The purpose of this article is to establish and define the public improvements which will be required by the Township to be constructed or cause to be constructed by the applicant.
All improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications of the Township.
The improvements included in this article are minimum requirements. However, the Board of Commissioners reserves the right, in any case, to increase the same if conditions so warrant.
When changes from the accepted drawings and specifications become necessary during construction, written acceptance by the Township, upon the advice of the Township Engineer, shall be secured before the execution of such change.
Adequate provisions for the satisfactory maintenance of all streets shall be made by dedication to and acceptance for maintenance by the Township or by other acceptable means.
The construction of streets and driveways as shown upon final plans and as contained in contract agreements shall in every respect conform to such requirements as the Township may, by resolution, require for the construction of streets.
All streets shall be graded to:
The grades shown on the street profiles and cross-section plan submitted and approved with the final plan.
The full width of the right-of-way; in wooded areas this may be modified to preserve existing trees.
Along the existing street on which a subdivision or land development abuts (hereinafter called a "boundary street"), improvements shall be made to the street. The improvements to the boundary street shall be determined by the width of the required cartway and built to the specifications established by the Township.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 250, Streets and Sidewalks.
The Township shall erect, at the developer's expense, at every street intersection a street sign or street signs meeting Township approval, having thereon the names of the intersecting streets. At intersections where streets cross, there shall be at least two such street signs; and at the intersections where one street ends or joins with another street, there shall be at least one such street sign.
Street signs are to be erected when the first dwelling on the street is occupied. Temporary street signs may be erected on the approval of the Township, but shall be made permanent before final offer for the dedication of roads is made.
Warning and regulatory signs shall be erected along streets as required by the Board of Commissioners.
Where appropriate, the developer shall install or cause to be installed, at the developer's expense, metal or fiberglass pole streetlights serviced by underground conduit in accordance with a plan to be prepared by the developer's engineer and approved by the Board of Commissioners and by the Philadelphia Electric Company. The equipment of metal or fiberglass poles may be waived in such instances as approved by the Board of Commissioners due to the existence of wooden poles already in place. Provisions shall be made for energizing said lighting after 50% or more of the dwellings in a given subdivision or land development or section of a subdivision or land development have been occupied. The developer shall be responsible for all costs involved in lighting the streets until such time that the streets are accepted or condemned as public streets by the Township.
Monuments shall be placed in each change in direction of street-line boundary; two to be placed at each street intersection and one on each side of any street at angle points and at the beginning and end of curves. Areas to be conveyed for public use shall be fully monumented at their external boundaries.
Monuments shall be placed in the ground after final grading is completed, at a time specified by the Township Engineer.
All monuments may be checked for accuracy by the Township Engineer or their accuracy certified by the owner's engineer or surveyor. Accuracy of monuments shall be within 3/100 of a foot.
Sidewalks shall be constructed as required by § 255-27C. These standards shall apply on all new streets and on existing streets, unless in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners they are unnecessary for public safety and convenience.
All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with § 255-37 of this chapter.
The alignment and gradient of walks shall be coordinated with the grading plan to prevent the passage of concentrated surface water on or across the sidewalk and to prevent the pocketing of surface water by sidewalks.
Curbs shall be provided as required in § 255-27C, unless in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners they are unnecessary.
Curbs, where required, shall be the vertical type and constructed in accordance with Township specifications.
The developer shall construct stormwater drainage facilities, including curbs, catch basins, inlets, storm sewers, culverts, road swales, open channels and other structures in order to prevent erosion, flooding and other hazards to life and property. All such facilities are to be of adequate size and grade to hydraulically accommodate maximum potential volumes of flow; and size, type and installation of all storm drains and sewers shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans. The Township shall have the option of requiring that those areas set aside as retention or catch basins shall be dedicated to the Township.
[Amended 6-11-1990 by Ord. No. 90-27]
The developer shall construct water mains in such a manner as to make adequate water service available to each lot or dwelling unit within the subdivision or land development. A minimum pressure of 20 pounds per square inch shall be provided at each house or other building to be connected to the water supply main. The water supply must comply with the regulations and the standards of the Department of Environmental Resources. Said supply shall be located and constructed so as to eliminate the possibility of flood damage.
The system shall also be designed with adequate capacity and appropriately spaced fire hydrants for fire-fighting purposes pursuant to the specifications of the National Fire Protection Association. Review and approval by the Township Engineer and the Township Fire Marshal shall be required in order to ensure that adequate fire protection is provided. Therefore, any and all subdivision and land development plans submitted to this Township shall indicate, according to scale, the closest existing fire hydrant to the proposed subdivision and land development.
Where water is to be provided by means other than by private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or development, the applicant shall present evidence to the Board of Commissioners that the subdivision or development is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide cooperative association of lot owners or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a certificate of public convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be acceptable evidence.
[Added 10-22-1990 by Ord. No. 90-49]
Where no public water is accessible, water shall be furnished by the developer on an individual lot basis. If wells are installed on each lot and the lot also contains its own sewage disposal facilities, the well shall be of the drilled type, cased and grout-sealed into the bedrock. The well will be required to have a production of not less than six gallons per minute as established by bailor tests and certified by the well driller. Before being placed in consumer use, it shall be disinfected by the use of sodium hypochlorite or other acceptable solutions and a sample bacteriological examination collected by a licensed water analyst.
