A detailed site plan shall include all elements listed herein, except that the Planning Board may waive such elements as it deems to be not pertinent or necessary for the proposed development:
Legal data.
Section, block and lot numbers of the property taken from the latest tax records.
Name and address of the applicant and of the architect, engineer, landscape architect and/or surveyor preparing the site development plan.
Title of the development, date and date of revision, if any.
North arrow, scale and location map drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 1,000 feet.
Survey map defining precisely the boundaries of the property.
The locations, names and existing widths of adjacent streets, including curblines.
The location and owners of all adjoining lands as shown on the latest tax records.
Copies of all existing and proposed deed restrictions or covenants applying to the property, including covenants and agreements restricting the use and establishing future ownership and maintenance responsibilities for all private roads, recreation and open space areas.
Existing zoning; Business NS District, Business GB District, etc.
Any other legal agreements, documents or information required by the Planning Board.
Natural features.
Topographic data at a maximum contour interval of two feet, showing existing and proposed contours.
Designation of specific soil types.
The location of all existing watercourses, intermittent streams, wetlands areas and springs, consistent with the definitions set forth in Chapter 167, Wetlands and Watercourse Protection, of the Code of the Town of Somers.
[Amended 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
Approximate boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or stormwater overflows, including flood hazard areas as established by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
[Amended 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
Rock outcroppings and areas of steep slope, consistent with the definitions set forth in Chapter 148, Steep Slopes Protection, of the Code of the Town of Somers.
[Added 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
The location and general characteristics of the different areas of vegetation including the identification of all individual trees with a diameter of eight inches or greater, measured at a height four and one-half (4 1/2) feet from the ground, as well as stands of trees and wooded areas, within areas of proposed disturbance.
[Added 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
Archaeologically sensitive lands.
[Added 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
Historically sensitive areas.
[Added 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
[Added 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
Existing structures and utilities.
Location of all structures on the premises and approximate location of all neighboring structures within 100 feet of the lot line.
Location of all existing public and private roads, paved areas and sidewalks.
Locations, dimensions, grades and flow direction of existing sewers, culverts, waterlines as well as other underground utilities within and adjacent to the property.
Other existing improvements, including fences, landscaping and screening.
Proposed development.
The location and dimension (length, width, ground floor elevation and height) of proposed structures with a detailed breakdown of all proposed floor space by type of use and floor level.
The location, width and finished pavement grades of the proposed public and private roads, sidewalks and steps, including profiles.
The location, layout, finished pavement grades, surface treatment and curbing proposed for parking and loading areas, including ingress and egress drives.
The location, size and proposed screening of outdoor storage areas.
The location and size of all proposed water supply, sanitary sewerage, storm drainage, valves and hydrants and other utility facilities, including connections to any existing facilities, including profiles.
Landscaping plan to clearly identify all existing areas of vegetation that are to be retained and all areas that are to be revegetated or replanted. The plan shall:
[Amended 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
Include type, size, location and quantities of new materials to be used, including both common and botanical names.
Provide a landscaped strip 25 feet in width along all property lines that abut land in a residence district or that are across a street from land in a residence district except for approved entrances and exits.
Provide a landscaped strip 15 feet in width along all property lines that abut land in a nonresidence district or that are across a street from land in a nonresidence district.
Demonstrate compliance with the requirements set forth in § 170-34 of Chapter 170 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Somers for landscaped strips and shrubbery screens for off-street parking areas. Where those requirements may conflict with those set forth herein, the more restrictive standard shall apply.
Provide for the planting of street trees, as described in § 150-22D(3) of Chapter 150, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of the Town of Somers, along street lines and access roads.
Proposed type, location, design, shielding and hours of operation of exterior lighting; proposed location, type, size, wording, design, color and illumination of all signs.
Calculation of expected storm drain loads to be accommodated by the proposed drainage system.
Estimate of earthwork, showing the quantity of any material to be imported to and/or removed from the site.
Description of measures planned to assure proper erosion and sedimentation control during construction.
A statement from the applicant's engineer indicating the estimated cost of constructing all new roads and sidewalks and of the water supply, sanitary sewage and storm drainage systems.
Tree protection measures to preserve and protect existing trees shall be specified. These measures shall comply with the following standards:
[Amended 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
Trees to be preserved in proximity to disturbance areas shall be marked conspicuously on all sides. In cases where large areas of trees are to be preserved, conspicuous marking of the area shall be required.
In areas of concentrated construction or similar activity, trees to be preserved shall be fenced at the drip line.
No construction equipment shall be parked and no earth or construction materials shall be stockpiled or stored under the canopy of trees to be preserved.
Excavation greater than six inches in depth shall be prohibited within the drip line of a tree, except for the digging necessary for placement of landscape vegetation where the original grade is to be restored.
Earth fills or fills of other material greater than two inches in depth shall be prohibited within the drip line of a tree unless measures, consistent with accepted practices, are taken to provide adequate aeration and water to the root structure.
Hours of construction activity shall be specified on the site plan. No construction activity, the sound or noise from which is audible beyond the boundaries of the property on which such construction activity is located, shall start before 7:00 a.m. or extend beyond 6:00 p.m. No construction activity shall be allowed on Sundays or legal New York State holidays.
