[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Port Chester 6-2-1986 by L.L. No. 5-1986; amended in its entirety 11-3-1997 by L.L. No. 17-1997. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The Village of Port Chester, New York, has recognized that permit and other fees scattered through the Code makes it difficult to determine the exact fee required in a particular case. For that reason, there is hereby provided a set of fees for each of the activities specified, with reference to the appropriate Code section. Said Code section has been amended to refer to this chapter.
All of the fees set out herein are annual fees and are for the year and/or any part thereof.
The fee year shall be either the calendar year or fiscal year previously applicable for the activity.
The following are the applicable fees, the chapter in the Code in which the activity is set out and the amount of the annual fee:
License or Activity
Code Reference
Annual Fee
Chapter 1, General Provisions
Sale of Code Book
§ 1-12
Chapter 9, Architectural Review Board
[Amended 5-28-2003; 4-16-2013; 5-20-2020 by L.L. No. 6-2020]
§ 9-4
One- and two-family dwellings
All other uses
Chapter 44, Electrical Control Board
Electrical contractors
§ 44-8
§ 44-9D
Certified copy of of license for filing in other municipalities
§ 44-10
Renewal of license
§ 44-12
Special electrician's license
§ 44-15B
Recognition of out-of-town license
§ 44-23
Chapter 49, Engineer
[Added 10-5-2016; amended 10-16-2017]
General engineering permit
§ 49-6
$150 base fee up to the first hour and $150 per hour thereafter
Inspections, per hour
Chapter 104, Recreation Department
[Added 2-21-2017]
Recreation fees
§ 104-1
Youth tennis
Hands on clay classes
3rd through 5th grade basketball
Soccer (fall, summer, spring)
Winter soccer
Minicamp (February)
Floor hockey
Port Chester Day Camp (not including trip or extended day fees)
Early registration
Late registration
Port Chester Cub Camp
Early registration
Late registration
Men's softball, per team
$950 with $100 deposit
Chapter 122, Adult Entertainment Businesses
[Added 9-2-2008 by L.L. No. 9-2008; amended 12-16-2013]
Annual adult entertainment business license
§ 122-4A
Occupancy of 1 to 74
Occupancy of 75 to 299
Occupancy of 300 to 599
Occupancy of 600 or more
Annual adult entertainment business employee license
§ 122-4A
Chapter 126, Alarm Devices
[Amended 5-28-2003; 12-1-2008; 12-16-2013]
Alarm devices
False alarms
§ 126-13
First 2 within same calendar year
No charge
For third within same calendar year
For fourth and subsequent within same calendar year
Appeal to Alarm Review Board
Chapter 133, Amusement Devices
[Amended 12-16-2013]
Amusement device annual license, per machine, maximum of 2 machines
§ 133-10
Chapter 136, Animals
[Amended 12-20-2010 by L.L. No. 14-2010]
Reclaiming of dog from impoundment
§ 136-11
Licensed dog
Unlicensed dog
Sale or barter of live poultry
§ 136-18
Chapter 140, Bicycles
Bicycle registration
§ 140-2
Chapter 143, Billiards, Bowling and Shooting Galleries
[Amended 12-16-2013]
Billiard tables (2 maximum)
§ 143-6
Chapter 145, Bingo
Bingo license, for each occasion bingo is conducted
§ 145-6A
Chapter 148, Boating and Watercraft
[Amended 5-3-1999; 5-15-2002; 5-28-2003; 4-28-2004; 3-2-2009]
Mooring tackle and buoy permit
§ 148-9
Resident: up to 16 feet
Each additional foot
Nonresident: up to 16 feet
Each additional foot
Chapter 151, Building Code Administration and Enforcement
[Amended 5-18-1998; 5-1-2000; 9-18-2000; 12-4-2006; 5-7-2007; 3-16-2009; 5-3-2010; 2-6-2012; 4-16-2013; 4-29-2013; 6-2-2014; 3-19-2018 by L.L. No. 4-2018; 3-19-2018; 12-21-2020; 7-19-2021; 9-6-2022]
Building Department Fee Schedule
R = Residential, one- and two-family dwellings and their accessory structures.
CM = Commercial and multifamily, including mixed-use commercial, multifamily and residential buildings and their accessory structures.
Base fee: Is a nonrefundable fee.
N/A = Not applicable.
