Properties involving permitted nonresidential uses shall provide on-site parking spaces, the use of which shall be limited to the owner, its employees or members in accordance with the following requirements:
Minimum Number of Spaces Required
School purposes
One for each principal, teacher, employee and administrative official for which the building was designed or intended, plus one for each student reasonably expected to attend and drive a four-wheeled vehicle, and 16 for visitors
Public worship
One per four persons who can be legally accommodated, plus one per employee or regular volunteer
Club purposes
One for each four members of such club, plus one per employee or regular volunteer
When the required number of spaces is determined to result in a fraction, it shall be increased to the next highest whole number.
If the use is not specifically listed in the schedule of such requirements, the requirements shall be the same as for the most similar use, as determined by the Board of Appeals.
Off-site parking, which is not contiguous to the property of the nonresidential use, may not be used to satisfy these space requirements.
Every parking area shall:
Comply with the same front yard requirements as if it were a principal building and the side yard and rear yard requirements as if it were an accessory building or structure.
Be on an approved surface. The use of permeable surfaces is encouraged.
Be provided with stormwater drains or catch basins, sufficient to contain a four-inch rain fall within a twenty-four-hour period, and prevent water from flowing off the owner's property and be approved by the Building Inspector.
Be provided and maintained with a screening of evergreen shrubs so arranged as to avoid all nuisance, including visual, to the owners and occupants of adjoining properties.
Have planted parking islands as required by the Village.
Every parking space shall have a minimum size of 10 feet wide by 20 feet long with adequate-sized access aisles to facilitate the required parking of vehicles.
No underground or multi-level parking structure is permitted.
Handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as required by law.
If application is made for a building permit for a nonresidential property, such application shall include details indicating compliance with Article VI of this chapter, including a new parking plan with provision for new parking spaces as may be required.