As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes any tower, pole, windmill, antenna or other structure, whether attached to a building, guyed or freestanding, designed to be used for, and/or for the support of any device for the transmission and/or reception of radio frequency signals, including, but not limited to broadcast, shortwave, citizen's band, FM or television, microwave or any wind-driven devices, whether used for energy conversion or creation, or not.
No person shall cause, suffer or permit the erection and/or maintenance of any tower upon any lands owned by them in the Village of Port Chester unless in conformity with the provisions herein set forth.
Editor's Note: Former § 301-7, Size and location, was repealed 2-1-1999 by L.L. No. 4-1999. See Ch. 345, Article XVIII.