[Adopted 3-1-1973 as Art. XXVII of Sub-Part C of Part I of the 1973 Code]
Except as provided in § 1809 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law and § 60.35 of the New York State Penal Law, whenever proceedings in an administrative tribunal or a court of this state results in a conviction for a violation of a local law, resolution, City Charter provision, and/or code of ordinances provision of the City of Troy, New York, there shall be a mandatory surcharge, in addition to any sentence required or permitted by law, the defray the costs of administration, as follows:
Up to $5
Greater than $5 up to and including $15
Greater than $15 up to an including $25
Greater than $25 up to and including $50
Greater than $50 up to and including $100
Greater than $100