On any corner lot, no wall or fence shall be erected or altered and no hedge, tree, shrub or other growth shall be maintained which may cause danger to traffic on a street by obscuring the view.
No building shall exceed 50 feet in height.
No lot shall be so reduced in area by sale, subdivision or the erection thereon of additional buildings so that the area of any yard or open spaces will be less than is provided in this chapter.
When and if a house trailer, occupied or unoccupied, is allowed to stand within a block 14 days, it shall be deemed a single-family detached dwelling for the purposes of this chapter, and a proper permit shall be obtained or the house trailer shall be removed from the block.
Parochial schools and educational institutions chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York or approved by or under the supervision of the State Department of Education, notwithstanding any contrary provisions of this chapter, shall be subject to the following additional restrictions:
For schools and educational institutions, the minimum lot area shall be 10 acres; for each 10 students or fraction thereof over 25 students, the minimum lot area shall be increased by one acre.
Building area. All buildings, including accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 10% of the area of the lot.
Height. The height of any principal building shall not exceed 25 feet; the height of any accessory building shall not exceed 20 feet, except that an accessory building may be 25 feet in height, provided that it shall be a distance of at least 100 feet from the main building.
Yards. Each lot shall have front, side and rear yards of not less than the depth and width following;
Front yard depth: 150 feet.
Side yard width, each: 75 feet.
Rear yard depth: 75 feet.
Parking area. Off-street parking on the lot shall be provided in a paved area equal in area to 150 square feet for each student and faculty member in the case of schools and institutions of learning. Such parking area shall not be permitted in the front yard but may extend into the rear and side yards, but shall be distant not less than 50 feet from any lot or street line.
Screens. Where a parking, play or recreational area is within 150 feet of a property line, a screen of evergreen trees four feet in height and 10 feet in width, or shrubbery giving similar effect, as shall be approved by the Board of Appeals, parallel to the property line shall be installed and maintained.
Plan. The plot plan required to be submitted with the application for a building permit, certificate of occupancy or for a permit by the Board of Appeals shall, in addition, show the requirements set forth herein, together with the estimated cost of the improvement.
If the improvements as provided in this section have not been completed prior to the application for a certificate of occupancy or prior to the time fixed by the Board of Appeals to complete the improvement, a penal bond in such amount as shall be approved by the Village Board to ensure the completion of such improvements within one year may be accepted by the Village Clerk.
[Amended 12-18-2023 by L.L. No. 16-2023]
Whenever or wherever any premises shall be located in a residence district and said premises shall thereafter be included within a new residence district requiring a minimum area of two acres per plot for each family, notwithstanding the provisions thereof, parochial schools and educational institutions chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York or approved by or under the supervision of the State Department of Education shall be subject to the restrictions provided in this section and authorized by the Board of Appeals.
Notwithstanding any provisions of this chapter to the contrary, in any district, no distance shall be required between a swimming pool and a main dwelling.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 149, Swimming Pools.
No person, firm or corporation shall hereafter allow, provide for, install or permit any form of utility service line, including but not limited to telephone, electric and cable television, to be strung, run or installed above ground over and on all private property and public highways in hereinafter-approved subdivisions or to existing structures undergoing substantial alterations as determined by the Building Inspector.
All construction for the disposal of sewage and other putrescible organic wastes shall, in addition to any requirements of any law, ordinance or rule of the Village of Sands Point or the State of New York, be in accordance with standard engineering practices. As a minimum, the regulations and specifications of the Nassau County Department of Health and the New York State Department of Health shall be deemed compliance with this section.
No construction for the disposal of sewage and other putrescible organic wastes shall be backfilled without first having been inspected and approved by the Village or by the Nassau County Department of Health, whichever agency shall have jurisdiction of such construction.
No building hereafter occupied or used for living quarters shall be so occupied or used nor shall any certificate of occupancy be issued unless there shall be filed with the Village Clerk a certificate of approval that the construction and facilities available for the disposal of sewage or other putrescible organic wastes are and have been installed in accordance with the sewage disposal permit.
