At the time of application for subdivision or land development approval, a building permit or a land disturbance permit for any other activity covered by this chapter, the applicant shall agree, in writing, to cover all costs of administration and review and shall deposit with the Township an amount sufficient to cover:
Administrative costs to the Township to process the land disturbance permit.
The cost of review of the plans by the Township Engineer and other consultants.
Standard inspections within Article VI with the exception of those described in § 148-17B(5).
The costs of the Township Solicitor's review of legal agreements where such are required by this chapter.
The exact amount required for deposit on any permit application shall be determined as follows:
Administrative costs shall be fixed fees established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
The Township Engineer shall estimate the costs of each review based upon the hourly fees and established standards adopted by resolution.
The Township Solicitor's reviews shall be estimated on the basis of hourly fees and established standards adopted by resolution.
Excluding fixed administrative costs, the applicant shall only be charged for time actually expended and detailed in bills from the Township Engineer and Solicitor. The balance, if any, of the deposit shall be returned to the applicant at the time of final action by the Board of Supervisors.
If actual time estimates of the Township Engineer and Solicitor will be exceeded, the applicant will be charged only for those additional charges due to actions. The applicant's deposit shall be current prior to preliminary and final approvals.
Costs incurred by the Township in an initial conference with applicants, as called for in Article IV of this chapter, shall not be chargeable to the applicants.
When the stormwater management plan for a building, logging or woodcutting operation, nursery or sod farming operation or agricultural operation has been approved by the Township Engineer, the applicant shall pay a fee to cover inspections by the Township Engineer or his designee. The land disturbance permit will then be issued.
The fees shall be fixed by resolution of the Board of Supervisors to cover these inspections: one at the beginning of land disturbance; one of the work in progress; and a final inspection.
If problems arise requiring more extensive involvement of the Township Engineer, these costs will be assessed the permittee only if the additional costs are due to his actions.
All fees shall be waived for ongoing agricultural activities performed in accordance with an approved soil conservation plan, as well as any Township filings and reviews required to obtain such a plan.
Where proposed land disturbance activities are ancillary to a subdivision or land development, all costs to the applicant and the Township for implementing the stormwater management plan shall be considered the costs of subdivision or land development improvements which must be completed prior to final approval of the plat. The applicant shall furnish a performance guaranty in the form of an escrow agreement or other financial security acceptable to the governing body to guarantee satisfactory completion of these activities in accordance with Section 509 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. § 10509, Regulations. The Township must be an approving authority for the release of funds under such an agreement.
The performance guaranty shall cover 110% of the following costs related to the stormwater management plan:
The full costs of land preparation and installation of erosion and sediment control measures, drainage and stormwater management facilities outlined in the plan, costs being verified by bids from firms experienced in such work.
No work shall begin until the Board of Supervisors shall approve the performance guaranty.
The performance guaranty shall be reviewed annually and whenever it is apparent that expenses will exceed estimates, in order to ensure that funds will be available to cover all costs. When it is apparent that sufficient funds will not be available, the applicant shall make arrangements to ensure that funds will be on deposit before work proceeds on the project.