Wherever practical, sanitary sewers shall be installed and connected to an appropriate public sewer system. Where a sanitary sewer is not yet accessible but is planned for extension to the subdivision within 10 years, the developer shall install sewer lines, including lateral connections, as may be necessary to provide adequate service to each lot when connection with the public sewer system is made. The sewer lines shall be suitably capped at the limits of the subdivision, and the laterals shall be capped at the right-of-way line. The sewer installation shall include construction within rights-of-way or easements to bring the sewer to the future connection with the public sewer system.
A sewer shall be considered to be planned for extension to a given area any time after preliminary engineering and related studies have been completed by the Township and the construction of facilities adequate to serve the area containing the subdivision or land development have been programmed for completion within a reasonable time.
When capped sewers are provided, approved on-site disposal facilities shall also be provided.
All public sanitary sewers shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Township specifications. Such sewers shall be located or constructed so as to eliminate the possibility of flood damage.
No public sewer system or treatment plant shall be constructed until plans and specifications have been submitted to the Department of Environmental Resources and the Township and approved in accordance with existing laws.
[Added 3-10-1986 by Ord. No. 86-09; amended 10-22-1990 by Ord. No. 90-49]
When either public sewer or public water is unavailable, the minimum lot size shall be 43,560 square feet and the minimum width at the building line shall be 120 feet.
When both public sewer and water are unavailable, the minimum lot size shall be 60,000 square feet and the minimum width of the building line shall be 150 feet.
If public facilities are not available, as determined by the Township, the developer shall provide for sewage disposal on an individual lot basis.
On-lot sewage disposal facilities must comply with the provisions of Chapters 71 and 73, Administration of Sewage Facilities Program and Standards for Sewage Disposal Facilities, Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act of January 24, 1966), P.L. 1535, No. 537, as amended (35 P.S. § 750.1). Prior to the granting of final approval by the Township, the proposed facilities shall be deemed satisfactory by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, and a notation to this effect shall be placed on the record plan. [See § 255-23B(2)(c).]
The construction of on-lot systems shall be inspected by the Township Engineer and/or a registered Sewage Enforcement Officer, as follows:
Upon completion of the excavation.
Upon installation of the major equipment, such as septic tanks, distribution boxes and drain tiles, before any backfilling.
All electric-, telephone- and communication-service facilities, both main and service lines, shall be provided by underground cables installed in accordance with the prevailing standards and practices of the utility and other companies providing such services. Such facilities shall be located or constructed so as to eliminate the possibility of flood damage.
Where practicable, all utilities shall be located within the street right-of-way; otherwise, easements or rights-of-way of sufficient width for installation and maintenance shall be provided.
Final plans shall show locations of all utilities and shall be coordinated with required street tree planting.
Grading shall conform in all respects to the final plan.
Street trees and other required planting shall be in accordance with §§ 255-29B, 255-38 and 255-42.
Street trees and other required plant material shall not be planted until the finished grading of the subdivision or land development has been completed.
The developer shall replace, in accordance with landscaping plans, any plantings that die or, in the opinion of the landscape architect, are in an unhealthy or unsightly condition and/or have lost their natural shape due to dead branches, excessive pruning, inadequate or improper maintenance or any other causes due to the developer's negligence, prior to an offer of dedication. The developer shall not be held responsible for acts of vandalism occurring after the commencement of the guaranty period.
Additional community facilities, as set forth in § 255-26, may be required to serve the proposed lots or dwellings in a subdivision or land development. Where a proposed park, playground or other public facility shown in the Comprehensive Plan is located in whole or in part in a subdivision or land development or when additional facilities are made necessary by the development, the dedication or reservation of such areas or financial contribution for the construction of such facilities may be required by the Township in those cases in which it deems such requirements to be reasonable.
Preliminary inspection.
Prior to commencing construction, the applicant shall notify the Township Engineer of the proposed construction schedule. Pursuant to notification by the applicant, the Township Engineer shall inspect required improvements during the initial construction phase and on a periodic basis thereafter, as may be required to ensure proper adherence to this chapter. The Township Engineer shall notify the applicant, in writing, of those items of construction, material and workmanship which do not comply with Township specifications or the approved final plan.
The applicant, upon notification from the Township Engineer, shall proceed, at his own cost, to make such corrections as shall be required to comply with the Township specifications and approved final plans and shall notify the Township Engineer upon completion requesting final inspection.
Final inspection. The Township Engineer shall make a final inspection, with the applicant, of all required improvements.
As-built plan. An as-built plan prepared and certified by a land surveyor registered in the State of Pennsylvania shall be submitted to the Township Engineer for review and approval. This plan shall accurately indicate the location of all improvements, both public and private, on the site and whatever other information the Township Engineer or Director of Public Works feels necessary.[1]
[Added 2-13-1995 by Ord. No. 95-02]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, Maintenance inspection of private stormwater management systems, added 2-26-1996 by Ord. No. 96-08, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 5-9-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-11.
The Board of Commissioners shall notify the applicant of acceptance of the required improvements, if satisfied that the applicant has complied with all specifications and ordinances of the Township.
The applicant shall furnish the Township with two paper prints of the completed required improvements, including drainage, profiles and utilities, and pay all costs for the Clerk of the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas on the petition and resolution of the Board of Commissioners to said Court for its approval of the acceptance of the required improvements.
No streets or other improvements will be accepted by the Township if such improvements were constructed during the period from October 15 to April 15 of each year, unless otherwise recommended by the Township Engineer.