Permit Type
Base Fee
Added Fee Cost of Construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Alteration and change in use
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Building systems
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $10 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $10 per $1,000 cost of construction
Fire protection
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Floodplain development
§ 181-11
§ 181-11
Land development
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
New construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Without third-party plan review
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
With third-party plan review
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 up to $20 million
Plus $10 per $1,000 over $20 Million
Occupancy public sidewalk
§ 283-19
$10 per linear foot
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Re-roof and re-covering
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Shell permit
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Solar panel and generators
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Special building permit
§ 151-4
§ 151-4
Storage tank, bulk distribution
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Telecommunication facility
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Tenant fit-out
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Amendment to permit
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Amendment to permit
§ 151-4
Plus $20 per $1,000 cost of construction
Annual permit renewal
§ 151-4
Base fee two renewals
Third renewal is original fee.
Annual permit renewal
§ 151-4
Base fee two renewals
Third renewal is original fee.
Temporary certificate of occupancy
§ 151-7
Base fee of issued permit and valid for maximum of 60 days (recurring)
§ 151-4
Reinstatement of suspension of permit
§ 151-4
Base fee of issued permit
Building Department Administration
License or Activity
Code Reference
Affidavit of final cost of construction
Submission required when permit construction cost exceeds $10,000
Building permit administrative fee where there is an outstanding stop-work order or where work has been commenced without the requisite permit having been obtained
§ 151-6C through F
$300 or 3 times the permit fee, whichever is greater
Expedited searches
Code Enforcement Fee Schedule
License or Activity
Code Reference
Firesafety and property maintenance inspection program
$200 for the first $10,000; $5 per $1,000
Multiple dwellings
$400 for the first $10,000; $5 per $1,000
$550 for the first $10,000; $5 per $1,000
First reinspection
Each additional reinspection
(Mixed-use buildings will be assessed a fee for each occupant present.)
Testing fees work cost $0 to $1,000
Each additional $1,000
Sale or storage of explosives
Storage and sale of small arms ammunition
Fireworks display and discharge
Blasting (per job)
Copies of fire reports
Transport of explosives
Storage or handling of any catalytic agent necessary for the manufacture of plastic materials
§ 151-4O
Retailer, jobber or wholesaler storing or handling more than 25 pounds of cellulose nitrate plastics (pyroxylin)
Firesafety and Property Maintenance Program Inspections
Inspection Type
Multiple dwelling
3 units
$250 (base fee)
From 4 to 20 units
$275 to $650 (base plus $25 for each additional unit after the 3rd)
From 21 to no maximum
$675 (20 unit base plus $15 for each additional unit after the 20th)
Places of public assembly
From 50 to 99 occupants
From 100 to 199 occupants
From 200 to 499 occupants
From 500 to no maximum
Nonresidential properties
10,000 to 19,000
20,000 to 29,000
30,000 to 39,000
40,000 to 49,000
50,000 to 59,000
60,000 to no maximum
In addition to the above, separate fees are required to be paid for by each tenant within a multitenant nonresidential property.
500 to 999
1,000 to 1,999
2,000 to 2,999
3,000 to 3,999
4,000 to 4,999
5,000 to 5,999
6,000 to 6,999
7,000 to 7,999
8,000 to 8,999
9,000 to 9,999
Mixed-use properties
Up to 9,999
From 10,000 to 19,999
From 20,000 to 29,999
From 30,000 to 39,999
From 40,000 to 49,999
From 50,000 to $59,999
60,000 to no maximum
Mobile food preparation vehicles (food trucks)
Fire safety inspection
Additional department inspections
Flammable storage (propane)
Sprinkler hydrostatic/standpipe test
Sprinkler flow test
Fire alarm test
Kitchen fire suppression (ANSUL) test
Fire pump test
Failed systems
Alarm tests
Alarm resets (following a fire call)
Grease traps
Sump pumps
Reinspection and cancellation fees
First reinspection
Additional reinspection(s)
Missed appointment
License or Activity
Code Reference
Annual Fee
Chapter 155, Catering and Events Establishments
[Added 6-1-2009 by L.L. No. 6-2009; amended 12-16-2013]
Annual catering and events establishment license
§ 155-4A
1 through 74
75 through 299
300 through 599
Chapter 157, Circuses, Carnivals and Parades
Rodeo, circus and carnival license, per day
