On or before completion of subdivision or land development activities in accordance with the stormwater management plan and permit, the permanent stormwater management system for a tract shall be in place and operation. Temporary sediment-trapping facilities in detention basins, upon inspection and approval by the Township Engineer, shall be converted into permanent stormwater management basins in accordance with the approved plan; additional facilities serving more than an individual lot shall begin operation as specified in the plan. Continued functioning and, as necessary, maintenance of these facilities shall be performed and guaranteed in accordance with § 148-16I of this chapter and Chapter 160, Subdivision and Land Development, Article X, Improvements.
In addition, property which will be subdivided or developed under § 148-12 for commercial, industrial, apartment or residential use involving a homeowners' association shall comply with § 148-22 and § 148-25.
Stormwater management facilities and systems that are located on an individual lot and are the responsibility of that landowner to maintain and assure the performance of, i.e., those obtaining a permit under § 148-13 or § 148-14 of this chapter, shall be maintained and their performance guaranteed in accordance with § 148-15A and § 148-16I of this chapter. Obligations may include the perpetuation of natural drainage and infiltration patterns and/or the maintenance of facilities constructed by the individual lot owner under terms of his building or stormwater permit, e.g., cisterns, downspout connections, seepage pits, etc.
If the Township determines at any time that stipulated permanent stormwater management facilities have been eliminated, altered or improperly maintained, the owner shall be advised of corrective measures required and given a period of time, as set by the Township Engineer, to take necessary action.
Prior to final inspection required as part of any approved subdivision or land development or building permit, the holder shall present an as-built plan of sewage and water supply facilities and stormwater management facilities, showing drainage easements, detention or retention basins, infiltration structures and the size, storage capacity and cross sections of such.
Where the maintenance of stormwater management facilities and systems is the responsibility of an individual lot owner, group of lot owners or homeowners' association, the terms of that maintenance agreement and a description of the facilities and systems on the lot or lots, as called for in § 148-15A of this chapter and § 148-24, shall be recorded with the deed to the property.