[Added 11-9-1998 by L.L. No. 6-1998]
Drop-off facilities are not permitted within the Village without a conditional use permit from the Board of Trustees.
Such drop-off facilities shall not be permitted unless the applicant can assure the Board of Trustees that such facilities will not create an unsafe condition from the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles. In the discretion of the Board of Trustees, any permission given for the installation or maintenance of a drop-off facility may be based upon conditions to help alleviate the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles, and such conditional use permit may be granted for a limited period of time.
Any person obtaining such a permit, may renew such permit upon its proof to the Board of Trustees that such drop-off facility has not created an unsafe condition from the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles. Any such renewal may be subject to such conditions and time periods as the Board of Trustees deems appropriate. In the event that such person does not show to the satisfaction of the Board of Trustees that such drop-off facility will not result in a continued unsafe condition from the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles, or that it will not create such an unsafe condition, shall be denied a renewal of its permit.
[Added 9-13-1999 by L.L. No. 5-1999]
All drop-off facilities in existence on November 9, 1998, for which no conditional use permit has been issued pursuant to this article, must be terminated prior to February 1, 2000.
[Added 9-13-1999 by L.L. No. 5-1999]
When an application is made for a conditional use for a drop-off facility which existed on November 9, 1998, in addition to the concerns set forth in § 176-191 of this article, the Board of Trustees shall also determine whether or not the applicant has had an opportunity to obtain a reasonable return on its investment, and, in making that determination, among such other relevant matters which the Board deems appropriate, shall consider:
The nature of the business of the applicant.
The amount of the applicant's investment in the drop-off facility and in the business in general.
The depreciation taken by the applicant on the drop-off facility and on the other business assets, if any.
The book value of the applicant's drop-off facility and other construction and/or leasehold improvements.
In dollars and cents, how the termination of the use of the drop-off facility will effect that business.
If the applicant is a tenant, the term of the lease and any options, termination rights, or other relevant provisions of the lease.
How the continuance of the drop-off facility will impact upon the public health, safety, and welfare.