Operation of carousels and merry-go-rounds, per day
Chapter 165, Dance Halls and Cabarets
[Amended 5-28-2003; 6-1-2009 by L.L. No. 7-2009; 3-1-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010; 12-16-2013]
Annual cabaret license
§ 165-4A
26 to 74
75 to 299
300 to 599
Chapter 176, Film Permits
[Amended 5-3-1999; 5-15-2002; 12-16-2013; 4-5-2021; 4-8-2021]
Private property
§ 176-4
Per day
Public property
§ 176-11
Per day
Church, school or not-for-profit organization
Chapter 178, Firearms and Fireworks
Investigation by Police Department
§ 178-4
Chapter 181, Flood Damage Prevention
[Added 8-20-2007]
Floodplain development permit
§ 181-11
Chapter 195, Hawking, Peddling and Soliciting
[Amended 5-28-2003; 12-16-2013]
Duplicate of license
§ 195-5
§ 195-6
§ 195-7
Duplicate of religious solicitor's permit
§ 195-27
Chapter 204, Laundromats
[Amended 5-28-2003; 12-16-2013]
Laundromat license
§ 204-5
Chapter 206, Licensed Occupations
§ 206-11
Basic annual fee
Daily fee
Transient business
§ 206-21
Junk dealer
§ 206-27
Towing, per towing car operated
§ 206-29
If issued on or before November 1
If issued after November 1
Privately owned parking lots
§ 206-33
$0.25, multiplied by number of cars such lot can accommodate
Employment agency
§ 206-35
Initial 12-month period
Each month or fraction thereof for less than 1 year
Rowboat station or boat livery 25 boats or fewer
§ 206-40
In addition, for each 10 boats or fraction thereof in excess of 25
Chapter 211, Lodging and Boarding Houses
[Amended 12-16-2013]
Per building
§ 211-5
In addition, for each room over 4 per building which is used as an accommodation for hire
Chapter 236, Parks
[Amended 4-3-2000 by L.L. No. 5-2000; 5-19-2014]
Group use (up to five hours)
§ 236-5
Up to 49 persons
50 to 99 persons
100 persons and over
Up to 49 persons
50 to 99 persons
100 persons and over
Athletic field use (two hours)
§ 236-5
Lyon Park Baseball Field
Recreation Park Baseball Field
Abendroth Park Softball Field
Abendroth Park Soccer Field
Columbus Park Soccer Field
Youth resident (youth designation is 18 years or less or still in high school)
Youth nonresident
Adult resident
Adult nonresident
Resident corporation
Nonresident corporation
Edgewood Park Baseball Field
Edgewood Park Soccer Field
Chapter 247, Public Pay Phones
[Amended 12-20-2004]
Permit fee per proposed pay telephone (initial application and renewal)
§ 247-8
Change made in location of pay telephone, or removal, per telephone
§ 247-3
Chapter 248, Rental Registry
[Added 6-20-2023 by L.L. No. 8-2023]
Rental registry certificate application
No application fee shall be charged if a complete application is made within 90 days of the effective date of L.L. No. 8-2023.
§ 248-4
$75 (includes Village inspection)
§ 248-5
$150 for each reinspection
Chapter 250, Restaurant Ancillary Entertainment Licensing
[Added 9-2-2008 by L.L. No. 8-2008; amended 12-16-2013]
Annual restaurant ancillary entertainment license
§ 250-4A
Occasional restaurant ancillary entertainment license
§ 250-4A
Chapter 260, Portable Temporary Storage Units
[Added 11-5-2018 by L.L. No. 12-2018]
Application permit
§ 260-2
Application for extension of permit
§ 260-2
Chapter 264, Sales
Going-out-of-business sale
§ 264-4
Chapter 269, Sewers
[Amended 8-7-2017 by L.L. No. 7-2017]
Sewer connection permit
§ 269-5
Single- and two-family residential, per connection
Multifamily residential, commercial or industrial, per connection
Chapter 270, Sidewalk Cafes
[Amended 6-7-2010 by L.L. No. 6-2010]
Annual permit
§ 270-6
Chapter 272, Signs and Billboards
§ 272-4
Real estate signs not exceeding 25 square feet
No charge
First 100 square feet
Over 100 square feet, per square foot
Chapter 275, Solid Waste
[Amended 6-27-2001; 5-28-2003; 4-28-2004; 7-21-2008; 5-3-2010; 4-29-2015]
Private refuse-collection vehicle
§ 275-8E
Replacement license
Use of dumping facilities
§ 275-9K
Minimum charge up to 1,000 pounds
1,000 pounds to 1,999 pounds
2,000 pounds to 2,500 pounds
2,501 pounds to 3,000 pounds
3,001 pounds to 3,500 pounds
3,501 pounds to 4,000 pounds
4,001 pounds to 5,000 pounds
Over 5,000 pounds
Use of dumping facilities - Green Waste
§ 275-9K
Up to 2,000 pounds
2,001 pounds to 4,000 pounds
4,001 pounds to 6,000 pounds
6,001 pounds to 8,000 pounds
8,001 pounds to 10,000 pounds
Each additional ton above 10,000 pounds
Chapter 281, Stormwater Management
[Added 10-5-2016; amended 10-16-2017]
Fees for services
§ 281-26
Review of SWPPPs
Inspection and SMPs by Stormwater Management Officer
$150 base fee up to the first hour and $150 per hour thereafter
Chapter 283, Streets and Sidewalks
[Amended 12-21-1998; 5-28-2003; 11-2-2009 by L.L. No. 13-2009; 4-16-2013; 12-16-2013; 8-7-2017 by L.L. No. 7-2017; 4-11-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
Street opening permit [NOTE: If a community work plan is not on file with the Engineer, then a penalty of two times shall be added to the base permit fee.]