In any district, no well shall be located within 15 feet of any boundary line nor within 25 feet of any highway. Pump houses and any equipment above ground used in connection with a well shall be located in the rear yard and at least 15 feet distant from any boundary line.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 172, Wells.
[Amended 12-18-2023 by L.L. No. 16-2023]
In any district, no dwelling shall be erected having a First Floor elevation less than 1 1/2 feet above the highest level of the groundwater table for the location of such dwelling or dwellings as determined from the records of the Nassau County Department of Public Works or as may be determined by other means subject to approval of the Village Engineer. All Exterior Walls of any such dwelling below the elevation of 13 feet above Mean Sea Level on any building plot, the grade of which is not wholly above the elevation of 13 feet above Mean Sea Level, shall be of monolithic construction without openings, and all such walls and floors below the elevation of 13 feet shall be properly waterproofed with a waterproofing material approved by the Building Inspector.
In any district, no building permit shall be issued for construction on land which has been filled until settlement as required in § 84-8 of Chapter 84, Filling and Grading, has been complied with.
Editor's Note: Former § 176-45, Drainage, as amended, was repealed 8-27-2024 by L.L. No. 14-2024.
Any structure requiring footing(s) shall have the subgrade approved by the Building Inspector before constructing the footing. It shall be the obligation of the applicant for the permit or his agent to advise the Building Inspector and request the inspection.
After completion of the foundation, a survey showing the foundation shall be filed with the Village and approval of the foundation by the Building Inspector shall be required before proceeding with further construction.
Any nonconforming use existing at the effective date of this chapter may be continued and any existing building designed, arranged, intended or devoted to a nonconforming use may be reconstructed and structurally altered and the nonconforming use therein changed, subject to the following regulations:
The cost of structural alterations made in such building shall in no case exceed 50% of its structural value, nor shall the size of structural alterations equal or exceed 50% of the square footage of the living space in the original permitted structure, nor shall the building be enlarged unless the use therein is changed to a conforming use.
[Amended 12-23-1986 by L.L. No. 9-1986; 12-18-2023 by L.L. No. 16-2023]
No nonconforming use shall be extended at the expense of a conforming use.
No nonconforming use, if once changed to a use permitted in the district in which it is located, shall be changed back to a nonconforming use.
No nonconforming use which shall have ceased for a period exceeding 12 months shall be resumed nor shall it be replaced by another nonconforming use.
Whenever a district shall hereafter be changed, any then-existing nonconforming use therein may be continued or changed to a use of a similar or higher classification, provided that all other regulations governing the new use are complied with.
Whenever a district shall be changed, such change shall not affect any lots of less than two acres laid out on a map or plat which prior to the date of the publication of the notice of hearing on an ordinance to change the district has been approved by the Planning Board and filed in the office of the County Clerk as provided by law or any lots laid out on a map or plat which prior to the effective date of the change in district has been filed in the office of the County Clerk. Such lots shall be deemed nonconforming and the regulations applicable at the time of such change in districts shall continue to apply to such lots of less than two acres in area, except as such regulations may hereafter be amended, in which case such regulations as amended shall apply.
Whenever a district shall be changed to provide for a lesser density, any parcel of land which is held in a separate and single ownership prior to said change in district, containing an area less than required in said district, shall be deemed to be a nonconforming use.
Any parcel of land for which a use permit has been granted by the Board of Appeals or for which an application has been filed with the Board of Appeals for a use permit and said parcel of land shall thereafter be included in a district of lesser density and said parcel shall contain an area less than required in said district, then such parcel of land shall be deemed to be a nonconforming use, provided that, in the case where an application is pending before the Board of Appeals before the effective date of the change in district, the Board of Appeals shall thereafter grant said application.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Section 803, Subsection 9, added 10-23-1986 by L.L. No. 10-1986 and amended 12-21-1987 by L.L. No. 7-1987, which required that alterations of existing structures or new structures conform to Residence A District regulations, was deleted 8-21-1989 by L.L. No. 3-1989.
Editor's Note: Former § 176-48.1, Signs, as amended, was repealed 10-25-2022 by L.L. No. 20-2022. See now Ch. 131, Signs.