[Amended 7-12-2001 by L.L. No. 9-2001]
Upon completion of construction, four prints of an as-built plan shall be submitted to the Planning Board showing building outlines, first-floor elevations, parking areas, drainage, rim and invert elevations, pipe sizes, sewer, water, underground utilities and finished grades of all roads within the site. When required by the Planning Board, the as-built plan shall show the landscaping on the site, differentiating between that landscaping which was preserved and that landscaping which was newly planted.
[Added 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
Open Space Committee review and recommendations. Each site plan shall be submitted by the Planning Board to the Open Space Committee for its review and recommendations concerning the environmental aspects of such plan. The Open Space Committee shall have 30 days from the date of transmittal to respond. Failure of the Open Space Committee to act within the allotted time shall not prejudice the application.
[Amended 9-10-1992 by L.L. No. 13-1992; 5-17-2012 by L.L. No. 3-2012]
[2]Provide a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SPPP) consistent with the requirements as indicated in Chapter 93, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control, of the Code of the Town of Somers. The SPPP shall meet the performance and design criteria and standards as indicated in §§ 93-6 and 93-6A of the Code of the Town of Somers.
[Added 9-11-2008 by L.L. No. 8-2008]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, and former Subsection G which immediately followed, were repealed 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996.
Editor's Note: Local Law No. 1-1996, adopted 1-18-1996, provided for the repeal of former § 144-7, Referral to other agencies, and the renumbering of former § 144-9 as § 144-7.
[Added 1-18-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996[1]]
In acting on site plan applications, the Planning Board shall take into consideration the objectives of this chapter; the objectives, policies and recommendations of the Town of Somers Town Comprehensive Master Plan; the health, safety and welfare of the public in general and of the residents, employees, visitors or guests of the proposed development; the protection of environmentally sensitive lands; and the aesthetic impact on the neighborhood. The Planning Board may require such modifications, conditions and safeguards so as to bring the proposed development into compliance with the intent of these regulations. The Planning Board shall specifically take into account the following:
The proposed number, size, location, height, bulk, use, appearance and architectural features of all structures and facilities.
The overall building and site design shall enhance and protect the character and property values in the surrounding neighborhood.
Development shall be compatible with the architectural style and visual composition of the hamlet area in which it is located.
Development shall have a harmonious relationship with the natural terrain, physical characteristics and vegetation on the site and on adjacent properties.
The safety, capacity, appearance and convenience of vehicular and pedestrian trafficways, parking and loading areas, access drives and areas related thereto.
All off-street parking and loading facilities shall meet the requirements of Article X of Chapter 170, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Somers.
Adequate fire lanes and emergency zones shall be provided along with suitable legal agreements for enforcement.
The direction of traffic movements may be defined and restricted, with appropriate signage, based upon consideration of site characteristics and site access.
The Planning Board may require proposed structures to be set back 45 feet from the center line of access drives located completely within a development site.
Interconnection of parking lots via access drives within and between lots shall be identified and required in order to provide maximum traffic efficiency, to restrict to a minimum the number of curb cuts on public streets, to enhance the development of the hamlet and to establish the safest and most convenient traffic circulation patterns.
Pedestrian and bicycle movement within the site, between the development area and the public right-of-way, and between the site and adjacent sites, shall be evaluated; sidewalks and bicycle paths shall be provided as determined necessary to ensure safe, efficient and appropriate passages.
The protection of environmental quality.
Buffer areas, plantings, open spaces, walls and/or fences shall be provided as determined appropriate by the Planning Board and in accordance with other requirements of the Code of the Town of Somers so as to ensure harmony with adjacent development and land, to screen parking areas and to conceal storage and utility areas.
Adequate storm and surface water drainage facilities shall be provided so as to properly drain the site, detain stormwater as necessary, minimize downstream flooding and address non-point pollution.
Exterior lighting and accessory facilities (e.g., air-conditioning systems) shall not create a nuisance for surrounding properties or the public in general.
Solar access shall be considered, including orientation of proposed buildings to sun angles, shading and windscreen potential of vegetation, and relationship to solar access for adjacent uses and properties.
Hours of operation shall be considered in the context of nearby existing and permitted uses, existing traffic conditions and characteristics of the proposed use while in operation. Hours of operation may be restricted for the purpose of preventing nuisances.
Outdoor storage or display of articles, materials or equipment shall be identified and considered in the context of the proposed use and nearby existing and permitted uses. The Planning Board may find as part of site plan approval that certain outdoor displays do not require any screening and may be conducted as part of the permitted use.
Consideration shall be given to alternative designs and methods of preservation that limit disturbance or destruction of existing trees or vegetation. Factors to be considered include:
The physical condition (species, size and health) of the trees and vegetation on the site to be developed.
The effect of proposed site disturbance on existing trees and vegetation including effects on ecological systems, erosion and sedimentation potential and surrounding vegetation and habitat.
The effect of disturbance or removal of existing vegetation on historical context and scenic resources.
The impact of utility placements on the health, symmetry and appearance of trees, vegetation and wooded areas.
Editor's Note: This local law also provided for the repeal of former § 144-8, Planning Board action.