§ 283-3
$750, plus $1 per each additional square foot
$1,500, plus $2 per each additional square foot
Blanket bond
§ 283-7
Inspection fees
§ 283-8
Included within permit fee, except for reinspections
$750, plus $1 per each additional square foot, to cover initial and final inspections
$1,500, plus $2 per each total additional square foot total, for each inspection
Progress inspection, each
$100 for first and $250 for each additional, or actual cost, whichever is greater
Moving of building permit
§ 283-14
Building drain construction permit
§ 283-17
§ 283-21
Initial permit (roll-off box)
Additionally, per day or fraction thereof
Other, (scaffolding, barriers) per foot
Sidewalk construction
First 25 square feet
Each additional 25 square feet
Curb cut
Sidewalk excavation application
Sidewalk repair permit
$5 plus a cash deposit of $2.10 per square foot
Removal of shopping carts
§ 283-34
Transportation and storage charges but not less than $2 per cart
Wireless permit application
Where an application is for wireless telecommunications facilities that will be mounted on existing structures in the rights-of-way
$500 for each application containing up to 5 wireless telecommunicat ions facilities; and $100 for each additional wireless telecommunicat ions facility included in a single application, beyond the first 5
Where an application is for a wireless telecommunications facility that will be mounted on a new structure in the rights-of-way (including a structure that will replace an existing structure)
$1,000 for each structure
Chapter 295, Taxicabs
[Amended 2-1-1999; 5-28-2003; 12-16-2013; 6-3-2019 by L.L. No. 6-2019]
Taxicab operator license (initial and renewal)
§ 295-4
Taxicab license (driver)
§ 295-9
Taxicab license (driver), replacement of lost license
§ 295-9
Taxicab license (vehicle)
§ 295-17
Replacement/transfer car to car
§ 295-17
Transfer of taxicab license
§ 295-17
Reregistration of licensed taxicab
§ 295-17
License of company dispatching
§ 295-20
§ 295-31
Chapter 298, Theaters
[Amended 12-16-2013]
Motion-picture house
§ 298-2
Theatrical performance house
§ 298-2
License to admit children
§ 298-5
Matron, each
§ 298-8
Motion-picture operators
License application
§ 298-10
§ 298-13
License renewal
§ 298-15
Recognition of out-of-town license
§ 298-17
Chapter 301, Towers and Antennas
Satellite antennas and tower permit
§ 313-4A(11)
Chapter 302, Towing and Booting
[Added 12-21-2015]
Application fee
Chapter 313, Valet Parking
[Added 8-20-2018 by L.L. No. 8-2018]
Permit application fee
Annual permit fee/renewal
§ 313-5A and E
$100 for each 20 linear feet of curb space (The permit fee for permits issued in 2018 shall be pro-rated based upon the percentage of the year remaining.)
Use of on-street meter/space
§ 313-5B
$1,500 per year per meter/space (The use of on-street meter or space for permits issued in 2018 shall be pro-rated based upon the percentage of the year remaining.)
