[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Sands Point 1-21-1985 by L.L. No. 1-1985; amended in its entirety 7-23-2024 by L.L. No. 11-2024. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Main Artery Maintenance Area
Any real property in the Village that abuts Middle Neck Road.
Any individual, partnership, company, corporation, association, firm, organization, administration, department, institutional organization, or any other group of individuals or any person or employee thereof that owns, occupies, manages, or controls real property in the Village.
The Incorporated Village of Sands Point.
Village Board
The Board of Trustees of the Village.
If any Owner of real property located within the Village is required by ordinance or general, special, or local law to make any improvement or repair, perform any work, or do any act on such property or on driveway aprons, paths, or public or private thoroughfares in front of or abutting upon such property or property between the property line and the gutter in the interest of the public safety, health, comfort, and general welfare and such Owner shall fail to make the improvement or to perform the work or act required, the Village Board shall cause such improvement or repair, work, or act to be done on such property or on driveway aprons, paths, or public or private thoroughfares abutting upon such property or on property between the property line and the gutter or a contract shall be awarded therefor by the Village Board, and the cost of such improvement or repair, work, or act may be levied and collected as provided herein.
If, because of circumstances arising out of a fire, flood, storm, or other disaster, and in order to protect life or property, the Village Board causes emergency action to be taken on the property of an Owner, the cost of such improvement, repair, work, or act may be assessed, levied, and collected as provided herein.
Upon completion of the improvement or repair, work, or act, the Village Board shall serve a notice of at least 10 days upon the Owner of the property affected or improved, stating that such expenditure has been made, its purpose and amount, and that at a specified time and place the Village Board will meet to make an assessment of the expenditure upon the real property so improved.
Such notice shall be in writing and served personally on such Owner by certified mail or by nationally recognized courier that can provide proof of delivery.
The Village Board shall meet at the time and place specified in the notice and shall hear and determine all objections that shall be made to such assessment, including the amount thereof, and shall assess upon the real property the amount which it may deem just and reasonable, not exceeding, in case of default, the amount stated in the notice.
If the amount so assessed is not paid within 15 days after such assessment, an action to recover the amount due may be maintained by the Village, or a special warrant may be issued by the Village Board for collection of such assessment, or the amount thereof may be included in the next annual tax levy.
No action or proceeding to review an assessment made hereunder may be maintained against the Village, its officers, or employees more than 15 days after such assessment is made.
Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the financing of unpaid assessments pursuant to the Local Finance Law.
Purpose and application. The purpose of the Main Artery Maintenance Area is to protect the unique character and nature of the Village as seen when entering, exiting, and traveling through the Village. Properties in the Main Artery Maintenance Area abut major thoroughfares that provide ingress and egress to the Village, and the proper maintenance of such properties is important to the scenic and aesthetic values of the Village.
Main Artery Maintenance Area Regulations. Every Owner in the Main Artery Maintenance Area shall keep their property well-maintained in a clean, safe, and sanitary condition from the asphalt to four feet from the asphalt, and shall be free from weeds in excess of 10 inches. Noxious weeds shall be prohibited. When any tree is removed within the Village's right-of-way of any public or private street or road in the Main Artery Maintenance Area, tree stumps shall be ground down to six inches below ground level and covered flush with the surface.
Penalties for offenses.
Where there is a violation of § 122-9B, the Village shall be authorized to issue an appearance ticket to an Owner that shall be returnable in Village Justice Court. Any Owner violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine not less than $250 and no more than $1,000 for each violation regardless of any convictions for prior violations. If the violation is of a continuing nature, each day during which any of these offenses occurs shall constitute an additional, separate, and distinct offense.
In addition to the issuance of an appearance ticket returnable in Village Justice Court, the Village may cause a separate notice of violation to be issued to an Owner. Said notice shall be in writing and served personally or by certified mail or by nationally recognized courier that can provide proof of delivery. The notice shall:
Inform the Owner that there is a violation of § 122-9B.
Specify the reason for the violation.
Inform the Owner that should they disagree with the conclusion of the Village as to the violation, they shall have seven days from receipt of the notice to request a hearing on the matter before the Village Board.
Inform the Owner that if they fail to cure the violation within seven days of the receipt of the notice, or if the Owner fails to request a hearing before the Village Board on the matter within seven days of receipt of the notice, the Village may perform the work required to cure the violation. The curing of the violation shall be the sole expense of the Owner.
The issuance of the notice to perform corrective work shall be an additional remedy available to the Village, and shall not preclude the prosecution of the appearance ticket in Village Justice Court.
When the Village cures the Violation, as set forth in § 122-9B of this chapter, the costs attendant to such curing shall be assessed against the property involved. These costs shall constitute a lien and charge against the property and shall be collected by the Village in the manner provided by law for the collection of delinquent taxes.