems or other systems controlled by automatic ON-OFF time controlled devices may irrigate for a maximum of two (2) hours between the hours of 12:00 midnight to 5:00 a.m. on even-numbered days for those with even-numbered street addresses and on odd-numbered days for those with odd-numbered street addresses.
Said automatic systems shall be equipped, prior to August 15, 1987, with rain sensing devices and/or soil moisture devices that automatically shut down the irrigation system after or during rainfall or when the soil moisture conditions indicate that further irrigation is not required.
Manual systems.
Premises without automatic ON-OFF time controlled underground irrigation systems and all manually controlled systems may irrigate for a maximum of two (2) hours between the hours of 5:00p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on even-numbered days for those with even-numbered street addresses and on odd-numbered days for those with odd-numbered street addresses.
Irrigation water shall not be applied during periods when it is raining or when the soil moisture content is adequate for plant growth without further addition of water.
Premises where irrigation is manually controlled and nonautomatic and is accomplished by the use of manually held garden hoses or by means of hose-fed aboveground sprinkler units that are placed and/or moved by hand or water pressure shall comply with Subsections B(1) and D and shall not apply irrigation water to paved areas or other areas that do not require irrigation.
Those with no numbered street address shall be considered as evenly numbered for purposes of these rules and regulations.
The Board of Trustees may change either the days or the hours, or both, if considered necessary to protect the village water supply and/or pressure.
Hoses must be equipped with a nozzle shutoff valve.
General provisions. Water for filling private in-ground, partially in-ground or abovegrade swimming pools, over two thousand five hundred (2,500) gallons' capacity, of all types of construction, including concrete, wood, plastic and/or fabric, shall be obtained from an approved supplier who obtains water from an approved source outside Nassau County. Pools shall be equipped with a recirculation and filtering system. Pool operation shall conform to special conditions for the use of swimming pools over two thousand five hundred (2,500) gallons' capacity prepared by the village.
Special conditions applicable to swimming pools with a capacity over two thousand five hundred (2,500) gallons. The following special conditions shall be applicable to all swimming pools located indoors, outdoors, below grade and above grade, used for any purpose.
Water used for filling, either initially, during the season or at the beginning of each season, shall be obtained from an approved outside source outside Nassau County. Use of water from the village system shall not be used for this purpose.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Water from the village system may be used during the period of use for replacing water lost to evaporation and splashing only; and water for this use is limited to one thousand (1,000) gallons per calendar year. Water from the village system may not be used to replace water drained from the pool for the purpose of lowering the pool water level and/or draining the pool partially or completely.
The owner must notify the village prior to delivery of water to be used to fill the pool, as described in Subsection B(1), or to replace water drained, as described in Subsection B(2). The owner is to furnish to the village copies of the delivery tickets from the tank truck company supplying the water immediately after delivery. The delivery tickets must be signed by an officer of the company supplying the water and must indicate the exact location, name of supplier, address and telephone number where the water was obtained and the date it was obtained. It is understood that the Incorporated Village of Plandome or the village assumes no responsibility for the quality of the water obtained for this purpose. Water for filling pools shall not be transferred from truck to pool unless a village representative has been advised prior to the filling operations.
The water level in the pool shall be maintained as necessary to prevent significant loss of water due to splashing and overflow when in use.
The pool shall be equipped with a recirculation and filtering system with sufficient capacity to maintain satisfactory water quality for private recreational use.
An acceptable double-check valve assembly must be installed at the meter on the incoming water service feeding the premises in accordance with the village standards for installation and approval of backflow prevention devices.[2]
Editor's Note: Former Section 7, penalties, which immediately followed this section, was deleted at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Use of water from the village for filling ponds, lakes or any natural or man-made body of water or using water for makeup or to maintain designated water levels in ponds, lakes or any natural or man-made body of water is prohibited.
The use of water from the village, other than recirculated water, for spray ponds or fountains is limited to one hundred (100) gallons annually.
Use of water from the village for flushing and spraying public streets, sidewalks and private driveways for any purpose is prohibited.
Use of water from the village to cool for any purpose, including but not limited to air conditioning, refrigeration, engine cooling and condensation, is prohibited on any new equipment installed after June 30, 1987. All existing equipment utilizing water for cooling purposes shall be replaced, prior to June 30, 1989, with equipment that does not require water at a rate in excess of zero and one-tenth (0.1) gallon per minute of water per ton of installed capacity. Equipment utilizing once-through cooling water shall be replaced and/or removed from service prior to June 30, 1989.
Use of water from the village for compacting earth backfill by jetting, puddling or by any other method which utilizes water is prohibited.
The Board of Trustees will establish a program to advise consumers on methods of changing existing plumbing fixtures to water conservation type and to ensure that all new plumbing fixtures installed in premises within the Village of Plandome are water conservation type.
The Village of Plandome shall continue a public information program concerning proper operation and maintenance of plumbing fixtures to conserve water and prevent waste.
The Village of Plandome shall continue its program to meet and discuss water needs and water use with large consumers to develop means to effect significant reductions in water use.
Any person, firm or corporation who or which shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or any rule or regulation made pursuant thereto shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the penalties as set forth in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article III. Each day during or on which a violation of this chapter shall occur shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct offense. Persistent violators are subject to having their water supply terminated as directed by the Board of Trustees who may impose conditions for restoring water service.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.