For the purposes of this article, any nonconforming structure or use, that complied with all applicable building zone regulations at the time such structure was constructed or altered or use commenced, but which does not conform with the regulations provided by this chapter or any amendment thereof for the zone or district in which it is situated, may be continued and any existing structure designed, arranged, intended or devoted to a nonconforming use may be reconstructed or structurally altered and the nonconforming use changed, subject to the following regulations:
The cost of any reconstruction or structural alterations shall in no case exceed 50% of the total equalized assessed value (assessed value divided by the last state equalization rate) of such land and buildings at the time such alteration is undertaken.
A nonconforming structure or use may be continued only to the extent that it complied with the regulations in effect immediately before it became a nonconforming building or use.
If a nonconforming structure or use is changed or altered so that it conforms with some or all of the applicable regulations, it shall not thereafter be changed or altered so that it ceases to comply with such regulations.
If a nonconforming use is discontinued for more than six months, such nonconforming classification shall be forfeited and the building shall comply in all aspects to the Code requirements in effect at the time of such discontinuance.
Nonconforming elements of the structure may not be expanded or enlarged.
[Added 5-11-2015 by L.L. No. 3-2015]
Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the restoration of a nonconforming structure damaged or destroyed by fire, explosion, act of God or act of a public enemy to the extent of not more than 50% of its equalized assessed value at the time of such occurrence, or shall prevent the continuance of the use of such structure or part thereof as such use existed at the time of such damage or destruction. Any nonconforming structure or use damaged or destroyed in the manner aforesaid to an extent exceeding 50% of its equalized assessed value at the time of such damage or destruction may be reconstructed and thereafter used only in such a manner as to conform with all of the provisions of this chapter.