Chapter 319, Vehicles and Traffic
[Amended 4-28-1999; 5-3-1999; 5-12-2002; 5-15-2002; 5-28-2003; 4-28-2004; 12-19-2005; 12-1-2008; 5-3-2010; 6-6-2011; 4-29-2013; 12-16-2013; 5-18-2015 by L.L. No. 4-2015; 4-26-2017; 5-21-2018; 8-16-2021]
Removal, impoundment and return of vehicles (no annual fee)
§§  319-26D(4) and 319-55.1
Storage, each day or portion thereof
Administrative fee
Boot application and removal
Towing and storage
$80 towing and $30 storage each day or portion thereof
Parking space obstruction permit (18 feet)
Single: $20
Commuter parking
§ 319-42
§ 319-42
Decal parking
§ 319-45
$620 to $750, 1 year
$310 to $450, 6 months
Don Bosco Place
7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m
7:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m
Parking meter zones
3-hour limit
§§ 319-87A/319-87G
$0.25 for each 12 minutes
4-hour limit
§§ 319-87F
$0.25 for each 12 minutes
7-hour limit
§§ 319-87D
$0.25 for each 12 minutes
12-hour limit
§§ 319-87B
$0.25 for each 12 minutes
Parking lots
3-hour limit
§§ 319-87C/319-87G
$0.25 for each 12 minutes
5-hour limit
§§ 319-87E
$0.25 for each 12 minutes
12-hour limit
§§ 319-87E
$0.25 for each 12 minutes up to a maximum of $8.50
Chapter 332, Waterfront Consistency Review
[Added 4-29-2013 by L.L. No. 8-2013]
Consistency review
§ 332-6
Chapter 345, Zoning
[Amended 5-1-2000; 5-28-2003; 12-4-2006; 8-3-2009; 4-29-2013 by L.L. No. 7-2013; 10-5-2016; 10-16-2017; 11-20-2017; 5-21-2018; 5-20-2020 by L.L. No. 6-2020]
Zoning verification letter
Precategorization/presubmission conference
§ 345-805C(2) and D
$150 per meeting
Request for special meeting or workshop of the Board of Trustees, Planning Commission, or Zoning Board of Appeals
§ 345-805D(3)
$250 per meeting
Building and lot plan application
Site plan application
Residential multifamily component
$50 per dwelling unit
All other uses component
$50 per 1,000 square feet
Engineering review
Range of $150-$500 per hour, as determined by the Planning and Economic Development Zoning Administrator
Development parcel plan application
Development Review Committee
$500 per meeting (for site plans and development parcel plans)
Board of Appeals zoning variance
Area variance (by use) application
Single- and two-family dwellings
$400 per area variance; not to exceed $800
All other uses
$1,000 per area variance; not to exceed $5,000
Use variance (by use) application
Single- and two-family dwellings
All other uses
Zoning Board of Appeals interpretation
$3,000 per request
Zoning text amendment
Zoning Map change
Special exception use application
Child-care facility or child-care in home or family day-care; home professional office
Cemetery/funeral services; veterinary office, clinic, or hospital, or board and care of small animals; brewery, distillery, or winery; outdoor storage; retail sales accessory use to warehousing or other light industrial or light manufacturing
All other special exception uses
Eligible facilities request
Wireless telecommunications facility special exception use renewal
Sale of Zoning Map
Fee in-lieu of parkland for site plan
$2,000 per dwelling unit
Fee in-lieu of parkland for development parcel plan
$2,000 per dwelling unit
Payment in-lieu of parking
§ 345-405N(1)(h)[5]
$30,000 per parking space
Fee in-lieu of usable open space
$2,000 per dwelling unit
Public notice sign rental fee
§ 345-805E(6)
Sign permit
Sign valuation $0-$10,000
Sign valuation $10,001 and up
Development review application that contains a nonconforming use, structure, lot, sign, or security grill
Single- or two-family dwellings
All other uses
Chapter A401, Motel Standards
Motel license
§ A401-18
Chapter A402, Land Subdivision Regulations
[Amended 5-1-2000; 5-28-2003; 8-3-2009; 4-29-2013 by L.L. No. 7-2013; 11-20-2017; 5-20-2020 by L.L. No. 6-2020]
Subdivision preliminary layout application
§ A402-3
2-lot subdivision
3-or-more-lot subdivision
$5,000, plus $500 per lot excluding parent lot
§ A402-7
Lot line adjustment
Editor's Note: The process fee for failure to pay parking fines when due, which immediately followed this entry, was repealed 6-17-2002.
The Board of Trustees, by resolution, may increase or decrease any of the above fees.
All fees set out in § 175-4 shall be annual fees, and the permit or license issued shall be to the individual named and may not be assigned or transferred to any other person or corporation, to the end that any new activity or change of ownership will require a new permit.
Failure to apply, pay for and obtain any permit or license hereunder shall invoke the penalty provided in the Code for failure to obtain such license or permit.