Except as provided in §§ 148-13 and 148-14, the stormwater management plan consists of two parts: a map or maps describing the topography of the area, the proposed alteration to the area and the erosion and sedimentation control measures and facilities and the permanent stormwater control measures and facilities; and a narrative report describing the project and giving the purpose and the engineering assumptions and calculations for control measures and facilities. The following elements, where relevant, shall be included in the map and narrative portions of the plan:
A general statement of the project must be included in the narrative, including:
A general description of the project;
A general description of accelerated erosion control;
A general description of sedimentation control;
A general description of stormwater handling, both during and after construction; and
The date that the project is to begin and the expected date that final stabilization will be completed.
The topographic features of the project area must be shown on the map, including:
The location of the project relative to highways, municipalities or other identifiable landmarks.
Contours at an interval prescribed by the Township Engineer (generally two feet for subdivision and land development) that will adequately describe the topography (indicate source of topographic information and date).
Boundary lines of the project area.
Acreage of the project.
Streams, lakes, ponds or other bodies of water within the project area or in the vicinity of the project.
Other physical features, including existing drainage swales and areas of trees and shrubs to be protected during construction.
Proposed location of underground utilities and sewer and/or water lines.
Scale of map and north arrow.
Existing roads and easements.
The types, depth, slope and areal extent of the soils and underlying geology must be shown on the map, including:
The type (may be specified as in a soil survey or by name), depth, slope, texture and structure; and
The areal extent.
The proposed alteration to the area must be shown on the map, including:
Changes to land surface and vegetative cover;
Areas of cuts and fills;
Structures, roads, paved areas and buildings;
Stormwater control facilities; and
Contours of finished area at an interval that will adequately describe the final topography.
The amount of runoff from the project area and the upstream watershed area must be described in the narrative, including:
The method of calculation and figures used; and
The factors considered.
The staging of earthmoving activities must be described in the narrative, including:
Cover removal, including all cuts and fills;
Installation of erosion and sediment control facilities and practices;
Installation of improvements, including streets, storm sewers, underground utilities, sewer and water lines, buildings, driveways, parking areas, recreational facilities, other structures, etc.; and
The program of operations to control erosion and sedimentation and convert to permanent stormwater management facilities, including a chart of the relative time sequence of activities.
Temporary control measures and facilities for use during earthmoving must be shown on the map and described in the narrative, including:
Temporary facilities or other soil stabilization measures to protect existing trees and shrubs from earthmoving activities;
Types, locations and dimensioned details of control measures and facilities;
Design consideration and calculations of control measures and facilities; and
Facilities to prevent tracking of mud by construction vehicles onto existing roadways.
Permanent control and groundwater recharge measures and facilities for site restoration and long-term protection must be shown on the map and described in the narrative, including:
Establishment of permanent vegetation or other soil stabilization measures;
Installation of infiltration facilities, rooftop storage, cisterns, seepage pits, french drains, etc., to serve structures;
Use of semipervious materials for driveways, parking areas, etc.;
Types, locations and dimensioned details of facilities for stormwater detention and storage;
Location of wells and septic tank leach fields;
Design considerations and calculations; and
Conversion of erosion and sediment control facilities to permanent stormwater management facilities.
A maintenance program and ownership descriptions for the control facilities must be described in the narrative, including:
The method of disposal of materials removed from the control facilities or the project area;
The method, frequency of removal and ultimate disposal site for sediment and other materials removed from control facilities must be considered. The facilities must be maintained for their designed operation to ensure adequate performance;
The proposed ownership and financial responsibility for maintenance of the control facilities.