[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Saugerties 4-1-1990. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Village-owned vehicles — See Ch. 38.
Smoking is prohibited through the facilities except in designated areas identified by "Smoking Permitted" signs.
Smoking is prohibited in any indoor enclosed work area occupied by more than one person, unless all employees in such area agree to allow smoking. The rights of a nonsmoker to a smoke-free area shall prevail.
Smoking is also prohibited in all rest rooms, elevators, hallways, auditoriums, gymnasiums and areas containing office equipment used in common.
Smoking is also prohibited in conference or meeting rooms and municipal vehicles used by more than one person unless all occupants agree to allow smoking.
An enclosed smoking room may be used if space is available, if the designated area is not open to the public and the smoking area shall be separated from a smoke-free work area by walls or some other means, equally effective in reducing the effects of smoke on the smoke-free area other than a ventilation system or air-cleaning devices.
Conflicts should be brought to the attention of the appropriate supervisory personnel. Employees may also file a formal complaint with the Commissioner of Buildings. The agent will only be responsible for informing people that smoking in an area in which smoking is not permitted is in violation of the law.
Employees found smoking outside of designated smoking areas will be considered in violation of this chapter and Article 13-E, § 1399-n et seq. of the Public Health Law of New York.
Copies of this chapter will be posted and distributed to all employees and to all prospective employees upon request.
This policy may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Village of Saugerties Board of Trustees. All amendments shall be in conformance with New York State Law, and employees will be notified accordingly.